Saturday 24 June 2017

Let's Hear It For Bi Pride!

Bisexuals just can't catch a break, can they? Everybody misunderstands them! Straights and gays often both labour under exactly the same sorts of misinformed opinions about bisexuality, such as . . .

Aren't bisexuals just confused? Do they not know whether they're gay or straight? Why don't they just pick a side? Or are they playing both sides of the fence?

Isn't it hard to be straight and gay at the same time?

Or is something else going on?

But even bilingual people can't catch a break!

Bisexuality is its own valid and unique sexual orientation which is not straight, gay or a mixture of the two.

Bi people don't turn straight when they're with an opposite-sex partner. They don't turn gay when they're with a same-sex partner. Bi people are always bisexual, whether they're in or out of a relationship.

Personally, I believe that if people were simply left to their own devices, free of cultural and religious attempts to control and enslave human sexuality, most people would quite naturally be bisexual to some degree or another. I think the two endpoints on the Kinsey Scale -- exclusive heterosexuality and exclusive homosexuality -- would be the minority sexual orientations. The majority sexual orientation would be bisexuality.

Even in today's society, as those cultural and religious constraints weaken, we are seeing a dramatic increase in open bisexuality. YAY! Human freedom is a beautiful thing!


  1. I think most people think of it like the true definition of pansexual. I do think very few people think of both literally equally in terms of attraction.

  2. On the Kinsey scale I would fall nearly 100% homosexual,. but that's just me.

    I love women, find women smarter, more capable, more open, than a lot of men, but as far as sexual attractiveness? Nope; all gay over here.

  3. Hasta luego bitches! Bilingual/sexual meme made me die. You find the funniest shit! I love it!

  4. I have always admired bisexuals. It really opens up your options when dating.

  5. I'm guilty. Just cannot fathom sexual attraction to both sexes. I'm a Kinsey 6. But I certainly support bisexuals' right to define themselves, to express their sexuality and their efforts to educate the rest of us.

  6. It does seem like bisexuality is freeing of labels - I like the color analogy that mix to make purple

  7. Some of my best friends are bisexuals!

  8. The ice cream analogy is helpful.

  9. I agree completely with your hypothesis about how people would be without cultural pressures.

    I say that with some degree of hesitation, however, since everyone tends to universalize their own experience.

    But the things I hear from young people give me hope that the culture is changing and maybe we'll find out...

  10. Things have definitely changed since I came out as gay 36 years ago. I agree with you that most people -- not all, but most -- are bisexual to some degree. I know I am. I just haven't done anything about it since coming out!

  11. I truly wish, for so many reasons, we could all identify as pansexual. Then we can just be humans who fall in love with other humans.

    Love the purple analogy.

  12. I'm with Toni above, and I support your theory, Debs

  13. I don't think I know anyone who's bisexual--or at least I don't know anyone who has said, I'm bisexual.


  14. I get it though, I've never been attracted to a sex either. Just persons.

  15. I've always considered myself straight..but if I was 40 years younger and had a shot at Angelina Jolie? Yeah, I'd go for it.

  16. Regarding the ice cream analogy, I don't like pink flavours if that makes sense and always loved the vanilla/chocolate mix, so not sure what it means of my appreciation of bisexual people... I also heard of the term pansexual, which I find a fascinating concept.

  17. "...if people were simply left to their own devices, free of cultural and religious attempts to control and enslave human sexuality, most people would quite naturally be bisexual to some degree or another"

    Yes. Yes yes yes. And yes! My thoughts exactly. Love this.

  18. While I don't agree that, with freedom, most of us would be bisexual, I DO agree that freedom is GREAT...I think, and I hesitate to say MOST OF US, would be just as we are right we's in our personality and makeup as to which sex we might least, this is how I think....keeping in mind that I am 79 1/2 and my views are influenced by living this long...and I know you are laughing at me right now...and all the other readers you have are is what it is...and, never, NEVER, in a million years would I ever judge you are anyone else that have different views on sex...of course, at MY age, it's been awhile since...well...YOU know what I I am laughing at my silly, olden self...
    and I worry about Stacey over at the Crypt...I never really know what he is talking about (another AGE thing) and I want to say things that makes him know someone out there cares...I just never know what to say other than "hang in there, Stacey..things will get better"

  19. @ bj -- Well, there are many who share your opinion and that's just fine! And we'll never really know for sure about everyone's sexuality anyway because there are many factors at play, including simple opportunity or lack thereof. So long as we treat everyone with kindness, that's the main thing. And you are the Queen of Kindness, bj, as your concern for Stacey shows.

  20. Let's hope that someday everyone can be exactly who they are. It's a long, hard (see how I did that) climb to understanding and enlightenment.

  21. I'm right with you. The whole world would so much better, if everyone just sort of minded their own business.

    May I please get the strawberry ice cream now?

  22. Great post as always and I enjoyed all the comments too.
    That last one is one I echo. Everyone just mind your own business...and let me have that strawberry ice cream!

  23. What a graight post! (Ha! That word is actually hard to type!)

    Decades ago, when I was a wee lass, I thought boys were the only choice. I went along with that, as one does. But, what about all of those subversive thoughts about sexy women? What was I to do with that? I came to the conclusion that I was bisexual. Years, and sex partners later, I decided that no, I wasn't bisexual. I prefer women. Men have this tendency to want to poke things with their equipment and I don't enjoy the poking (among other reasons!)

    I hope to see a world (although it may be after my time) where there aren't rules around sexual orientation. I hope there are many more sexually fluid people who are attracted to individuals, rather than their parts.

  24. Preference is just that, preference. Can't be labeled imo. I kind of liken it to people being attracted to certain ethnicities/cultures/colours of people... in particular. I had a friend who was gaga for Asian women and wouldn't look at any other.

  25. Sometimes I wonder how it would be if we weren't brought up a certain way.

  26. It's whatever spins your prop.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  27. Graight! hahahahahaha! I had never thought about it before but I suspect you are right. The strawberry ice cream was a really good way to explain it.

  28. I echo what the Ol'Buzzard said!!! Well said!

  29. Ol Buzzard. Yep, whatever spins yer prop. However, will have to stress that the 'choice', the 'connection' - has to be mutual.

  30. I truly agree with your theory Debra!! Great post!

  31. So. Much. Yes. The color analogies work very well to me. "Graight" and "homolingual" cracked me up! Thanks for this post :o)

  32. I've been fortunate to have several really close female friends during my life. One of these was Renee, who took me to see Frank Marino in Vegas. Renee was bisexual ~ sometimes "lesbian" and sometimes "straight," but really strawberry ice cream. We stood up for each other in our weddings. She died of an asthma attack when I was up in Calgary in 1989, and I couldn't go to her funeral. She taught me a whole lot about life and helped me get through the most devastating period in my life when my first marriage failed. I truly believe that she'll be waiting to hug me at the end of that tunnel of light ~ If there is an afterlife. We always swore we would be friends forever. If people could truly look inside the hearts of others and understand their common humanity, there would be so much less hate and strife in this world.


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