Wednesday 4 January 2017

O Canada! Blogathon 2017

Hey, everyone! Are you a fan of Canada’s many contributions to TV and movies pop culture? Here's your chance to geek out on Canadiana! And you don't even have to be a Canuck to participate!

The O Canada! Blogathon 2017 runs from February 3-5, 2017. It will look at the way Canadian people, subjects and settings have shaped cinema and TV. You can expound on any Canadian film, TV series or production that has subject-matter relating to Canada, anything prominently set or shot in Canada, or adapted from a Canadian writer. Or you can talk about your favourite Canadian actor, director or other pop culture star of the past or present.

Contributions can take any form and be via blog, YouTube channel, podcast, tumblr or whatever. If you're interested, sign up for the blogathon over at Kristina's blog, Speakeasy. All the rules of the blogathon are there too. I've already put down my name! My blog post will discuss My Winnipeg, director Guy Maddin's love/hate art film about his home city and my old stomping grounds.

My only problem was narrowing down the potential topics to just one, LOL! I could yap on this topic forever!


  1. Few relatives of mine live in Canada but we are not in touch for long time .
    all i knew through them long ago that Canada is small and cold country very cold actually . and now when my son says to move there it gives me shrink with cold .
    After reading your post one thing i realized that i need to google about Canada ,it's culture and stars before commenting so let me do this first friend !
    Have Safe ,Healthy and a Happy new year !

  2. I just change my movie to 1972's Pyx With Karen Black, And it takes place in Montreal. Just was not feeling Captian America.

  3. You know, I'm rather Canada-ignorant. Yes, it's a real embarrassment. So, I shall join in, too!

  4. Shat-tastic! I once met him in Milton Keynes.

  5. How fun! I could not live without movies and tv shows for that occasional escape from reality.

  6. Just like the Australian, European, Irish, Welsh and Scottish ones, Canadian stars are usually billion times more talented than the American ones and are also usually hot as hell!
    Ryan Me Some Reynolds, Jean Luc Me Some Bilodeau, Scott Me Some Speedman... to name a few

  7. You know, I'm liking Canada more and more these days...Looking forward to the Blogathon!

  8. Very cool idea! I don't know the first thing about Canadian film, which is why I'll be looking forward to you educating me on February 3-5. I'm stupid and stubborn, though, so good luck!

  9. I would have to talk about John Candy or Bob and Doug McKenzie, Red Green, k.d. Lang, Shatner, Lorne Greene, Lorne Michaels, Graham Greene, The Rankin Family, Rita McNeil, Ann Murray, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Dan Akroyd, Tommy Chong,"Scotty", Eugene Levy, and a boatload of others. I wouldn't know where to start.

  10. Grandpa is a Canuck, but I'm a boring old American, so I guess I'm out.

  11. I'm in! My favorite all-time t.v. show is "The Red Green Show." I will be only too happy to wax poetic about it. Love the hell out of that show.

  12. But you gave us Justin Bieber and Ted Cruz.

  13. Sounds like a lot of fun....:)

  14. It's quite amazing when you stop and think about all the Canadians who have contributed to TV and movies, The O Canada Blogathon sounds like it will be very interesting. Even if I can't participate, I hope to find time to read some of the entries. I'm sure yours will be great, Debra!

  15. Looking forward to seeing what you expound upon! :o) Happy New Year!

  16. I've been to Canada, does that count? :)

    I visited Niagra Falls when I was about fourteen. It was a blast!

    Looking forward to your posts!

  17. So, in other words, you want to boast about famous Canadians. AHAHAHAAAHAHAAA! Just pulling your chain dear.
    You do realize it would take more than just 3 days to do that. There are the stars from Vikings, X-Files was shot 98% of the time in Canada, and on and on. This will take a month at least.

  18. Great idea..Which one?? Tough decision for'll figure it out..I have faith...

  19. "cake first....then project"...i like your way of thinking..

  20. This looks like alot of fun Debra! I can't wait to see what everyone puts on their blogs!

  21. Always looking forward to your perspective on Canadian things, all things really. Happy New Year.

  22. with the exception of Justin Bieber, I love all Canaderians.

  23. Looking forward to this, Debra!!
    Now....let me see....

  24. I love canadians!
    They remind me of yorkshire people x

  25. At a young 150 years old, wrinkling held back by frigid temps, what to post about my homeland? Thank you s for something ELSE to ponder other than the end of 🌎world! I will investigate ! xoDebi

  26. So Justin Bieber or Celine Dion. What a choice.

  27. You know I'm a fan, we even get our dog food and spelt from you guys and sometimes, hot house cucumbers that are killlller good.

    This will be fun to read.


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