Wednesday 8 March 2017

Happy International Women's Day!

On this day every year, my blog post always focuses on how WONDERFUL women are, rather than focusing on the many, many struggles in which we must all still engage to obtain, guarantee and preserve equality rights. Those struggles are what the OTHER 364 days of the year are for. Today is for CELEBRATION! *cue Cher*


  1. Women ARE wonderful. I'm wearing red today to celebrate.

  2. I will join in with the celebration of all the wonderful women out there, but will always remember that not ALL women are wonderful.

  3. I am on strike today, am wearing red, and am wearing my pussyhat!

    and what a wonderful beautiful intelligent woman cher is!

  4. it is actually a big holiday in my country, streets are lined up with people selling carnations, roses and potted flowers for the ladies, and women are receiving guests bringing presents all day long. Back in Old Yugoslavia, they even had organized parties for ladies in all factories and firms and they would also get presents from their employers. No such holiday for us toiling men, naturally :PPP

  5. ps Debs, how is Cher a good representative for women? She was constantly nekkid, playing on the sex card and also can't cope proudly with getting old but needs to do millions of plastic surgeries.

  6. Happy International Women's Day! There are so many amazing women in this world. You are one of them, Debra! You rock, girl.

  7. We women are awesome! Our day to celebrate! I was just watching a documentary on women in comedy the other night. It is fantastic how far we have come since the 1980s!

  8. @ Dezmond -- Women are complex and sometimes conflicted beings. To my way of thinking, Cher is as good a representative of modern women as anyone else. Like The Dude, she has endured, man. And unfortunately, Gloria Steinem has not made any kick-ass videos that I could use instead, lol.

  9. Thanks for the reminder about International Women's Day. If I didn't read blogs, I might forget entirely what day of the week it is let alone anything else as things here are crazed...I cannot keep up.

  10. I think Cher is an excellent source to represent women. For too long we were told to cover up. She seems to be comfortable with her sexuality and personally, I don't have a problem with that. I didn't realize it is International Women's Day. Personally, I don't really take stock into these things but it is nice to read about what others do.

  11. Yes, we are wonderful, aren't we?

  12. We women aren't just wonderful, we're fucking AWESOME!!

  13. Flippin' fantastic. Love it. Happy Woman's Day. And now, I've got a new jogging song. More over, BURN IT TO THE GROUND (Nickleback song I jog too), there's a new song on the queue.

  14. We are just so freaking fabulous it hurts! :)

    Much love to you and yours on the grand day!

  15. Great take on Women's Day, Debra. Love Cher!

  16. To those who don't like women: Try to get along without us.


  17. I can't grow ovaries so I'm wearing red in support of women everywhere.

  18. Hope you are having a great International Women's Day. I didn't realize it was today until I heard something on the radio about it. Clearly, I live under a rock.

  19. Happy International Women's Day. I'm celebrating with you 🙂

  20. Today, I celebrate our delicious awesomeness. On Friday, I shall write of the struggle.

    Happiest International Women's Day!

  21. Republicans aren't reacting very well to "Day without Women day"

    Trump is wondering what he's going to grab now instead

  22. Happy International Women's Day Debra! I celebrate you and all the inspiration, support and laughter you bring to the world. :)

  23. Oh Debra....we ALL love Cher. As always, thanks for stopping by to say hi.


  24. Happy Women's Day one and all... and let's all wish for a day when all women are truly given equal rights.

  25. Cheryl is a great representative of womankind. Thank you, Debbie. Happy International Women's Day (a tad on the late side).

  26. Women are wonderful: I wouldn't know what to do without my mother and daughter! Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  27. A belated happy International Women's Day!

  28. We are awesome..I love Cher...saw her live..amazing..
    Happy Women's Day

  29. I love Cher! Great video!
    Happy International Women's Day! We rock!

  30. Cher is amazing. I'm grateful that I got to see her in concert at Caesar's Palace in Vegas.

  31. Everyday is Women's Day in our house, me being the only guy in there. :S


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