Thursday 19 January 2017

Farewell, President Obama

In my opinion, Barack Obama is a true example of all that is good and worthy about the United States. He is intelligent, principled and a class act. I admire him tremendously.

History will judge him well, I believe. And it will also be appalled by the unprecedented level of hideous personal and institutional racism that was directed at him during his administration by some Americans and the Republican Party.

It will be a while before America sees his like again.


  1. I'm struggling between a little depression over the end of President Obama's term, to disgust over that cretin who is coming in. It's like going from the sublime to the ridiculous.

  2. RAMEN, girl! we the people MUST speak out against the orange shitstain, because silence = acceptance.

  3. Amen! I'm so sad. Can't get to Washington but am walking in Houston on Saturday....... Cheetohead will never be my president..... disgrace.

  4. It will be interesting to see the story that history tells.

  5. He bombed 7 countries, killed and butchered hundreds of thousands around the world, wrecked chaos everywhere he stepped, supported Isis, destroyed Syria and Libya, started what is now the biggest intercontinental exodus of people in history, left millions without healthcare and jobs in USA, and he is someone one should admire and like? A warmonger? Somebody who had bloodthirsty and lying Hitlery Clinton for his first assistant? Where is the puking emoji?

  6. Debra I agree, although I think a great many of his plans were blocked and he probably would have liked to achieve many more things than he did.

  7. I teared up when he won the first time.
    I cried when he won the second time.
    I'll sob tomorrow.

  8. He was wonderful! Now we are seeing the backlash. It must be heartbreaking for him but he is a class act and so diplomatic.

  9. I agree with you Debs all the way. I don't think we will see his likes again. This country is getting to screwed up and now with trump in will just get worst. Like the Dowager said on Downton Abbey once. "I worry... for once the morals and etiquette and standards are gone, we will never get them back"

  10. I like the way you think and perceive the world, Deb. You're spot on. I was never as impressed by Obama as I've been in his so called "lame duck" days. But wow, he has spent every moment of it being a shining class act and impacting the world in beautiful days - with his equally classy wife and children. The difference between this and the incoming clown act is surreal.
    Thank you.

  11. It is terribly sad. Both Barack and Michelle are as classy as it gets. The opposite of class is taking over so now we are in for some scary times.

  12. i still can't wrap my head around it. mr. tangerine man will never be my president. time for us all to bend over and get trumpfucked.

  13. That cartoon says it best about what America and the rest of the world will face for the next 4 years. Many of us will miss him. I wish in my deepest desires that he could be our President for the rest of his days but that can't happen.

  14. I am a bit in the middle on this one...There were many things that I respected him for...polished, intelligent, well spoken, are just a few examples.

    I didn't always agree with his politics and thought things like "Cash for Clunkers", first and second time home buyers incentives, a number of aspects of Obamacare are problematic.. and a number of other policies that I thought helped as many as it hurt.

    BUT...the choice of the two candidates that were presented to us for the next 4 years are very disappointing. I hope for the best but am fearful of what the next four years will look like.

  15. I feel just... sad today. And hope is waning.

  16. I feel exactly the same way, Debra. I'm so glad you said this out loud. My husband and I love listening to him speak. With intelligence, respect, integrity. And diplomacy, which is extremely important in a leader and someone who represents a country on a world stage. Something that 'some' people aren't capable of. He is truly a class act and an honourable human being in every way. And I will miss him.

  17. I'm heartbroken at his leaving... and infuriated at the thought of what's to come.

  18. I don't understand the hatred for Obama I really don't and feel sympathetic for him. He's tried so hard to help everyday Americans, yet has been voted against via the Republicans. Introduced Obama care so people could have access to free Health Care, what hell.

  19. will miss him and his lovely Family

  20. I adore the Obamas. They make me proud of the U.S.


  21. That last comic was a bummer. Too soon. While I don't agree with everything he did (these presidents have to relax on the drone boom-booms), he and his family's demeanor was utter class. Michelle had a definable affect on childhood obesity and was just fucking cool. Barack was into science and empirical evidence and did amazing things I didn't think anyone noticed like banning solitary confinement for minors. That's something so small but so important. I'll miss someone looking out for the well-being of those without power. Empathy is a valuable commodity that you can't sell. Obama had it and did good. My complaints are, "damn, wish he coulda done more." I look forward to what he and his family do with their influence out of office.

  22. Interestingly that he was admired not only but Americans, but by people all over the world. Michelle was a gorgeous, classy first lady. She remains a lady of course!

    Have a blessed weekend Debra.. :)

  23. I would like to congratulate Vladmir Putin for becoming the President of the United States later today.

    Obama was the first president I ever voted for, and technically is the only president I ever voted for.

    Despite what Republicans said, the man really did try to help ALL Americans.

    Obamacare for example was more or less the Republican compromise to the proposed Clintoncare in 1990's. Obamacare was only had government regulations, it never had government insurance. But most republicans were too dumb to realize and their leaders too arrogant to admit it.

    So Republcians can destroy Obamacare and enjoy the backlash. When Dems get in power again they'll introduce something that will make them wishing for it to come back.

  24. I still don't really believe it's happening .

  25. They are a very gracious and elegant couple..Both wonderful speakers..This is a very sad day for us..We can only hoe that it turns out better than we expect..I have always said that we needed a business man instead of a politician for President..I don't think I had Trump in mind.

  26. I'm not going to allow the last eight years to be flushed down the toilet of history to make way for the new moron in charge.

  27. Thanks for this posting Debra, no TV on in our house today can't bear to see the uncouth trash that is entering the white house.

  28. Could some other country maybe let Obama be their president for a while and I can move there?

  29. He was a good president and a good person. Intelligent, compassionate, educated. Everything his successor is completely devoid of.

  30. ~~~ if ever Debra ~ I am so disillusioned with the country right now ~~~

  31. It is hard to express the sadness of seeing him leave office and the dawn of a frightening chapter beginning in the US. This new administration leads with hate, and stifles free speech if it doesn't spout what POTUS 45 wants. He's like a child with his lolly taken from him. I'm not sure how we will survive 4 years of this loon

  32. He will be missed. I'll be interested to see what he and Michelle do from here on out. I'm sure they won't disappear from our lives!

  33. "The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime". August 3, 1914

  34. Thanks for this post, Debra! I think that history will judge Obama well. He was a president to make us proud, and I think he saved us from a bad depression after the financial crisis. I'm worried about what will happen during the next four years; and the Inauguration events where Trump spoke yesterday were not encouraging. I think I'll be spending a lot of time contacting my congressman and senators, not to mention organizing.

  35. This Aussie loved and admired the Obama's too.
    I am so pleased I will be able to recall being part the Obama's history as a great President of the USA.
    Take care
    Peggy xxxx

  36. I'm so depressed I can't even ... but thank you Deb for your excellent fact filled posts.

  37. Oy ...I am Australian - you are CANADIAN.

    Why is everyone paranoid about what the peoples within the small patch of this planet between Canada and Mexico can do.

    Who do they really believe they are?

  38. Like some others said, we didn't agree with all of his politics, but he was still a class act, all the way. And a cool guy. Probably the only president in recent years that either of us would ever want to grab a beer with.

  39. Deb ... at this point "history" is trying to understand the damage "an elected - American President - George W Bush" - has done ( apparently secure and off on a golf course somewhere --- apparently the court set up in Nurenburgh doesn't apply to American "Presidents"...

    That has to change.

  40. every time I hear them say President Trump I get queasy and pissed at the same time.

  41. *Sigh* will miss him. He's is such a dignified fellow.

  42. I liked him, I hope Michelle follows - I think she'd be twice as awesome!


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