Tuesday 7 November 2017

Song for a Winter's Night

Winter arrived full-force in Edmonton on November 1st, with cold, snow, icy roads and windchill. I'm tired of winter already and it hasn't even been a week!

It goes without saying that we'll need some good music to get through it! So here for your listening pleasure are two different versions of a classic winter song recorded by a couple of Canada's greatest singer/songwriters.

I've loved Gordon Lightfoot's voice and his songs ever since I first heard his music on the radio as a small child.

Among all his many other hits, Gordon Lightfoot wrote a beautiful ballad of love and longing called Song for a Winter's Night. He recorded it in his straightforward acoustic folk style in the mid-1970s. It's always been one of my favourites --

Then, in 2003, Sarah McLachlan did her own arrangement of the song and recorded an absolutely stunning new version of it.

So beautifully melodic and evocative, it almost sounds like an entirely different song! When I first heard it, I couldn't believe how wonderful it was --

I hope you enjoy both versions!

Gotta go plug in my car now so the engine won't freeze.


  1. I have a hard time when summer ends. I'm just settling into fall. Can't even think of winter yet. Keep it up there in just beginning to enjoy the fall foliage this season.

  2. my favorite time of year! i am such a summer hater!

  3. One of my favourite Canadian songs! Love both versions! I hadn't heard Sarah's version before. Thanks for sharing, Debra.

  4. Our weather turned cool, and fall-ish, a couple of weeks ago, and then spring and summer came back; now it's set to get cold again ... we'll see.
    Love the songs, though I tend to be more of a Gordon fan myself. Love hsi voice.

  5. Gordon holds a special place in my heart as he sang my very first favorite song. I was about 8 and heard Sundown and fell in love. I had not heard Winters Night....love it.

    Keep safe.

  6. She has such a soothing voice and brings that to this beautiful song. Thank you for sharing, Debra!

  7. I love Gordon Lightfoot's music. Such a storyteller! I was reading an article over the weekend about the Edmund Fitzgerald and Gordon's song about it. Such a haunting song. Song for a Winter's Night is so easy to listen to - especially as I sit here in front of my window & watch the snow fall. Both renditions are beautiful.

  8. Winter weather has finally arrived in Maine. Thanks for the music.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  9. Sarah McLachlan has a wonderful voice ...
    Keep warm!

    All the best Jan

  10. I remember that period of time when even here in California, it seemed as if The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald was always on the radio. I don't remember if any of his other songs were ever played, but I think even to this day I'd probably be able to remember most of the lyrics to that one.

  11. Being of that generation, I also grew up to the sound of Gordon Lightfoot's voice. I hadn't heard Sarah's version.

    PS: my Edmontonian neighbors know Sarah! Not sure how many degrees of separation that is...

  12. I hear ya about the snow.
    The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald has always stuck in my head, ever since I was a kid. Such a different haunting song.
    Good choices for music!

  13. Oh, noes, snow already??? Hope it does not snow you in any time soon!

  14. And we received winter November 3rd - a nice little winter storm to start the season off brightly. And I, like you, said to myself last night that I am done with winter already. I fear its going to be a very long, very dark 6 months....

    I vote for Sarah's version always. Hers brings tears to my eyes each and every time.

    Stay warm!!

  15. Plug in the car so the engine won't freeze? What does that mean?


  16. I love Sarah's version better. It's softer and you can hear the love in it. I can feel the winter in the song. It's haunting and more beautiful.

  17. Two great versions by two great artists. Thanks.

  18. @ Janie Junebug -- Hahahahaha -- oh, my sweet summer child!

  19. I’m sitting in front of my SAD light right now. Let the long dark days begin.

    But it’s better with Gordon Lightfoot and Sarah MacLachlan.

