Thursday 22 June 2017

Protesters, Goddess Bless 'Em

The best way to deal with protestors is to subvert them and their hateful messages with humour. I have seen it done at many Pride Parades over the years. This tactic is much more effective than anger, which simply feeds and justifies the protestors' self-righteousness. Being greeted with good-natured laughter and treated as photo-ops for celebratory queers to pose in front of confuses protestors tremendously. They often don't bother returning the next year (at least in Canada).

Here's a selection of classic signs that subvert hate --

And we have our own queer-positive Christians, thank you very much!

May all the queer-negative religious types wake up one day and realize the awful truth!


  1. he he all hilarious!
    In my country they don't protest, they come with bats and with priests too. And then they also like to rob a store or two... hundred.... while they're at it

  2. Queerly Beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing wait, that's not how the lyric goes.

    Why can't people just let people live their lives? MYOB people!


  3. I tried to pick a favorite, but was laughing so hard at all of them that I couldn't.

    And I love your final message.

  4. I love the guy who changed the "Homo sex is sin" sign to read "Homo sex is in."

  5. 'Never misses a GAY event' How true! They are obsessed with us! You know they secretly want to be fabulous and they are bitterly jealous at how mundane their lives really are. Oh, how I wish Dionysus and the Maenads would descend upon the protesters and drag them into the party! True enlightenment would follow!

  6. Thanks. I needed that! With all the negative news of late (seems like forever), you made me smile.

  7. HAHAHA! I love these, especially that last one. Life is just too short for this nonsense, isn't it? Let people live their lives!


    and yes, WHY are gay people so damn cute? and why can they dance better? cause they are made of FABULOUSNESS!

  9. The last one sums it up! What a waste of time and energy. Now if these nuts would just channel their energy into something that makes a difference like charitable work, they can actually effect change in the world. :)

  10. Terrific signs. I can imagine the "protestors" would be horribly confused by the laughter which makes the humor even more funny and turns them into even bigger fools.

  11. I'm pretty sure I've seen the "Never Misses a Gay Event" guy here in SC at a pride rally. He really doesn't miss any.

    When I first started going to what we call Upstate Pride, there were about 4 protest groups, all Christian. One was rather wacky looking, the men looked amish and the women looked muslim. They were almost all black as well, irony never crossed their minds.

    Eventually they'd lose about one group a year, but that guys' group would always been there. My work rotation changed so they always have it on a work day for me, so I can't say if his group is there or not.

  12. OH SHIT! I'm still wiping the tears from laughing. These were great! Woman, you are so funny!

  13. These are brilliant. So much better than getting pissed off and letting the idiots ruin a Pride event. Imagine their frustration!

  14. Lol. I love how you put this post together, Debra.

  15. Religious Fanatics.... wish that humans co be more tolerating of those who do not "strictly" adhere to what They believe is "right and Wrong"... and the civilization known as the Sodomites died out Long ago... most only blindly follow what they have been told by others... humans are the purveyors of Hate in our world... sad but True...
    Not Gay... but, do respect the choices of others...

  16. I love the signs! They're hilarious, and you're right that it's better to "fight" with humor (or humour).


  17. I wonder if they have anything against homo milk...

  18. Those first couple remind me of the "W" stickers Republicans used to,pay on their cars. I always wanted to print out stickers saying "orst President ever" to put next to the Ws.

    Also, the lactose intolerance costume is genius!

  19. Tee hee - perhaps they could feed the homeless or comfort the poor.

  20. I love that last one! Such a waste of time that could be sent doing kind things and spreading love. I so agree that humor is mightier than the hater.

  21. I love these! Thanks for the good chuckles. And good point about being cute.

  22. I will not " Protest" this Canadian logic! 😂👍❤️🇨🇦

  23. Those are great! Love the last one!!

  24. Thanks for the hoots and hollars! "Queerly Beloved", that's a good one!

  25. Hey Debra,

    Oh yeah, bewilder them with humour. I'm gonna' hang out with the Flintstones because they have a gay old time....

    Wishing you a peaceful weekend, eh.

    Gary, who makes no mention of the BC Lions versus the Edmonton Eskimos....

  26. You would think after a few....decades, people who mainline the Westboro Church (funny how they've been silent these days) would find something actually worthwhile to protest about.

    Oh well, perhaps they can hook up with the Black Lives Matter sycophants and really get into the groove when average citizens say All Lives Matter.

    Btw, incredibly funny those pics are very!

    I Are Writer!

  27. COVFEFE: so that is what Trump meant!
    I love it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  28. I love those photo bombs! that is awesome ... hate is hate and these guys do waste away their lives like that last cartoon! I grew up in a place where anything that was different was bad, which in a word is just 'ignorance'

  29. Humour is often the best way to combat bigotry. The old style vaudeville dialect comedians did exactly that. And I use to do that at work - it was funny how an openly gay man telling a "fag" joke knocked the wind out of a few sails.

  30. Great messages - and as always - so clever.

  31. Geez Loueeze those were funny! Laughed out loud at the 'never misses a Gay event' hahahahaha.

  32. Ha! These are all brilliant!
    I especially love the "Never Misses a Gay Event" one :D

  33. You are too funny Debra! Great post!
    (Our parade was stopped again this year!!!)

  34. Dad always said that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, Debra! The signs were hilarious. I often run across the morally righteous ones on Fremont Street in Vegas. They creep me out more than anyone else on Fremont Street, and trust me, you can see just about anything on Fremont Street.


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