Thursday 2 November 2017

Lost in Transylvania

Saturday evening's event, Lost in Transylvania, took place at the restaurant of Luigi Van Helsing, believed to be a somewhat distant cousin of the noted vampire hunter from Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula. Once again, the gothic, macabre ambiance was expertly created by Lynne of Insomniac's Attic. Chilling, very chilling indeed!

First, we enjoyed a signature cocktail of vodka and cranberry juice, complete with a skelly arm stir-stick and an eyeball hidden deep in its bloody depths. Mmmmm, delicious! I drank mine and My Rare One's, since she was the designated broomstick driver.

The rather unnerving eyeball was a lychee fruit stuffed with a couple of blueberries for an iris. Its smooth but chewy texture is as close to a real eyeball as I ever want to get.

Luigi and his staff produced a wonderful buffet upon which we ghouls, witches, vampires, gypsies and cowboys (well, this is Alberta, you know!) feasted long into the night --

Here's a tantalizing taste of the very stylish table decor --

My Rare One and I had toyed with the idea of bringing along our squeaky rubber rats, Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Fang, but ultimately decided to leave them at home so we wouldn't have to babysit them all evening. As it turned out, I was delighted to have the little rat skeleton to play with instead! And hey, do you like my bracelet?

Now, you know I don't post current, identifiable photos of me on this blog. But I'm making an exception in this post so you can see more of Lynne's wonderfully spooky decor! Yes, the waving witch at the end of the table is me, my face only partially obscured by the black mourning veil of my hat.

And oh, what the hell, here's a couple more revealing photos! First of all, this is Lynne in her gorgeous Victorian mourning dress (which she sewed using an antique pattern), along with My Rare One and me --

And next, here's our "Photo Booth Coffin" shot! My Rare One clearly has not had much practice praying, judging from her awkward hand positioning. Oh, wait a minute . . . it just occurred to me that perhaps she's not praying for my immortal soul after all, but is instead tenting her fingers while chortling "EX-cellent" like Mr Burns on The Simpsons. Well, that puts a different light on things, doesn't it? D'oh!

[Photos #1, #2, #4, #5 and #6 © My Rare One, October 2017; photo #3 by Insomniac's Attic; I'm not sure who took Photos #7 and #8 but thank you for doing so!]


  1. OMG, you two are ADORABLE! and yes, your rare one's mr. burns pose has her plotting your demise; RELEASE THE HOUNDS!

    I want to taste some of that chicken paprikash!

  2. That party looks beyond had a blast!!!@ and you two are adorable, I have to agree. Looks like we both revealed ourselves this week. I shared my drag pictures from my party too.

  3. Greetings from the UK. Glad you enjoyed your time out!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  4. These are great photos!!! Thanks for sharing them!

  5. What a fun night ... though I'd have passed on eating the lychee eyeball!

  6. The room, the table, the costumes... they all look fantastic! The rat skeleton is something I need.

  7. you girls sure know how to have fun! what a party!

  8. That decor is absolutely stunning. I would definitely enjoy going to something like that.

  9. I loved this post. Flippin' fantastic. Great share and oh my gosh, what fun. Loved it.

  10. Marvelous! What fun! A truly fang-tastic time - the decor', the food, the attire! (Love the bracelet!) And even better - a picture of the author. **wink**

  11. The eyeball with my breakfast, a bit off-putting. As it was supposed to be. Hope the broomstick is safely away for another year, now.

  12. LOVE the photos! What an amazing event - the dΓ©cor is wonderful, not to mention the adorable-ness of the witches... I would have been all over those eyeballs - I love lychee nuts!

  13. I don't think I would have eaten that lychee stuffed eyeball. All the photos are so cool. You and your rare one make such a cute couple of witches. Looks like y'all had a great time.

  14. ADORABLE!!! What great photos and what a fantastic evening!! Maybe I need to move a bit more west?!?!? :)

  15. Wow, looks awesome. Oh and it's lovely to see you both at last. 😁

  16. That looks like so much fun! I love your outfits!
    ~*~ way I'd have eaten that eyeball. ;-)

  17. You look good in coffins, Debs, or they look good on you, don't know which one is it :PPPPP
    Oh, my, I'd puke if I saw that rat on my table!
    Love all the smiles and merry laughter in the photos, what a positively delightful photo posts, minus the fugly rat

  18. A great time - I love Halloween.

    Unfortunately here in Maine we lost our electricity, due to a storm for thirty-six hours so it was a dark Halloween. Half of the state was out of power - and some still are. But we love Halloween.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  19. Deb, when I started to read this post, you should have seen me, I ran to my mom!! I was like, mom, mom, this is Deb! LOL! From the bottom of my heart, I want to say, you and your Rare One are Adorable! Your two sparkle!!! Mom agrees!! I love all the decor from Lynne! It looks amazing! All 3 of you look amazingly dressed! What a great time!!! The chewy eye ball kind of grossed me out! LOL! Big Hugs!

