Tuesday 18 July 2017

The Cone of Shame

No animal likes to wear "the cone of shame" while healing from an injury, that's for sure. Some like it less than others --

Some try to (naively) make the best of it --

Others discover that they have unexpected friends --

Of course, not everyone is sympathetic --

Sometimes an animal's cone brings out their humans' sense of humour --

Clever animals can adapt quite well to a cone --

But even so, it still interferes with some basic functions of life --

Sometimes, in a pinch, other substitutes must be found --

And you know what? There are certain humans who should wear a cone of shame too --

Some more than others!


  1. I love these. The last is a great idea but I can think of another good use for a cone on that one. Sadly we're 5 spawn too late. Actually a generation earlier would have been even better.

  2. omg these are all so funny! trump the dump should be covered from head to toe!

  3. I agree with both comments above! these are cute!

  4. Perfection; and good for so many things!
    Still, "Fuck all the way off" has got to be my favorite!

  5. Lol. The last one is the best use, ever!

  6. OMG the second kitty did not just get a cone but a shave as well, poor kitty!

  7. haha! now all I can hear in my head is the movie Up! .... I just met you, and I love you ... squirrel! if only we could get Trump off his damn twitter account. maybe around his neck, he'd stop talking? just a thought

  8. Oh my gosh!!! I'm laying in bed trying so hard to stop shaking violently from laughing. If I wake the man I'll refer him to your blog.

  9. My brother picked up my dog and dropped her once and her leg broke. I'd rather have her dealt with the cone than the cast. Ugh

  10. Hahahaha! I remember when one of cats had an abscess and had to wear the cone. He ran out of the house and tried to hide under my neighbor's balcony. He couldn't fit because of the cone and it was really comical to see! Poor kitty!

  11. The dog and the lamp...BAHAHAHA! These were so hilarious!

  12. I love the improvised cone.

  13. OMG! These were so funny! My mother has a Ridgeback who occasionally will get ear infections, so she will start inching her ear to the point where it gets really red. Last time home she started inching it and my mother grab the cone from the closet. Lilleth came bolting out of the room to me and was pressed up against me tight. She thought I would protect her. It was so funny. All my mother has to do is get it out and she stops inching. Of course she gets meds then.

  14. Absolutely delightful post and made me chuckle. That last one though, no comment!

    Thanks for sharing and warm greetings to you!

  15. Gomez got a good chuckle out of your post. But I told him that it wasn't nice to laugh at other's predicaments. :o)

    Howya been? I've been stalking your blog while at work. It brightens my day more than you know! :o)

  16. All those mad kitties and pups! And, yes, if only we could apply these to politicians...

  17. A great laugh here! The last one is the best of course. ;)

  18. I once had a cat in one of those cones. The urge to bathe was too great, so the cat just licked the inside of the cone.

  19. OMG OMG OMG These made me laugh RIGHT out loud...all of them!

  20. That second meme with the white cat caught me off guard. I spewed my lemon water all over it. You owe me a computer laptop cleaning. These are so damned great. I think you finally found my secret for finding funny shit on the web. Bravo!

  21. Binx is looking very Elizabethan.

  22. Just love the kitty snuggling with his buddy. Looks like compassion.

  23. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. You get the U.S. of A, Best Blog Post Of The Year! The last one blew my socks off!

  24. Love the cat in the video improvising with the cone to get water from the tap

  25. Awww the cat snuggling with the dog so cute!.those are some funny memes lol

  26. Oh my God, that little kitten lying in the dog's cone, keeping him company! I love him!

  27. I want a cone of shame for my son. His phone is always making noises because of his texting.


  28. Love the dog with a cat buddy!

  29. That last one is (the start of) a dream come true. But the dog who fell in love with a lamp's my favorite.
    Your series' are always playful & giggle worthy.
    Hope your week's going well.

  30. They are all good cones of shame, but the last one -- Yee-Haw! One of my blogging friends is currently wearing a cone of shame (she had neck surgery -- ugh) ... she says her cats are snickering....... !

  31. Oh the last one - I only wish it could happen.
    The lamp is my favorite.

  32. Mant laughs in that post..I have a fluffy cat!! Love the dog and the lamp..Hope you are having a good week..Thanks for another great post!!

  33. LOL I think more PEOPLE should wear the cone of shame like that cartoon! When my pugs started going blind, I made them some cones, but they were covered with a nice soft fabric so they'd be extra comfy. It helped them not to hurt their little noses while they got used to "mapping" the house out while losing their vision. Some of those photos are hilarious! Love the "love at first sight" ha ha...

  34. I am all for preventing Trump to use his Twitter account by putting cones to cover his very small hands.

  35. Oh, goodness! The plate of discontent has me rolling! Bwahahaha!

  36. Those are so good hahaha I especially enjoyed the Batman and water fountain ones! Thanks for the smiles!

  37. Excellent! So far, my cat has not had to wear one but I would like to think she would wind up like some of those.

    I Are Writer!

  38. Since I began to read this post the last one was jumping high in my head and see how similar tow different people can think lol.

    There are many who have to but resist out shamlessnesss.
    You rock my friend!

  39. Since I began to read this post the last one was jumping high in my head and see how similar tow different people can think lol.

    There are many who have to but resist out shamlessnesss.
    You rock my friend!

  40. I loved them all. You put a smile on my face. Thank you.

  41. I plum stole that second one..hahahahh

  42. OMG these are hilarious! My faves, the paper plate and of course the DT one!

  43. My sister noticed me cracking up, and everyone here came over to look. Trump got the biggest laugh of all ~ that was brilliant! Enjoy the rest of your weekend with your Rare One, Debra!

  44. I feel so sorry for the second kitty! LOL! These are all hilarious Debra!! Love the Trump one! Big Hugs!

  45. The last picture is the best one.

  46. I literally laughed until I cried over these. My poor parrot, Decibel, had a cone of shame for quite awhile. Deci had to wear the large macaw cone because she figured out the small macaw cone in a jiffy. Might have been a tough go for her, but she got to take gabapentin, so she was verrrry chill.

  47. OMG those are funny!!!! I especially live the use of cones on Trump to keep him from Tweeting.

    I have had both dogs and cats that have had to wear those cones. They are a form of torture I am sure. I think the paper plate version seems less invasive. Clever!


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