Sunday 7 January 2018

Greetings from Edmonchuk

Long-time readers of this blog know that I am a major Ukrainian wannabe. Personally, I don't have a single drop of Ukrainian blood, but that is not going to stop me in my fanaticism for all things Ukrainian. For example, I've dated a lot of Ukrainians over the years including, of course, My Rare One. I've lived all my adult life in cities with big Ukrainian communities -- Winnipeg and Edmonchuk, I mean, Edmonton. And my favourite food is perogies!

Under the old Julian calendar used by the Orthodox Christian Church, today is Orthodox Christmas Day. But on the Canadian prairies, we simply call it "Ukrainian Christmas" because Ukrainians are the single largest group who mark the occasion here. Today's post is not going to be particularly Christmassy, however, but it will pay heartfelt homage to my favourite ethnic group!

Her Royal Highness the cat helped me with this post and, wouldn't you know it, every single image she picked has a cat in it!


Of course they're all cats, silly human! Everything is better with cats!

Have I not trained you to realize that already? *facepaw*

I must give a special shout-out of thanks to that good Ukrainian boy, Cal of Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool who created the captioned memes and from whose blog I believe I stole all the other images too, LOL!


  1. I know what you mean. I gravitate towards Wales and love the culture, the people and the country. I really want to live there some day. Anyway, Merry Ukrainian Christmas x

  2. oh this was so good, you put together the best posts,, that cat missing the bacon, lol,, I agree!!!! Got to have bacon!!! We eat a lot of pierogis, winter time food!!

  3. you could be polish! i think i might make a big polish easter this year and perogies will certainly be a part of it! when in perogies!

  4. Babushkat he he he! Such lovely Russian cats! Happy Orthodox Christmas to everybody in Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Belarus and all other countries that celebrate it!

  5. Have a great celebration today. How fortunate you are to share in such a rich culture!

  6. not a pierogi/perogi fan here, but I like ravioli. the cat print perogis is my fave pix.

  7. A perfect dedication to the Ukrainian culture and the Perogies!

  8. I live alongside the old Erie Canal, which was built by the Polish and the Irish, descendants of whom still populate the area. From the Polish sprang The Perogi Lady, and hers are, of course, the best. She even makes corned beef and cabbage perogi's for St. Paddy's day, to honor all of us.

  9. Well in that case sweet cheeks.....get your head wrapped in a,scarf and head to the Casa because tonight I planned on having pergerios!!!! I kid you not. I don't think I knew about the pergeri thing. Funny post!!!!

  10. Must have been Ukranian in a former life...... Enjoy your perogies. Whatever they might be.....

  11. Everytime Lucy comes into the bedroom to get warm I make her a babushka with the blanket. She looks like a cute little babushka baby.

  12. Ukrainian food is the absolute best! A lot of prep work but so good.

  13. Never had a perogy; but a plate of any food looks good with a beer beside it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  14. Everyone loves one particular foreign nation

    except Trump

    who am I kidding, he loves Russia

  15. Got to know Ukrainians and Ukrainian culture when I lived in Toronto. Still have a good buddy there named Boris. Loved Perogis from the first. They are simply amazing! However, I was unaware that this was there Christmas. I will head to facebook to wish Boris glad tidings. Thanks for the head up.

  16. I LOVE perogies!!! Gosh, are you an SCTV fan? Andrea Martin as Pirini? That's what your cat photos reminded me of!

  17. The cats a darling love then in there scarfs.
    Coffee is on

  18. Wow that bowl of food in the last meme looks just like the food I had on the plane coming back to to the UK from AZ yesterday. I've been on the loo ever since.

  19. Those cat memes made me smile. Thanks to you and Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool. I think I'll have to pay him a visit!

  20. Love all of the images of the cute babushkats.

  21. Hilarious photos ,truly old fashioned ukrainian cats they look lol

    you look so fascinated by ukrainian culture!

    your humour is outstanding about everything you choose to talk about :)

  22. This Polish and Russian American approves of pierogi in a BIG WAY!!! I swear this year I'm going to "break" my Mom's pierogi recipe to decrease the amount it makes: over 5 dozen!!! I think we an agree that pierogi is just about the perfect food. :)

    A Merry Polish ... Ukrainian ... and Russian Christmas. When my Mom was alive we would celebrate it with borscht, pierogi, and a small present. It was always my favorite time of the holiday season.

  23. I haven't had pierogi since they stopped carrying them at Trader Joe's. I should learn to make them.

  24. OMG..I love are so funny..I haven't had a good perogy in forever..I used to date a Ukranian as guy..HRH is a the paw prints !!! Have a fun week

  25. I love perogies and the people who make them! Maybe I'll start wearing a babushka instead of a ball cap.

  26. perogies - I associate those with Polish culture. I guess they are more general eastern european. If we didn't place unwarranted suspicion and fear on hijabs we could see them as very similar to babushkas.

  27. Growing up in a Polish neighbourhood and living in Warsaw for several years I was always assured that only Poles knew how to make pirogi! And as for cabbage rolls - well let's not even make comparisons. Once a month in Warsaw our housekeeper would spend the whole day making pirogi for the month. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

    A colleague of mine from Edmonton use to refer to it as Edmontownski! LOL

  28. Yes, I am one of those chosen people. I could have been a dancer. I could have been a SHUMKA DANCER and I would have jumped higher than anyone before me.

  29. all the stolen images...:)
    and I've never eaten a perogy...

  30. I do love that good Ukranian boy, and the Cal-Seeker combination makes for a bonus series. Thanks for bringing smiles to my face.

  31. Happy Belated Ukrainian Christmas! I am so bad! I should have had a post on my blog! Mom didn't have the strength to make any perogies yesterday, so we said, when she is up to it, we will all help her! I love "Babushkat"! LOL! Big Hugs!

  32. Errr ....ummmm ... forgive me for being an elder Male from the Southern Hemisphere ...
    but there is, apparently 30 thousand feral cats out in the Australian backblocks -devastating our fragile small birds, mammals and reptiles.

    Forgive me if i do not enjoy your love of cats.

    However, while temperatures here at this time in the Julian calendar year are hovering between 28C and 49C, bush fires are our greatest threat ...
    Can Wish you Best Wishes at Seasons Change ....

  33. OMG I love all of these!! And I too love perogies and not a drop of Ukrainian blood in me either! I could eat them for England! My favorites are the usual potato and cheese but I do love the sauerkraut ones too! I haven't made them in a long time...maybe this is what I should do to while away the wretched winter.

  34. my friend shady lane is polish and in the old days when we all drank a lot..we would make perogies every christmas..we'd drink a lot and smoke a lot and eat a lot..good times.

  35. Pierogies are in my blood (from childhood and grandparents). So flippin' yum. Love the Babuskcat.

  36. I thought I knew what cute was. Then I saw kitties in babushkas!

  37. I love pirogies. So much better than the haggis of my Scottish tradition. The babushkats are too cute.


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