Monday 19 February 2018

'Tis But a Scratch

Who DOESN'T love the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

He's a bona fide CULTURAL ICON now! And the Black Knight always seems to pop up when you LEAST expect him.

Here he is helping everyone to TELL TIME . . . .

Moonlighting as a POPULAR DJ . . . .

Shrugging off a CAR ACCIDENT . . . .

He's even made it to CANADA!


Many thanks to Pickleope of Strangely Naked for providing a link to this fabulous Black Knight art print by Alexander Wells, which is for sale here! In the background, you can see the French castle where the English knights were so mercilessly taunted and, speaking of merciless, my personal favourite, the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog!


  1. Soon as I saw the title, I thought oh no..........

  2. Blimey! I've never heard of the said sod before! I was always more of a Black Adder fan!

  3. I’m not familiar with this guy!

  4. oh this made me laugh!!!

  5. I love the car! If I ever get a dent like that ... careful what I wish for!

  6. I have seen cars with that very slogan on them!

  7. LOL- I think the car one is my favorite! lol xo Diana

  8. Thank you good Lady Debra for the Smile with my cup of Coffee... You and yours have a very pleasant week.

  9. AHA!! I see where you needed the frost meme. Great post! I love Monty Python.
    I gotta find out where I can buy that clock.

  10. HAHA! Looks like the Black Knight is searching for employment opportunities. Times must be tough :)

  11. LOVE it! I still use these phrases frequently and, thankfully, my peers always laugh. Love the clock, love the dj 'scratchin'...
    Thanks for the Monday funnies!

  12. Hmmm, I do not know this fellow! I do like the writing on the damaged car though. I saw one once where someone put a giant Band-aid bandage on the dent. This Knight seems to get around a lot.

  13. Funny pictures, but not nearly as funny as the movie that inspired them.

  14. You are totally B O N K E R S - but i love you xxx

  15. Unknown caller ... click ... who is that anyway, friend D? ... Anyway. Love, cat.

  16. LOL, I haven't thought about Monty Python in awhile...thanks for the lol's!

  17. Ha. I need the slogan for my car. Actually, I need half a dozen bumper stickers with that slogan for my car.
    Happy new week.

  18. Tis such a great phrase. I should put this one on one of my conversation necklaces! Although the younger generation would not get it.

  19. I swear, you must be my long lost sister. The Black Knight is the best. My kids and grand-kids know the entire script of Holy Grail by heart. My sons will do the Knights Who Say Nei or the None Shall Pass in the kitchen while I'm trying to cook Christmas dinner or Thanksgiving dinner and I almost wet my pants from laughing.

  20. By the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioche according to Armaments, chapter two, verses nine to twenty-one so many MP phrase have entered our lexicon!

  21. I don't know this guy...guess it's an age thing..

  22. Classic Monty Python! The Holy Grail is the best. My brother and I quote from it far too often.

  23. Love that someone put that on their car!

  24. Thank you for the early morning chuckle. I sometimes use the phrase whenever I slightly injure myself.

    I Are Writer!

  25. My kids like the famous characters as well and used to dress like them and perform as superheros !

    i loved popeye the sailor man but my kids still hate spinach

  26. *whispers* I'm not a fan of MP. Shhh. Don't tell anyone, especially my husband, who most definitely is.

  27. I am the world's biggest MP fan! We did a skit in Grade 12 of the lumberjacks...what a hoot. Love everything MP!!!

  28. LOL! My brother wanted me to tell you, he liked this post too! LOL! Thanks Debra!

  29. Great scene from a funny movie.
    Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

  30. Love it. You can buy prints of this done super arty here (no, I don't profit off this):

  31. Hilarious movie, and surprisingly true to the Arthurian legend.


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