Monday 1 May 2017

Beltane Blessings!

The pagan festival of May Day or Beltane is when the Lord and Lady . . .

. . . the Goddess and the Green Man . . .

. . . the Goddess and the Horned God . . .

 . . . however you want to characterize them . . .  get together to perform the *ahem* Great Rite, as it is known, to ensure the fertility of the Earth in the coming months.

All good pagans are encouraged to do the same with the partner(s) of their choice to help the process along, so to speak.

So what are you hanging around here for? Get out in those fields and do your religious duty!


  1. are you saying we should be having plenty of wild sex today? well hot damn! :)

    my only problem is, that ship sailed many years ago. at age 62.5, it ain't happening! :(

  2. Well, if I must! Okay... But only cause you said so...
    Beltane blessings!!

  3. This is the best holiday I've never heard of.

  4. but where is one to find a Hiddles when one needs to be fertilized on MayDay?

  5. fertilization ain't happenin' here either.

  6. Beltane blessings to you. Heading on over to the park to spend the day in nature. Have a good one.

  7. I must let my other half know of this tradition!

  8. I am not above celebrating outside; but I would have to put my mud boots on. Snow finally melted creating mud season and now followed by ten days of almost constant rain and rain showers.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  9. Not a great holiday for Asexuals then?

  10. Yes ma'am.
    :) Merry May Day Debra!

  11. Happy Beltane to you and the Rare One! Wishing you the best of this "festive" season ;)

  12. I will have to admit to many NOT Great Rites, but I'm always hopeful, although the fields are a bit fallow at present. You have made my day, as always.

  13. Brightest Beltane Blessing!! It's time for Mother and Father Nature to do the nasty, and swap spits for the sake of the planet. I'm all for helping it along.

  14. @ A Beer For The Shower -- Yes, it's always best to do warm-up exercises first. Don't want to pull a muscle during strenuous exercise!

  15. Cripes, the one day of the year I have been doing all year!!!!!!!!! You will see later, I have my own ritual.

  16. Perhaps I could just think pure and chaste thoughts about a lilac blossom...

  17. Well, okay, in the name of religious sacrifice. Where's my God? Excuse me while I dash to the local bar. On second thought, batteries are kosher - no?

  18. Aren't spiritual traditions supposed to be making sure this kind of thing DOESN'T happen?

    Or maybe it's just that there are a lot of strict rules about where, when, with whom, and probably in what positions.

  19. The Lord and Lady picture looks like twerking to me.

  20. Beltane, one of my favorite times of the year! My goal is to become a Celtic knot with hubby before the strike of midnight.

  21. @ Harry Hamid -- That's the beauty and the glory of paganism, Harry. Sexuality is celebrated. It's one of the reasons why Christians hated pagans so much back in the day.

  22. But Willy Dunne Wooters can't join me today. You should have warned me in advance!


  23. Happy May!
    Richard and I saw the chipping sparrows doing the AHEM grand rite at Stone Mountain. Oh my, one got right on top of the other one and it was over so quickly that it made us both laugh! (Also, because we saw it beside a very busy trail but not one other person saw this because they didn't look!)
    Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it!
    See, there IS a song lyric for everything!

  24. Ah, Deb, has been said that conjugation is all in the mind. At my age, probably is (though prefer to believe that i remain capable). However, doesn't mean that i cannot appreciate beautiful images. Thankyou.

    (on the other hand, the southern hemisphere of this beautiful planet is trending into winter. Festivals of Spring, here, belong to September and October ... meh).

  25. I was a very good witchy woman, and did as much of the *ahem* as it was physically possible. :-D

  26. Marvelous post!!! Beltane Blessings to you and yours! **wink**wink**

  27. Love the Goddess and the Green man..great images

  28. Wonderful post. Love the images. Happy Beltane to you. Thanks for the tip on adding lavender to shortbread

  29. The sun is out, the sky is blue, but it is rather chilly

  30. Tra la, it's May, the lusty Month of May
    That lovely month when everyone goes blissfully astray
    Tra la, it's here, that shocking time of year
    When tons of wicked little thoughts merrily appear

    It's May, It's May, that gorgeous holiday
    When every maiden prays that her lad will be a cad
    It's mad, it's gay, alive, a lust display
    Those dreary vows that everyone takes, everyone breaks
    Everyone makes divine mistakes
    The Lusty Month of May

    Whence this fragrance wafting through the air?
    What sweet feelings does it's scent transmute?
    Whence this perfume floating everywhere?
    Don't you know, it's that dear forbidden fruit

    It's May, the lusty month of May
    That darling month when everyone throws self-control away
    It's time to do a wretched thing or two
    And try to make each precious day one you'll always rue

    It's May, it's May, the month of "Yes, you may"
    The time for every frivolous whim, proper or im-
    It's wild, it's gay, depraved in every way
    The birds and bees with all of their vast amorous past
    Gaze at the human race aghast
    The Lusty Month of May

    Tra la, it's May, the lusty Month of May
    That lovely month when everyone goes blissfully astray
    Tra la, it's here, that shocking time of year
    When tons of wicked little thoughts merrily appear

    It's May, it's may, the month of great dismay
    when all the world is brimming with fun, wholesome or un-
    It's mad, it's gay, alive a lust display
    Those dreary vows that everyone takes, everyone breaks
    Everyone makes divine mistakes
    The Lusty Month of May


  31. I like the grass hand-holding one the best. My second thought was, are those wild edibles?

  32. How the hell did they ever talk the Pagans into switching to Christianity?

  33. sensuous post i must say

  34. I dance nekkid, what more can I do..ha

  35. Beltane Blessings to you and your Rare One, Debra! Great post! LOL! Big Hugs!

  36. Or just open a window and make out in the house.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  37. Totally forgot about Beltane.

  38. Interesting. Great pictures.

  39. Actually Beltane sounds like a great holiday!


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