Friday 7 July 2017

Say It With Cake

Listen up, everyone! Use your cake decorating skills for GOOD, not EVIL!

And the award for best PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE cake goes to . . . .

Awww, your coworkers really DO love you!

So many people live such COMPLICATED lives . . . .

Jesus, make SOME effort, willya? The kid only turns 5 ONCE.

And speaking of cigarettes, THIS is how to be a badass on your 100th birthday!

Have a great weekend, everyone! I'm off to bake a cake now!


  1. that last pix is badass indeed. good for that woman!

  2. If you can't say it with cake then, quite frankly, it's not worth saying at all.

  3. Can I say it with cake and eat it too?

  4. I'm not big on desserts so I'll stick with the rum cake baker. :::hic::::

  5. Fantastic! I love the sorry you got stabbed one. Some situations could use a little humor and that does it.

  6. These are hilarious! The first one reminds me of when my mom and I would make Christmas cakes...with rum. We'd get tipsy on the raisins soaked in rum but the cakes would get made!

  7. Lovely randoms, hilarious too. And thanks for sharing. Nice weekend!

  8. That was funny. I need a dog cake like that for my sister too. I'm working on 100 yrs too. I'm lighting a cigar instead. It's gonna be awesome!

  9. Over the years I have done some modest cake wrecking. One year my daughter's bd cake said "Happy birthday Bolivia." The next year, "Happy birthday Oliver." Blessed with a child who has a sense of humor.

  10. What's the occasion? Is it your b-day? The toenail one is traumatic!

  11. Made me smile, especially the dog poo one.

  12. I've used that last picture myself. That woman has gotten around on the internet. The dog pooping - great but that toenail one - might even be too disgusting for me. Well except if it is a carrot cake - love carrot cake.

  13. Suddenly, I've got the urge to bake a cake!

  14. These are great but I have to wonder how many people has uncomfortable cutting into and eating it...One of my relative brought a litter box cake to a family reunion...and the tootsie rolls was used for cat poop. Don't recall what else she use. But I can recall there was quite a few who didn't try it...Coffee is on

  15. Hey Debra,

    This post really takes the cake. I just ate an upside down cake, or did I eat a cake upside down, eh...

    Have a gosh darn fun cake baking weekend, Debra!

    Gary :)

  16. Happy weekend, Debra! So much to laugh at here! I can really relate to the first cake! LOL! Have a good one!

  17. The last two...bahahahaha!

  18. Ah, cakes gone wrong!
    I think one of the sickest cakes I have seen, was a cat litter cake.
    My God, it looked so real, I don't care I wouldn't eat that thing for a million bucks, that dog cake is in the same category!

  19. Let 'em eat cake if they the toenail!! Have a fun weekend..

  20. All excellent but the rum cake one is my favorite!

  21. The first one is a testament of of life-filled art, lol!

  22. whoo hoo .. um, have a few more years to go before i can enjoy 'the ton' (100 years) .. but hope to annoy everyone with a rum filled one with 'rollies' (roll up? hand rolled cigarettes?) on top.

  23. Hahahhahah!

    That first one- HAHAHA! ::tears::

  24. I love the "Find the Toenail" cake. It's likely one I wouldn't bite into. Nah, I'm lying. I would. I like a challenge.

    Hope you're having a fabulous weekend.

  25. haha! there really is no going back once you've written it with icing. if you haven't discovered this blog already .... you might like this one:

  26. The tears are running down my face. One of your funniest blogs ever!! Sorry you got stabbed almost put me on the floor! hahahahahha

  27. I dont know it they'd still around, but the blog "CakeWrecks' has/had a lot of hilarious cakes.

  28. Lol...that last photo could have been my grandma if she also had a CC & ginger ale in the other hand!

  29. OMG, girl.. YES! I adore cakes. So, count me in! :)

    - Hot Guys

  30. Great collection, especially the toenail cake.

  31. These are all awesome. I'm lousy at baking cakes. But buying and eating them? Super star.

  32. Don't forget the toenail! I wanna see a photo of your cake now.

  33. one year my friends got me a birthday cake with 2 huge tits on it...

  34. Not sure I could eat the toenail one, but I would sure like to give it to a few people.

  35. I wonder if I can still bake a cake for my son's birthday. I have time to check.

  36. Yucky to the dog one! LOL!
    Why are you baking a cake Debra?? What flavour?? Take a picture for us!!

  37. These are great. But if it's for me, please, everyone, say it with pie instead of cake.


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