Friday 10 March 2017

From the Pen of Inky and Scratchy

Today's post is kind of a sequel to my Monday post about the introductory calligraphy course I took in February. Dezzy of Hollywood Spy -- ever the hard-nosed journalist -- demanded "Where's the photographic evidence?" Stacy of MagicLoveCrow and Debi of Puddleduck Grange aided and abetted him in making these demands.

So okay, okay! Here are my three best practice sheets (all from the final class) -- blots, splatters, erratic letter sizes, wonky spacing and all!

Skritch, skritch, skritch!

[All photos by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. Those are really pretty. I don't know enough about calligraphy to tell you if it's good or bad, but I can tell you that it's pretty.

  2. looks delightful, especially for a beginner! The High Court is satisfied!

  3. You did beautiful work. It should not be perfect. Perfect is boring!

  4. fancier than anything I could do

  5. the next trick is to get all the letters on the same line ...
    after that ... roughly the same size ...
    (and am not here to mention what one should do with 'capitals'.

  6. This sort of calligraphy is a Discipline almost lost.
    May you acquire that discipline.

  7. Debra ... while yer, you are beginning to understand how variations (and joy) in the width of a physical 'pen' works ... there is much more to discover - but first, methinks, you have to submit yourself to the "discipline" of calligraphy before you launch into "free form" ...

  8. @ Davoh -- You're absolutely right, Davoh! The instructor in this course was starting us off on free form "modern" calligraphy and one of the reasons I found it difficult is that, by nature, I like things to be disciplined in a straight line, all uniform, etc. I agree that (in everything, really) we need to first know and understand the rules before we break them!

  9. um, first you have to discover the physical limits and dimensions of the "pen" before you can 'control' it ... so yer ...

  10. O, ok. (and here's me scrabbling around some ancient cardboard boxes trying to find some calligraphy pens and inks)

  11. I think you are doing a marvelous job!

  12. I am very impressed and also think you are doing amazingly for just a couple of classes. I think calligraphy looks harder than hell.

  13. How fun and how pretty. Quite the challenge!

  14. How beautiful!!!!! I so want to write like my father did... I have some very, very old books I have collected over the years. Some are over 150 years old and the the inscriptions are so beautiful. Flourish and beauty. I want to learn too! Don't stop, now you have to write like that all the time.

  15. Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. Well done you! :)

  16. You did well. I can't do anything that requires neatness.


  17. That's pretty nice stuff! My cursive is deteriorating, but I can still read it. So far. It's great to use calligraphy for personalized greetings.

  18. How fun. Can't wait to see how you progress.

  19. Nice! Keep practicing. In the meantime, where's My C?heck

  20. @ Leeanna -- You bloodsucker! Watch this space on Monday. I'll deal with you! *shakes fist*

  21. You skritch so freaking lovingly!

  22. I think you are doing a great job. You've inspired me to want to try calligraphy agaIn. My first time was a dismal failure. I'm so impatient and want it to be perfect right away.

  23. They look great. I print because often I can't read my own handwriting. I plan to try improving it someday.

  24. Proud that you are learning to write at your age!

  25. @ lgsquirrel -- Hahahahahahaha, your comment made me laugh out loud!

  26. I love how you wrote the word "sweet."

  27. Great calligraphy Debra. It's quite difficult isn't it. I find that I hold my breath when trying to do it... which doesn't really help when it makes you slightly dizzy and lightheaded!
    Have a wonderful weekend :D

  28. I love the wonkiness of it! It'd be perfect for labeling little bottles of Fairy Dust or whatever. Wonkiness is good in my books - I think you should stop practicing right now. :)

  29. I dunno...looks pretty good to me. Just the fact that you have the patience for this is a bonus!

  30. You made it your own !! That's for sure..Better than I could do..Happy looking words..

  31. Way to go, Debra! Beautiful! I'm glad to see that handwriting as an art is not disappearing. I was very upset when they stopped teaching cursive handwriting in our district.

  32. That does actually look lovely 🖤

  33. Write me a letter, baby, send it by mail. :^)

  34. Good god ... that does not look like beginner's writing! you've been practicing or are just a natural!

  35. Fabulous - I've tried it and it is very difficult - good work - here is a gold star.

  36. You did fantastic Debra!!! Well done! Flirty! Very cute!!!


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