Thursday 4 January 2018

Nothing to Do and All Day to Do It

Thanks, everybody, for all the kind comments and good wishes left on my last post about being retired!

Some of you inquired what my plans will be to fill my time now. Well, my immediate plans are quite simple, actually.

However, I may break up this hectic schedule with a few snooze sessions . . .

. . . the odd crossword or two . . .

. . . some movie matinees with My Rare One and other friends . . .

. . . plus a few good books to read.

And I can lounge about in my jam-jams all day long if I want because now every single day is . . .

I may very well become more ambitious in the future but for now, all I want to do is live by this philosophy . . . .


  1. Soon you may find it difficult to understand how you even had time to go to work!

  2. you've caught on to retirement fast!

  3. ..... Happy retirement! The kitties have taught me all sorts of ways to spend my time ... nap, eat, nap, play, nap ... repeat ... I haven't tried cat nip ...... yet .........

  4. Marvelous plans! Enjoy yourself. You've earned it. :o)

  5. I am a Book Nerd and love the smell of a new book.
    There. I said it.

  6. It sounds perfect to me. It is surprising how your days become full with things/people you love. I wish that for you too, Debra.

  7. Sounds great! Enjoy doing absolutely sweet f-all :)

  8. You'll be amazed at how quickly you fill your time!

  9. and enjoy every minute of it and when you do get bored remember your worst days at work or the days when you hated going out to work,, that should keep you on track. Garry had to retire earlier than he wanted because of health reason and it was an adjustment but on days when he maybe wishing he was back at work I told him the same thing, think of all those bad days,, well, those bad days at work are gone, you are your own boss, well of course in your case the cat is the boss, lol,,,, love to you my friend,, enjoy everyday!

  10. You have the outline. Filling in the details is fun.

  11. wishing you well, good Lady Debra...

  12. Not knowing how to fill the time is a good problem to have. Enjoy yourself.

  13. Enjoy,
    I plan to take a nap today and watch the snow outside without having to drive anywhere.
    Welcome aboard.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  14. Cat has a point, they can prove they are real

  15. Welcome to the Do Nothing Club but don't get too comfy. It's best to have that one savings account you can keep as bail money. I know from experience. I'm home all day, I get bored. My bail account comes in handy.
    I'm stealing that cat meme.

  16. Lucky! :) I'm happy for you. My sister is retired and does all manner of things - she's busy all the time (but it's stuff like line dancing class and book club.)

  17. Congrats on your retirement! Yay! Now you can blog even more frequently!

  18. I retired at the age of 48 then became bored after a few months and found another occupation and finally officially retired at 55.
    My life today is filled with lots of interests and very much echo the first commentator "How on earth did I find the time to work"

  19. but sometimes it is too hard doing nothing!

  20. Just keep ribbing that salt in the wounds will ya?!?!?!?!

  21. Yes. That is how retirement starts off. You read every book you ever wanted to read. You watch every movie that even sounds like it might be good. You travel as far as your money will stretch. Its a new life with a new routine to be established. Have fun creating it.

  22. I agree with Rosemary. After a couple of years of retirement, I am astonished at how busy I am.

    But, to be honest, there is still the choice, every morning...shall I run my ass off today or put some jammies on and read a good book! Life is Good!

  23. I love the concept of every day being casual Friday. I giggled at the penguin cartoon - thrilled for you.

  24. Loved this collection of comics. Very, very happy for you!

  25. Hell, yes!

    What kind of work did you do pre-retirement?

  26. I hope you have Netflix Streaming. And Amazon Prime. And Hulu. And HBO.


  27. @ Birdie -- Before retirement, I was an International Woman of Mystery.

  28. I love your ending philosophy and completely support it.

    Also, now that you will be home more and stuff... I really hope you write some poetry. I always enjoy it when you do. And goodness knows I'm very selfish. :-D

  29. Well...good for you Debra!
    Enjoy...Happy new Year of doing nothing! hahaha1
    I love crosswords....And Minions!
    Linda :o)

  30. Oh I am so envious! Enjoy your days filled with relaxation.

  31. Hey Debra!

    How's it goin' eh?

    Good stuff, Debra. Since retiring, I've mastered the craft of advanced thumb twiddling!

    As for a Bucket List, I have my very own "Fucket List", which I've been sharing on everybody's favourite social "notworking" site, "Farcebook"!

    Happy retirement, eh!

    Gary 😀

  32. Oh congratulations on retiring. I wish all the best with your activities.

  33. Enjoy every moment of it! Wishing you all the best in the new year!


  34. That sounds...wonderful. Congrats!

  35. Your blog posts always bring a smile to my face and I really needed one today. Thank you for stopping by my blog today.

  36. Oh poor thing, nothing to do all day and no important meetings to go to... you will end up counting CDs out of pure boredom.
    (I will hold you to it!)

  37. @klahanie : I too will work on my Fucket list! Best idea in a long time!

  38. Oh, dear are sooo speaking my language.
    I love love love doing NOTHING some days. It's 11:40am here and I am still in my pj's...have fun with your plans !! :)

  39. I remember your last comment was when I stopped blogging. I'm doing a test run with a new post just to see if anyone shows up. So many have stopped blogging.

  40. Good for you Debra! I am so happy for you!! Enjoy!! I love pj days! LOL!

  41. Last one is MOUTHWATERING! :)

    i loved firs one too ,either "KEEP BREATHING" is my only plan though i fulfil each that time brings to me .
    love you for smiles you sprinkle in my day dear Debra!

  42. Congratulations on your retirement! I didn't know, been off other blogs for quite a while now, need to catch up.

  43. Sounds like you're the kind of person in which the word "retirement" isn't code for "life not worth living" (seriously, for some people, retirement is a death sentence), but code for "time to party hearty until you're discombobulated".

    Again, congrats on becoming a somebody.

  44. Retirement is THE BEST! Congratulations and welcome to the club, Debra!

  45. Yay! I'm so glad to hear that you are retired!!! I am grateful every single day, and I'm over five years in. Enjoy just creating in your jam jams, Debra!


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