Saturday 21 January 2017


I just had to add this P.S. to my last post "Farewell, President Obama" because it's TOO friggin' funny!

Oh Captain America, you crazy patriot.


  1. I did wanna scream, "Don't go!"

  2. Dayum! I miss him so much already.

  3. yep; wish he could have stayed another 4-8 years.

  4. We all need a bit of humour after that inauguration speech.

  5. We all hate to see him go - I think of what could have been without Republican obstruction at every trun.

    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. let's think about this. maybe he doesn't have to go. maybe he can still be our president. and maybe he can get more done now that he isn't up against the republicans. obama is still my president!

  7. This is brilliant!!!
    Mom and I have been watching the marches all day and crying! So powerful!!!

  8. I do like that both Chris Evans and the C America in the comics are both democrats

  9. I think a lot of us were feeling like that when his helicopter lifted off yesterday.

  10. A fine, studly Captain departs. In the (favorite) word of DT: "Sadly."

  11. We need a laugh! I can not even believe how the first day of the new presidency went. So disgraceful. We are so screwed!

  12. Ooer - as am, an, and AUSTRALIAN born and bred - the 'Drumf" IS NOT MY PRESIDENT ... and can make as many wry jests as i wish (until - or unless some sort of American military 'invades' the land of my birth) .. heh

  13. it..I too wanted him not to go..on Saturday Night Live one of the regulars sang a song to him. To Sir With Love..made me weep

  14. Unrelated to the post, did you see the thing Cap did with his doll in the store. It started talking to customers but it was really him? That was fun to watch. I don't know what it's called though. Anyway, Happy New Week!

  15. @ The Happy Whisk -- Yeah, I saw that on the internet -- some kind of a promotional thing for something or another, I think.


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