  20. Well now we've put faces to people - though I'm sure there are far less "witchy" photos out there. And why do I feel "the rare one" is saying: mine! all mine!

  21. What fun!!! That could make Halloween a holiday I enjoy again.

  22. The photos must be bewitched! I am only seeing the one of you at the end of the table!
    Sounds like fun and even though I can't see pictures, your descriptions are so well written, I can imagine all of it.

  23. Oh what an amazing event ! Clearly you had a blast.

  24. What a great event - the food sounds scrumptious. It is making me hungry! Lynne did a great job decorating! I love her spooky ambiance. Thanks for posting pictures - you are a very cute couple and it is always nice to know with whom one is speaking.

  25. Surprisingly you look very happy and at home in the coffin.

  26. This post made me happy because it was so very nice to see you and Rare One.

  27. Fun photos - someone went to a lot of trouble to put on the event. Glad you had such a good time.

  28. Oh my gosh, so much fun! That little skeleton stir stick...hahaha! Love that. What an amazing evening. And best of all, photos of you and your Rare One!!! Yippee!!! Hello, you two, I'm thrilled to meet you! And here I thought I'd have to travel all the way to Alberta to finally see you. Okay, well maybe sometime in the future :) Although if you do find ourselves in Ottawa or Montreal at some point, make sure to contact me because I'm very close to both cities now. Thanks for sharing this fun event with us!

  29. @ Plowing Through Life -- Martha, you'd be the first person I'd call!

  30. Oh my dear goodness, this is glorious! I almost asked Lynne if any of the pictures she took showed your face *hehehe, I'm sneaky like that*. I'm so glad you shared them. I love your bracelet, and your description of the eyeball (your Rare One obviously adores you, since people don't go around sharing their eyeballs with just anyone). The last picture is a treat, chortling and all. :-)

  31. You are bewitched!
    You dare devil, you!
    It's about time your visage graced your pages.
    Just saying!

  32. EXPOSED!! So good to see you both once again, Debra!!
    Looked like a fun time!!

  33. I LOVE seeing you and your Rare One!!! How cute you both look, love it! So nice to see you Debra :))) The event looked like so much fun! I laughed SO HARD at your Rare One's Mr. Burns fingers hee hee...lovely post! :)

  34. What a great time and wonderful decor. I LOVE that bracelet, too. And what a joy to see your beautifully wicked faces. Thanks for sharing! You've got me smiling.

  35. Good food, spooky friends and surroundings! Who could ask for anything more?

  36. What a fun post. Creative and scary. I was glad to see your faces, after your heads were cut off in the prior photos...LOL Creepy bracelet.

  37. Looks like a damned good time! Thank you for the photos!!!

  38. That is just pure Halloween Awesomeness!

  39. well, schmuck that I am..all I could do was weep that I got to see the faces that belong to two that I love..

  40. Good to finally see what you look like! Up to now it's just been a pair of hands (and even those were covered with gloves.) I don't ordinarily end my sentences this way, but :)

  41. You must have had two peach coolers to show your pictures. Now we have to move you out of the witness protection program.

  42. ha! how fun to get a glimpse of you guys! what a fun party ... and I'm with you on the eyeball. Slippery is not a texture I like to eat .. no.matter.what!

  43. YAY! You've honored and entrusted us with photos of your lovely selves. Thank you. I love how much you and Rare One get into the spirit. I think I need to visit Alberta next Halloween. You all do it right.

  44. How cute you both looked...and so so glad you had fun. I used to LOVE Halloween parties so much.
    I am glad to put faces with you and Rare One.....

  45. I’m just as thrilled as everyone else that you posted pictures of yourselves!! Mostly because I wouldn’t know how to say no to Magaly if she asked me. πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ

  46. This. Is. So. Cool. Everything looks like so much fun. So much careful detail put into everything. No wonder you two look so happy to be in a coffin.

  47. OMG ~ That creepy eyeball! I'd have drunk the cocktail with relish and eaten the eyeball no matter how creepy. I loved seeing the photo of you and your Rare One! Although I must confess that I have seen a photo of the two of you before. I'm sure you can figure out how very easily! What a fun way to celebrate Halloween!

  48. Oh Dear this is beyond spooky for me !

    this place is giving me shiver.
    you guys are so naughty and daring to enjoy such scary environment!

    I LOVED your photos and so grateful that you shared them!!!:)


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