Monday 20 March 2017

Happy Ostara!

Today is the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, a date which pagans call Ostara (from the same root word as Easter, estrus, estrogen, etc.)

The Goddess of Spring awakens under the earth following Her long winter repose. Her Divine Feminine energy spirals upwards to the surface to bring growth, renewal and new life to the world once more.

May Her bright blessings be yours today as well!


  1. and how we DO need the goddess of springtime around these parts! last week's snow is still present. c'mon, spring!

  2. I didn't realise today was the equinox. I thought that happened on the 21st.

  3. I'm afraid Ostara has completely gone missing! Straight into May temps.... bodes ill for Ughust!!!!!!!

  4. I really appreciate the Goddess of Spring. Now if she will just work her magic here and melt the snow, I would be wonderful!

  5. I hate spring, it announces summer and I'm a polar coon!

  6. i'm with dezmond! let's just get the whole spring and summer thing over with as soon as possible. i hate this time of year.

  7. My gawd do I ever love that photo! Happy Ostara to you and your Rare One! May the blessings of spring find you and keep you! xo

  8. Here in Houston, it was hot until late November last year, and we're back up in the upper eighties now.

    So I sure wish the Goddess of Spring would stay sleeping just a little bit longer.

    I hope you have a great Equinox and a great Spring, anyway!

  9. I love this image. I can see old man winter fading away on the top right.

  10. I love goddesses. Some day I hope to find one to love me back so I don't feel like old man winter.

  11. Goddess bless you ..Jono cracks me up

  12. That's beautiful. Thank you, Deb.
    Happy Spring Equinox!

  13. Beautiful image! Thank you, Debra, and a wondrous Ostara to you as well!

  14. I officially planted my garden today, so this chica better not decide she needs another nap soon, or my springtime salsa is toast.

  15. Happy Ostara Debra :) I'm celebrating the beginning of spring by planting some herbs, and saying goodbye to winter by having a farewell Coq au Vin filled with winter root veggies :) The sun has disappeared but I felt the warmth a little bit this morning thankfully! Have a great day!

  16. Didn't you hear? Ostara is on vacation. She's in Jamaica and said call her in June and she'll join us for the equinox if it ever warms up!

  17. May her blooming fire keep you warm.

  18. What an amazing image! Awakenings...oh, how I love spring.

  19. Happy Spring!
    You need any Robins out there?
    Linda :o)

  20. It was beautiful today and has been every day lately. It feels like spring.


  21. I remember last year reading (as I was searching for such BS for fun) a Christian article that denies the fact that Easter is based on her name. But then again Christians do deny all facts and logic

  22. It was a perfect spring day yesterday in Atlanta for the first day of spring. I never mind winter too much (it's not so brutal down here), but spring is always welcome.

  23. I adore this image! How totally perfect. May you know Bright Blessings both near and far as the Wheel turns once more.

  24. More information gleaned!! Happy Spring to you..

  25. I had no idea thsts where the word Easter comes from. I always assumed it had something to do with egg-laying bunny rabbits.

  26. More interesting information gleaned!! Happy Spring to you!!

  27. And what a sleep she has had! I. Glad she's back. Old Man Winter can fuck off.

  28. I too like this image!
    I really like 'spring' is up there with 'fall'.

  29. Happy spring - I could use some energy

  30. Such a gorgeous image!!! Happy Ostara Debra! Blessings! Big Hugs!

  31. Happy Ostara Debra!
    Such a beautiful picture of the Goddess... By the way, has the Spring really come to Canada? It was still quite cold there until now :)

  32. YES I am awaking Thank you for noticing! Yawn, stretch, ouch, that hurt! Anyway, its self help season and sunny days ( ways! Wink wink) ahead! Off to wash down my lawn chairs! Huge Hugs! xoDebi

  33. I'm so glad winter is behind us. I'm looking forward to being warm again.

  34. I am all on board for her to wake up and start making things "springy". Interesting picture with the winder above her.

  35. Happy spring, Debra! I was in Honolulu and forgot the spring equinox for the first time ever! Wow!


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