Friday 27 October 2017

The Big Night Is Almost Here!

Light your candles.

Get out your Book of Shadows.

Call your Familiar to your side.

Oh what the hell, call ALL your Familiars to your side.

Put on your most enchanting dress and jewelry.

Splurge on a new hat.

Pick out a new broom too, while you're at it.

Get all your pumpkins in a row.

Yeah, baby, yeah -- you're back in business!

You've been waiting all year for this!

So get ready to fly with your sisters!


  1. If I could learn necromancy I would. It would be sweet.

  2. You know I adore that you get behind holidays , especially Halloween like me. My favorite of them

  3. I love it, Debra. This is a really fun post. Gotta love it as we wait for the witching hour.....xo Diana

  4. In my neighbourhood lives an old weird couple who does of necromancy .

    when we shifted here 12 years ago they were so hard on me with their tricks but God took me in his circle and i felt relief .

    loved this exciting fun post dear Debra!

  5. Marvelous post! **claps hands in delight** Images were spot on! Gomez & I are ready!

  6. Oh so ready to fly with my sisters! How about yourself?

  7. I've got the old Universal Monster movies and some popcorn ready to go.

  8. Yes!! I'm just about ready. Tuesday is fast approaching. Get ready girls and guys.
    Personally, I'm going to hex the shit out of That orange monster in the White House. I think it would be fun if we all did. Just to see if it works this time.

  9. what a lovely book of shadows!

  10. I have a new hat -- lovely spider on the top. My kitty familiars are all ready. I have four brooms parked at the front door ... perhaps the kitties will join me on my ride!?! Boo!

  11. Got my pumpkins in a row and ready to go

  12. Oh man, I CANNOT wait!!! The excitement calendar is me year round!! Now if it would only stop snowing here. Bah. How can I put my coffin out in the snow????

  13. I haven't had time to do anything towards Halloween this year, but that doesn't prevent me from wishing a happy 31st October to you and yours.

  14. I'm really looking forward to the new year...I have so many things planned and so many goals and ideas going forward! :)

  15. I want that hat! I want it now! And, um, about that necromancer...

  16. The excitement is building! Four more sleeps!

  17. The one about necromancy...LOL That had me cracking up. What a fun post.

  18. I'd totally sign up for a career in necromancy.

  19. My wife, literally, decorates her broom at this season, along with the house.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  20. Ready or not here we come!!

  21. You definitely can't have too many pumpkins in a row and ready to go!

    All the best Jan

  22. I would become a with just for that hat.

  23. I saw cookies at the Sobeys that looked like that necklace that Shirley is wearing.

  24. Going to a small Halloween dinner tonight with a 2-year old, and a local restaurant is going all out for Halloween night. We'll be there, too. It's not traditionally a Spanish holiday and I normally don't like that it's rearing its ugly head here, but... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Besides, I've been told I can be a bit of a nec-romantic.

  25. I feel like I"m going to get stuck on step 3 - call your familiar to your side. More like, "run around the apartment chasing my cat all evening". Sigh.

  26. Great post! I'm ready!! That Book of Shadows is gorgeous!!
    (Deb, I've been meaning to tell you, thank you for the comment about the painting in my banner. Means a lot to me! I will be making a post about it soon!)
    Big Hugs and Happy Halloween!

  27. Ive just finished a brilliant and clever book on witchcraft by Neal Stephenson called Dodo. If you haven't read it then do.

  28. Wait a minute.....where are the candy?

  29. Fun post..I think I'll keep my old broom but that hat is to die for...Enjoy yourself..but then, I imagine that you always do..

  30. I love your Halloween posts. You're getting me in the mood for scary stuff and chocolate indulgence. Thank you, Debra.

  31. The Familiar is currently in a mood, but he'll come around before Tuesday...

  32. Been waiting for it since at least August!

  33. I'm very ready, and beyond excited! The two of us and our beards are going to be the Trump wall. Each of us are a giant piece of wall, and we all stand side by side and block people. And we're all wearing sombreros, because Mexico paid for it.

    I'll grow up next year. Maybe.

  34. Happy Halloween, Debra! I hope you and your Rare One have a blast!

  35. It's such a great time of year!! I wish the snow had held off for one more day!

  36. my favorite holiday..and love this so much


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