Sunday 1 January 2017

A Fresh Start for Almost Everyone

So, what New Year's Resolutions are our favourite SUPERHEROES making this year?

And Cap resolves to FINALLY pop his cherry!

Of course, January 1st is NOT a Fresh Start for Super VILLAINS because they NEVER make New Year's Resolutions in the first place. Right, Loki?

Care to share what YOUR New Year's Resolutions are? Hmmm?


  1. I make no resolutions because I am perfect already!

  2. where do we stand in line to pop Captain's cherry?
    Happy New Year, Debs!

  3. Haha! No resolutions for me. I don't like to set myself up for failure.

  4. To make it through the year without killing someone or myself.

  5. Haha!! The 100 year old virgin will pop his cherry!!! That killed me!!
    Happy New year!! Have a blessed 2017!!!

  6. Mine is to be happy. That's all.

  7. My 2017 New Years Resolution is simply to listen, understand and love. Love, love, love.
    Happy New Year!

  8. I gave up making resolutions a very long time ago. I just carry on carrying on! :) Welcome 2017!

  9. Happy New Year you nut! I love the super hero memes. Always funny especially Capt. America aka Mr. All American Virgin. ahahahaaa!

  10. Talia al Ghul, Catwoman,or Robin?

  11. HAHAHA! These are so funny. The Barbie one...bahahaha! Happy New Year, Debra! No resolutions on my end. That way I won't break any. I'm just going to live one day at a time.

  12. I gave up making them long ago..Happy NY

  13. Yeah, stop picking on Aquaman! Dang you superman leave my boy alone! Happy New Year to my north!

  14. No resolutions here, but I will make an effort to get rid of the bit of weight gained over Christmas.

  15. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah! Revolution Resolution Revolt Resist READ! Looking For My Che t- shirt! Huge hugs! 😘

  16. And I know just the guy to help out Captain America!!!!!!!! Happy New Year DebsπŸŽ†πŸŽ‰✨πŸŽˆπŸŽ‡

  17. Happy New Year!!! Mine, to be the best version of me and to kick ass! Big Hugs Debra! Thanks for being you! Wishing you and your loved ones many blessings!

  18. You shared superheroes' resolutions but not yours. What achievements have you set for yourself?

  19. @ The Captain -- You're too observant, LOL! I don't make New Year's resolutions, as a general rule. Why tamper with perfection is my attitude.

  20. all of these and LOVE your answer to The Captain best of all...
    no rules to break for me...but I did choose POSITIVE for my 2017 word...

  21. I generally don't make any resolutions....but I could comment that I "just want to make it to next year!"LOL LOL LOL

  22. None for me either, but I enjoyed these.

  23. I haven't made New Year's resolutions in a very long time. But I've claimed a word for this year: Jollification. Doesn't it sound extremely delicious?

  24. I don't know about resolutions but I do have goals...

    Happy 2017!

  25. I just made a post about my resolutions. Hawkeye seriously needs to work on that copyright situation. I keep forgetting that Arrow isn't his solo show. Unless it is. It's all so terribly confusing.

  26. I've long since given up that 'lose weight and exercise more' nonsense. Now my resolutions are zeroing in on revolution. Time to get the Lesbian Avengers back in business...

  27. I don't really make resolutions, but secretly plan to be a thinner, healthier aunt by the time my niece gets married in March. Starting tomorrow. :)

  28. Hard to believe a year has gone by since the last time I didn't make any resolutions. HNY!

  29. Hubba hubba, that virgin can take me anytime (onto the dance floor - of course, that's all I'm referring to.) Smiles.

  30. Ha ha ... I like that plan for retirement.

  31. I don't plan on dinner how could I plan on retirement..

  32. On the stroke of midnight I made a resolution to worry less. An hour later I couldn't sleep because the cat was outside. Can't understand it. My resolutions usually always last until dinner time.

  33. Got a real simple resolution: publish a story. Easiest one for me to accomplish.

  34. Generous to a fault , I made a resolution for us all . We're all going to nicer to one another this year . But no group hugs , O.K.?

  35. I wish you a beautiful and magical year 2017, dear Debra!!!

  36. I plan to enjoy life as much as I can.

  37. Never make any myself!! But LOVE these ones!

  38. Well, friend, if ever you are in my neighborhood, I promise to make you an apple pie and have cheese to melt on I've made my silly self hungry for it. ha

  39. Hey Debra,

    How's it goin', eh?

    My resolution is I'm going to start a "fucket" list. First thing on my list is to totally ignore those who would try to sabotage my right to a peaceful, positive life.

    Nice post, eh. Have an awesome 2017, Debra.


  40. These resolutions are funny! I'm resolving to just let it all go! Happy New Year, my friend!

  41. Fun post here! My resolution is to finally delve into all the creative chaos that stirs me... Oh it's going to be a very good year!
    HEALTH AND PROSPERITY...2017! Aloha!

  42. I don't actually create resolutions but generally, I use the first of the year to commit to cleaning up anything that needs cleaned diet, my closets, my attitude...whatever.


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