Thursday 20 July 2017

Manna From Heaven, Etc.

Hey, how about some religious food 'n drink jokes? Now before anyone gets all shirty about it, I promise to be as even-handed as I can!

First of all, belly on up to the salad bar, Christianity!

And next -- a toast to all you Mormons! I know, I know, this LOL is particularly off-base because you don't drink except for (non-alcoholic) "Mormon beer." So perhaps this is really for all you "Jack Mormons" out there! *

* If you haven't heard this term before, "Jack Mormons" are people who have left the church and now do forbidden things like drink alcohol (the nickname comes from Jack Daniels whiskey)

Finally, you atheist Pastafarians aren't going to be left off the buffet table this time!


  1. I do love it whenever someone is trashing church or religion :)

  2. I didn't know Mormons couldn't drink. Here's me thinking you'd have to be pretty wasted to believe all that.

  3. Communion on the go! For busy Catholics everywhere!

  4. Lol. Catch up is my favourite!

  5. Good ones!! Equal opportunity jabbing....I like it.

  6. And to think I offended people when I wore my Praise the Lard t-shirt to the farmers market....good ones!

  7. Yesterday I was discussing with my partner why our church makes every one eat gluten free bread during the communion. Why can't the 2 people in the church who need it have their own so we eat the good stuff. :D See I'm so spiritual.

  8. DEBS your crazy girl! And the communion one? I have been saying that for years when friends say let's stop for one drink. HA!

  9. My still slightly-too-large belly was wiggling on these. Thanks!

  10. That prepackaged thing surely wasn't real... was it?

  11. @ e -- I'm assuming it was real but who knows? Given how communion in the traditional manner spreads germs like a sonovabitch, individually packaged communion actually makes a lot of sense.

  12. Love the grilled cheese and the loaves and fishes...which reminds me, I'm hungry.

  13. The body and blood of Christ, now in Lunchables form. Oscar Meyer is going straight to hell.

  14. Love this...I had such a devilish giggle as I read these... :)

  15. The bread and fish one, yep sums up how life has become. The post made me chuckle indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa on the first one!! :)

  17. OMG! These are so good. I especially loved the last temptation cartoon and the beer cult. they made me laugh.

  18. I laughed at the prepackaged communion. The last time I found myself in a church, the communion was funny to me. A bread tray was passed through with normal bread and gluten free bread. A Celiac friendly church! I love the witty beer too. We drink a wine called Seven Deadly Zins. It has a humorous label listing the sins on the back.

  19. I got great reactions by using the "Catch Up with Jesus" in a past post.
    I find the first one the best.

  20. Maybe Jesus was gay the whole time and was saying ah, men

  21. HAHAHA! Loved them all. You share the craziest things! Good stuff :)

    And Adam's comment made me laugh out loud!

  22. Hilarious. My favorite? The first... No wait the second... No wait.

    Anyway, I had no idea that pre-packaged communion wine and wafer is a real thing. Amazon is actually selling the body and blood of Christ... In bulk!

  23. Love the water cooler..Why didn't I think of that?? Perfect..Have a good weekend..

  24. Hey Debra!

    Jesus Christ, that was fun! Yeah, let's go with one of the old ones, eh. Jesus Saves and Gretzky scores on the rebound...

    Gary :)

  25. 'The last temptation of Christ'!! LOL After all he WAS human!!

  26. ha! too funny!! I kinda NEED the watercooler .... and the CatchUp is hilarious ... but Utah beer is the best! I've never heard anyone else use that term "Jack Mormon" ... except for a group when I was younger. I had no idea it was a reference to Jack Daniels - now that makes sense!

  27. THE POWER OF CRUST! Hahaha Love it. I didn't know about the origins of "Jack Mormon." Makes sense!

  28. I like the pre-packaged communion - it is a wonder someone hasn't gone commercial with it - it's hygenic and everyone gets an equal share!

  29. Pre packaged? Some great funnies here!

  30. Thanks for a great laugh this afternoon, Debra!

  31. Your post are always fun-filled but this one? It's one of your best and greatly appreciated. I'm still laughing at the Last Temptation of Christ. Lol.
    Thank you!

  32. These are all awesome. I don't know who Wasatch Brewery is, but they just earned two more customers.

  33. LOL! Thanks for the laugh Debra!!

  34. Oh my bored gods, I am rolling over! All hail rotini pasta!

  35. I like that pre-packaged communion. :)

  36. The FSM is so much more plausible than other deity.

  37. Very funny! Each and every one is humorous. I think it's tricky to find religion based jokes that aren't offensive but these aren't. Just fun.


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