Tuesday 20 June 2017

Oh No! It's The . . .

Well, you know, we ARE a pretty scary bunch . . . .

What haters really fear, though, is that we don't even NEED to go door-to-door!

But the TRUTH is --

So what EXACTLY is listed in this so-called Gay Agenda? I just happen to have MY COPY handy. Let's peek inside, shall we?

This is our latest BIG project --

YES, we're dedicated to Saving the World but we still want to get our BEAUTY SLEEP too!

Achieving the Gay Agenda takes a LOT of energy! It's worth it, though.

And please note that, while the Gay Agenda is the BASIC template, other groups within the LGBT+ community have their OWN variations . . . .


  1. I fear the GOPrick religious freaks more, for they are doing great evil in the USA. meanwhile my gay friends are working, paying taxes, doing laundry, buying groceries, spreading a message of love and equality. keep on promoting the LOVE agenda!

  2. In India, there are people who believe that it's a wear wolf thing. Homosexuality in India is a criminal offence..Think about their plight.

  3. Lol. The solution to global warning is easier than we thought. Brilliant!

  4. I love the Global Warming one cuz it's seems the most likely to be true.

    "Lesbians eat out." I nearly spit coffee through my nose!

  5. Love this collection of gay agendas! Also love the use of the word "gay" as inclusive of the entire spectrum of LGBTQI...as it once was an all inclusive term way back when all sexual minorities were "gay."

    The global warming ruse is brilliant. I wonder if we could convince republicans that ______ (fill in the blank) causes homosexuality.

  6. Alas, it is still a crime in many societies. Sad indeed. Great post and thoughts. Greetings!

  7. Whew! All these rising temperatures! Gay is happening everywhere!

    (Really. No kitchen in this lesbian household is a GOAL! Just a counter for a coffee pot and a toaster.)

  8. I like the werewolf reference. It's hard to get people who believe in religious myths to accept that we all won't flip sides if we wear bright colors.

  9. Regarding the final description of agendas: I guess I'm lesbian. And proud of it!

  10. The last meme was hilarious, but I did love all of them. The one meme with the "Stricter punishment for sandal/sock violators?" I fully endorse that and I'm not even a lesbian, yet even though you keep trying.

  11. Oh my GOSH! I absolutely love this!

    Coming out of the evangelical church I often heard the words GAY AGENDA and wondered at this obscure reference to something dark and ominous but without any real back up. My world was smaller then so I didn't get to hear opposing views or logical rebuttals but am so glad that my life got bigger and I no longer live my life herded by fear mongers. Love your blog.

  12. PS. According to the last meme....I guess I am proudly lesbian!!! HAHAHAHA
    What would all my old friends say now :D

  13. Yay! Two more lesbian converts for the Gay Agenda! Welcome, Mitchel and Linda deV! And Leeanna, get with the program, girl! A toaster oven awaits you too.

    Note to My Rare One: Leeanna is just yankin' your chain, sweetie.

  14. These are fabulous!!! Guess I am a lesbian too then...and I'm okay with that! :)

  15. BAHAHAHA! I don't know where you find all these but they are so hilarious. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard someone talk about the 'gay agenda', I'd be able to hire tradesmen to finish all the work around my house. My response every time someone says that gays are trying to recruit others, particularly the young by going inside schools, is "You're kidding, right?" I just can't.

  16. And I should have said "tradespeople". What the hell was this feminist thinking?

  17. OMG,I bought milk yesterday! Am I getting gay?

  18. 2017 that number alone should be Clue #1 that your country or religion is completely ignorant! There are absolutely not an excuse I will hear for ignorance or intolerance. Thankfully young ones are future thinkers, so tread quietly deniers, they won't feed you or take you for a walk!

  19. I wish the Jehovah Witnesses and Born Agains were replaced by gays imparting the happy news about Elton John. He's doing okay, yes? I love him.

    Great combination of fun bits - with an important message - as usual.

  20. although I do believe certain bears go wild when it's the full moon or when somebody moons them fully... I don't know...

  21. I love these. I laugh every time Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door and back away in fear at the sight of Franklin's teeth. He's smiling at them, but they don't know that. Franklin smiles at everyone.


  22. Great finds! My favorite is the global warming piece. That may actually work. :)

  23. Dear Lady Debra... the poor girl we mentioned was on my back steps crying and scared.... we have to try to help her... wish us luck and our best to you and yours... Stacey.

  24. them damn agendas..get us every time.

  25. haha! It was 1210+ in Phoenix today .... wonder what the outcome of that was?!

  26. I do take great pleasure using the pride flag on facebook on homophobic commments.

  27. I love all of these!

    A lesbian woman I work with was wearing a rainbow Nasty Woman pin today....and I want one even though I'm not gay. I wouldn't mind if someone thought I was! ❤💙💚💛💜

  28. My Gay Agenda for today is: 1. Take dog for walk. 2. Go to Doctor appt.
    3. Get groceries on way home.

  29. I like JIM's comment. lol
    Thanks for coming over to see my new great grand boy....

  30. Okay, I know the global warming one was just supposed to be funny, but reading that gave me the most hope for the planet I've had since Trump took office. Also, my day would go SO much more smoothly if the people constantly showing up at my door wanted to talk about Elton John, and not religion. lol. Thanks for the giggle.

  31. I think everyone has an agenda of some kind..Funny post!!!

  32. I wish they would knock on my door and try to convert me. I mean, I'm okay with the status quo, but it's nice to be asked.

  33. Rule to live by: never moon a werewolf....
    the Ol'Buzzard

  34. "Gay" means happy right?

    i am going to like this agenda as world need some happiness today.


  35. LOL!!!! Brilliant Debra! I buy milk, what does that mean??

  36. I can't believe I fell this far behind! Sorry, Debra! Whenever I see Sheldon knocking at a door, all I can hear and think is, "Penny. Penny. Penny." The Global Warning joke is hysterical!!! So was the Elton John joke. btw, if you haven't guessed, I'm working backwards, so hopefully this will make sense: Elton John has been to Hula's near Waikiki. Thanks for the great laughs!


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