Wednesday 15 March 2017

Hail Caesar!

Wishing everyone a Happy Ides of March, except for all the brutal dictators of the world. Sic semper tyrannis! Ever thus to tyrants!


  1. bwhahahahaha! down here, it's "ides of dump" day; we are inundating the white house with postcards telling the dump what an asshole he is!

  2. The Ides of March has brought the Ides of Cold and Flu to my house. I feel like that knife stand!

  3. better his than a piggy's back!

  4. Imagine you are Caesar come back from the dead and you see this.


    Although I guess it's less horrifying than all of those people wearing jewelry depicting how Jesus died.

  5. A sure that ASIO, MI5, and six .. and whatever turns the American wanky penis on ........ will .... sheesh - eventually comprehend that this planet is worth more than petty politics?

  6. Harry Hamid. am guessing a long discussion - but can you prove the sayings of Mohammet- without the papyrus ..?

  7. OOps, apologies - without bees, there is no fruit.
    Acknowledging . But am no drone.

  8. Love that knife block. Beware today.

  9. The knife block...holy moly! LOL... Hope you don't run across any back-stabbers today :)

  10. I love that knife block. I wonder where I could get one. I'll have to do some hunting.

  11. Et tu Brute?

    That's my favorite saying on this day! So much so I am told to be quiet :) :)

  12. I want that knife block too!

  13. Can't believe the knife block! You're sick...and I love you for it!

  14. LOL. We just watched the Cohen brothers movie with that title. Double meaning for me. =)

  15. I have always thought of it as back-stabbers day. I want a knife block just like that. If I had just a little more talent I could make one.

  16. Yeah, no happy day for the dictators... or cool knife stands.

  17. I end up cutting my finger at least once on every knife I buy - that's too damn many knives.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  18. Showed how tough he was to been stabbed so many times.

  19. "Brutus, stop playing with that knife! You will end up hurting someone." An assassination that turned against the conspirators: Caesar was avenged and what they fought against, the establishment of a monarchy, was established, barely disguised.

  20. I said to him Julie don't go, I said! But would he listen? Don't go Julie I said!

  21. I have never heard of this, but het, ill celebrate it if you do!!!!

  22. That is a kick ass knife stand. My dad informed me that today is indeed the anniversary of the death of the great Ceasar. You know you made a difference on the world when people remember the day you died some 2050 years later.

  23. hmm, can I have one that looks like donald?

  24. Sic semper tyrannis! Indeed. Happy mid-march, Debra.

  25. Business opportunity for someone: custom knife blocks in the image of your choice. Trump, Harper, Brad Wall, Putin, Poroshenko, Marine LePen or send us a photo and we'll make one of your Ex. Endless list

  26. That's pretty great, but are those really short knives? My knife stand is shaped like Monica Seles (I'm going to Hell for that joke, and probably a dozen other tasteless jokes).

  27. This is fantastic! So clever. Or cleaver.

  28. Clever knife holder.."back stabber"? Happy Ides of March to you...

  29. Levity in the kitchen is good. Also, it's good to have a place to park your knives.

  30. I can't say I've ever seen one like that before. I love it! :)

  31. i am learning alot from you [i guess]

  32. My BIL's birthday is on the Ides of March - I thought about quoting that famous line to him, but thought better of it. :)

  33. OMG! LOL at that knife stand! Perfect!

  34. I love that knife stand! Brilliant!!

  35. Cool knife holder, dear Lady Debra... we have been trying to salvage my Spore game-world.... (looks "hopeless")
    in good news ... we sold a couple of masks and will have enough money to buy a Sweeney Todd figure (thus replacing the one that was broken when my home was attacked in 2013)...
    Still have to wait to find out how much the tumor on my heart has grown... So, just trying to hang in there for now... best wishes to you and yours ... and Hello from Marshville...


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