  20. Full volume, both versions. Thank you. And, thank my son in law for the sub woofers, fifteen years ago.

  21. Oh, Debra. You got straight to my warm, fuzzy space here. Sigh. Where's the tissue?
    Thank you.

  22. Two of the most beautiful voices! Thanks. Haven't listened to Gordon Lightfoot in a long time. Plugging in your car! The first time I was in South Dakota in winter -- trapped in a blizzard, of course -- I saw wires trailing out to the hotel parking lot. When Jerry told me it was to heat the cars, I thought he was making it up!

  23. Like many people who have commented I grew up with Gordon Lightfoot and his music. I also remember the years you could catch him sitting around the old Pilot Tavern on Cumberland Street in Yorkville. I wasn't familiar with the Sarah MacLachlan. It's nice but I guess I'm just an old traditionalist - I'm not fond of all the electronic dub overs etc.

    Ah the block heater - I recall forgetting to plug mine in one -38c night in Ottawa and having to get the car towed to a garage to get it thawed out. I never forgot again.

  24. Both are such great tunes. When I hear a tune by Gordon Lightfoot, I feel my heart being squeezed. His music makes me very nostalgic.

  25. I have loved Gordon Lightfoot since the first time I heard him. What a wonderful artist. I think I have recordings of every song he has ever put out.

    We are down to 20°F tonight and I am NEVER EVER ready for winter to come rolling in. We are supposed to get snow on Friday and I suppose we will be winter weary long before Spring comes around.

    Thanks for the memories here. I like her rendition, too. xo Diana

  26. It feels like winter here. Or English winter anyway.

  27. Wait, are you seriously ranking Gordon Lightfoot higher than Justin Bieber? Everyone knows the Biebs is the greatest musician to ever come out of North America!

  28. ew ew ew! no snow here, only rain.

    PS - on the way home tonight, there was a car in front of me with an ALBERTA license plate; I thought of you!

  29. Can't believe I'm saying this but I like Sarah's version better. Sorry Gordon. Sitting here in shorts and sleeveless tank.

  30. Gordon Lightfoot is one of my favorites. He fills me with excitement, the sound of his voice, music and story telling.
    The other version is excellent but for me Gordon holds a special place.

  31. Thank you for introducing me to Gordon Lightfoot--what a voice. And about winter, well... We haven't even touched freezing temps yet, but I'm already glaring at the chill. My bones were not made for freezing.

  32. Hee hee - I remember my Canadian pal Kim telling me tales of living in Manitoba and how she had to plug the block heater in when she arrived at the grocery store to keep the car from freezing! Believe it or not, I love cozy winter evenings with a fire, a beer and my honey. I hope You and your Rare One enjoy a cozy evening tonight!

  33. Beautiful - thanks for sharing. Stay warm and happy.

  34. I was in Calgary over the weekend ~ It was a bitter start to winter there too. I really liked Sarah McLachlan's arrangement of Gordon Lightfoot's classic "Song for a Winter's Night." I've played Lightfoot's version hundreds of times I am sure! Stay warm!

  35. Nice song. I like Sarah's version. Just makes you want to snuggle up doesn't it.

  36. I wouldn't mind fall if it would just skip winter and go directly to spring.

  37. Oh my gosh, cars plugged in already, sigh...at least I'm not there yet!! :)

  38. I have never nor ever plan to live in place that I need to plug my car in to prevent it from freezing. Thanks for introducing me to a new song.

  39. We just had a little snow yesterday..too warm to lay..Love that song...I used to plug in a small space heater under my engine when I parked it outside . Hopefully that is a month or two away if at all...

  40. Lightfoot has a real soul in his voice

  41. Thank you sooooooo...much for such soothing and touching melodies Debra!!!
    i am going to listen them more often as winters are though not suitable for my age still i love the stillness and cool serenity they bring in (no snow here in south)

  42. We are suppose to get our first snow fall tomorrow! Thankyou for these beautiful songs Debra! Big Hugs!

  43. I love them both..but oh that Gordon ...his voice makes me ...warm..
    it's still in 70's here..

  44. Tired of winter already? Gosh, I thought I was bad - lol! Gordon Lightfoot? I freakin love Gordon Lightfoot. His voice is soooo sexy. Great taste in music. Cheers!!


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