Monday 10 July 2017

It's Wonder Woman Week!

Have you seen the new movie with Gal Gadot? It's terrific! So, in homage to the greatest of female superheroes, it's WONDER WOMAN WEEK on She Who Seeks blog!

Because this is who it's all about!

[And I must give a shout-out to Cal's Canadian Cave of Cool from whose blog almost all the images were found that I'll be posting this week. Cal is a tireless advocate of Wonder Woman!]


  1. I LOVE the RESIST shirt! and the misogyny cartoon is spot on!

  2. I've always wondered how Superman shaved. Maybe they should have just said that Kryptonians don't grow facial hair. Diana seems to know what's what.

  3. but warriors aside, I must say I also think all the mothers and grannies who for centuries stayed at home to nurture countless kids and give their family a warm home, are also wonder women even though they wield brooms and spoons, not swords. I hate it when feminists try to degrade their role and make it something to be ashamed of.

  4. Loved the movie. A perfect combination of character and action. We need more strong female characters like her.

  5. Haven't seen the film yet but I'm curious because I can't fathom how it is as good as I'm hearing it is from people whose opinions I trust.

    I always believed that Wonder Woman was a sadly negelected cool super hero, though, and I'm glad to see she's getting the attention she deserves.

  6. Fantastic! I need to see this one since I am hearing great things! As a little girl I was a huge Linda Carter fan as Wonder Woman. :)

  7. omg the little girl and the look on her face!

  8. She is very timely, that's for sure!

  9. I had no idea it was Wonderwomen Week - could do with a wonderwomen myself this week to give me a helping hand.

  10. Just noticed the lovely beehive tea-cosy on your sidebar - is it yours?

  11. i watched the movie while my stay in Karachi and LOVED IT!!!

    loved the beautiful Gal too ,she has a perfect body and graceful face .
    well made movie ,women directions are preferred

  12. @ Rosemary -- Alas, no, it's just a photo from the internet, not mine. I'd love to have one though!

  13. That resist shirt! The best.
    I haven't seen the movie yet but I definitely will get to it!

  14. I have always loved Wonder Woman, has always been one of my favorite super hero's. I mean come on......she wears fabulous jewelry and a breast plate.

  15. I wonder if I came dressed to work as Wonder Woman if I could snag the job I really want?

  16. I guess I'd better go see that movie! I do wish that Wonder Woman could wear pants... and an actual shirt.

  17. The comic of her telling the other superheros what she thinks is the best.

  18. I've yet to see the film but used to love the TV show as a kid. Can't wait to see it.

  19. I love the heartbeat and resist t-shirts.

  20. I saw the movie and loved it and want to take my ggs to see it.and I wonder if they have those resist tshirts in kids size?

  21. Ah yes...good old misogyny that is still alive and "well". Nice post Debra! We don't go out to movies, but I remember Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman in the 70's tv show, she was great! It was one of my favourite tv shows. :)

  22. DC confirmed she was bi and then the UN took her off the list for being an honorary ambassador for girls and women. Very uncool

  23. This is all so incredibly empowering. Between you and Cal, we have all the images we need to face life's challenges. Meanwhile, Superman can't even grow a beard. Thank you for this surge of ferocity.

    Have a great week, Debra.

  24. Ah, how nice. This week is all about me.


  25. On your recommendation we will see this movie!

  26. I keep hearing about that Wonder Woman movie - I need to see it! Love the young one in her outfit at the end there.

  27. That little girl is adorable..Fun post..

  28. That comic strip rocks... and then some. :-D

  29. So you can only imagine how great I found the movie to be. It's like someone went into my head and picked out all the things that I believe about Diana.

  30. the dear Lady (at "Sweet Nothings")... her Husband just passed... we are saddened for her loss...

  31. We had tickets to see the movie and then my mum was rushed to hospital so we couldn't go. Bummer.

  32. I love this post! My admiration to all the Wonder Women of the world.

  33. @ Dr. Theda -- That's very sad news indeed, Stacey. My heart goes out to bj and her family. Thanks for helping to spread the word to all her blogging friends.

  34. love the WWF ... that is until I saw "resist" .... awesome post

  35. That comic strip rocks! LOL! Great post Debra!!

  36. Love that last image ~ I was going to say the little girl looks darling ~ but really she looks fierce. Way to go!


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