Friday 14 July 2017

Wonder Women Through the Years

We all start off with SO MUCH energy and determination when we're young and new to the superhero life, don't we?

And then we reach our peak of womanly POWER, lassos firmly in hand, strong, calm, confident and in charge!

And sure, by middle age, maybe there's a few extra pounds, our thighs are chubby and we're starting to look and sound more like Roseanne every day, but we STILL kick major ass!

But the day inevitably comes when gravity and cellulite have won the battle, when we switch our stiletto boots for sneakers and DAMN, don't granny panties feel comfy?

So are we now washed-up Wonder Women?

SHIT NO and get the FUCK out of our way cuz we are NOT gonna miss our coupla margaritas and our favourite programs on TV, you villainous bastard YOU.

[I posted the original version of this in 2011. I hope you enjoy it again, ever so slightly revised!]


  1. no granny panties is even better! with clogs!

    FUCK YEAH I'mma still kicking ass at 63!

  2. Wonder Woman has gone through a number of looks over the years, but one thing is for sure; she's never stopped kicking ass.

  3. Lol. Grannies surprise themselves sometimes!

  4. What's next? The invisible mobility scooter? 😂😂

  5. Getting old is fun. Silly things are no longer important and we can simply be ourselves no matter what someone else thinks!

  6. Too bad nobody stays immortality youthful like her

  7. You had me cracking up over the Roseanne one! It does rather look like her doesn't it? I always thought Lady Bunny would make for a great looking blond Wonder Woman.

    On a side note, In Rehoboth Beach a friend of mine does drag there, Magnolia Applebottom. She just did drag as Wonder Woman. Ill have to see if I can find the picture.

  8. OH YEAH!!! Getting out of those heels and into granny panties and a robe, screw the bra.

  9. See! This is why I insist on pants! No one needs to know ANYTHING about my undergarments. I may be wearing granny panties, I may be wearing boxer briefs... (I can promise you I won't be wearing a thong!)

  10. but tell us, Debs, do you have a WW costume hiding in your closet?

  11. That's me in the second snap! I am sure of it! :)

  12. Oh what a hoot that last wonder women is - is she for real?

  13. @ Rosemary -- I found this photo on the internet several years ago. I suspect this Wonder Woman may be a drag queen -- that "Hedwig" hair certainly suggests it. Either that or perhaps she's a cosplayer with a wicked sense of humour!

  14. I want to be friends with the person in the last picture.

  15. Thumbs up. But where's Lynda Carter? I was totally infatuated with her as a kid; my daughter and I just saw the movie and loved it, and then we read "We Should all be Feminists" by C.N. Adichie. The world needs more women in charge.

  16. I'm not wearing underwear.


  17. Hey Debra,

    Oh my, that last picture is a photo of my ex wife.

    I'm wearing Janie's underwear.


  18. I absolutely adore that last pic.... but I didn't notice you snapping away with the camera that day!

  19. I'm not wearing underwear either! And if I had Wonder Woman tights, I would never wear underwear at all. Who wants panty lines in their sleek super hero look?

  20. All kinds of Wonder Woman Wonderment with Gal Gadot, Lynda Carter and Cathy Lee Crosby!


  21. Fuckin' A!

    Sidenote: I'm nominating you for Mystery Blogger Award.

  22. Being Wonder Woman has nothing to do with the body. It's all about the spirit... and maybe the torpedo bra.

  23. I'm going to reuse my comment from 2011:
    Isn't it great that we live in a world where drag queen Wonder Woman can walk down the street without fear of persecution because we live in a utopia of understanding and the leader of the free world isn't the personification of bigotry? I'm so glad that the president, while still a drone using brown-people-bombing warmonger isn't a cartoonish hate clown, and that will never change? All hail Wonder Woman and the beautiful promise of America she represents as an immigrant.

    Sigh, I guess my comment didn't hold up.

  24. that is pure awesomeness.... I think this last woman takes my train into the city everyday

  25. Very. lol. Grannies can have fun and still kick ass. Love Wonder Woman.

  26. OMG..I hope I never get to the Roseann stage..Hysterical post!! Enjoy your weekend

  27. Granny Wonder Woman is great!

  28. From the 1970s Wonder Woman TV theme song:

    "Now the world is ready for you
    and the wonders you can do
    Make a hawk a dove
    stop a war with love
    Make a liar tell the truth"

    We need her in the White House.

  29. Hell yeah! Even in my comfortable shoes, I'm still a powerhouse.

  30. hahahahahah. Being a major fan of big hair I have to admit she looks grand and really capable of kicking ass. Hey and the underwear! Sister's got an attitude i like!

  31. My laughter went from loud to louder, and I could relate more, as I progressed through this post. Shit yeah! Who says you can't conquer the world wearing Depends?
    Hope you're enjoying the weekend, Debra.

  32. I guess my granny was also a wonderwoman before,...certainly.

  33. ah time travels fast ....still women have wonders in their innate beauty and strength i believe .
    i wrote this line above after laughing for almost five minutes while absorbing your humor .i love you Debra

  34. Great post - I didn't see it back in 2011. How interesting how Wonder Women keeps returning. Runs in cycles?

  35. OMG!
    I was happy that she didn't show cleavage in the movie, however unrealistic her battle skirt may have been.

  36. LOL! Great stuff! No granny panties for me yet, but I do love my sneakers! LOL!

  37. LOL! The latest Wonder Woman movie was great!


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