Wednesday 11 April 2018

Winter Blues

Are you eagerly awaiting Spring's arrival? I know I am.

Winter gets real old, real fast, doesn't it? And around here, winter lasts a long, long time.

Our snow started in October. We're still getting snow now in April. When will it end?

I'm sure all of you who live in cold climates agree!

Get here soon, Spring! Please!


  1. These at priceless. Thanks for the good laughs ... as we sit on the beach with our cafes con leche.

  2. We had cold, then Spring, then almost Summer, and then back to cold, and now another warm up into late Spring.
    All in the space of a couple of weeks.

  3. That first one made me spew my tea onto my keyboard.

  4. Just think--the extended cold helps keep down bugs and mosquitoes. Here in Taipei it is 90F and my laptop is overheating, so I would appreciate some of your cool weather!

  5. Great fun! I well remember those long winters in Alaska. That pie chart describes it perfectly! :o) Here in Colorado, we have hardly had a winter. he grass is greening and my rhubarb is up. And I have a house full of seedlings waiting to go to their new homes in the flower beds. Hang in there. Spring will be there soon!

  6. Our winter has been the worst that I can remember for ages but at least we have put it behind us now (I think).

  7. I love your look at the winter doldrums we are having this spring!🙂

  8. yes yes and yes,,, sick of winter and its snowing as I type this!!!

  9. I'm glad to say it's very Spring like here in the UK. Nearly all our neighbours in AZ come from Canada and live in AZ for the winter months. Now I know why!

  10. Winter is the epitome of escalation.

  11. Ha!!!!! I think we're out of winter now.....finally. it's getting warmer day by day. Course you know we will go from winter wonderful to the heat of the depths of H ell in one day.

  12. That graph has become the new norm. If it doesn't warm up soon, I'm going to have to go out back and kick something.

  13. We in Minnesota are suffering right there with you! Winter, you've overstayed your welcome, now get out!

  14. HAHAHA! All so...terribly, horribly...and very sadly...TRUE!

  15. DIE WINTER DIE! is what we are saying down here. no snow, but still cold. and we are playing baseball in this shit.

  16. Well, Cleveland's just across the lake from you, and winter's gone on far too long here, too.

  17. Still snowing here in the PNW, but only in the mountains. The valleys are enjoying spring. It's a cold and wet spring, but better than the GWN. On my phone weather app I follow Yellowknife, just as a comparison to make me feel better. Now, that's one cold location!

  18. Great memes. The Johnny depp made me laugh out loud and startle the poor dog.

  19. meanwhile, it is over 30*C here and we stopped with the heating a week ago, everybody is in T-shirts. I personally miss winter already :)

  20. Am happy with the "warming trend" last couple of days so far, friend D ... smiles ... be well ... Love, cat.

  21. I AGREE I AGREE!!! Enough already!

  22. Well, you've retired right? No more daily commute through the snow. That's one tiny nail on which to hang your hopes.

  23. I don't live in Canada. I live in the deep south of the United States. It is still cold here. I had to wear a coat into work this morning. I am convinced that Mother Nature has gone into menopause and is trying to cool her hot flashes.

  24. It has been nonstop cold here in the Peg - I don't think we will get summer this year. Or spring. Right back into winter come September I fear.

  25. I was tired of winter before it even started this year. Blah.

  26. Lets wrap this up...ASAP!!
    Linda :o)

  27. I saw the first Robin yesterday and another today, or maybe it was the same one????

  28. I'm beginning to think that Spring is just a teasing trickster!

  29. I'm so over it. We were teased about a month ago with two days of warm weather and had the audacity to think spring had arrived. Wrong. Got snow two days later. Mother Nature has been awfully moody. Tomorrow we're looking at eight degrees though. Followed by forty. I've had it. Make up your mind and just pick spring already!!! My guess is we'll just dive right into summer.


  30. Seen on Facebook: "I can't wait for summer to arrive. I hope it's on a weekend this year."

  31. I live in SC and I still haven't taken off my jacket for good yet... Winter sucks

  32. The Jonny Depp one is hysterical. Spring spring here yesterday. Yipee

  33. So funny. I have even been wearing Long Sleeve Shirts down here in Texas. That signals it is still Winter here. Hahaha.

  34. Someone who will remain nameless decided to get rid of the snow tires last week. Don't do I said. Don't do it. But would he listen to me? Don't do it I said, but would he listen to his own husband?

  35. Nice day today but I've heard that mother nature plans to kick our ass this weekend.

  36. What an appropriate post..The weather must have heard you..Almost 80 today..for sure tomorrow..Doesn't sound like ir will be around for long..I hope!!! Not ready for 80's..Love the cat picture..My sentiments exactly!!

  37. Thanks for a much needed laugh. I remember those long, mind crushing winters. I was born and raised in Maine, but I live in Florida now. I know! Shut up and sit down!

    Note to self: Stop telling people you live in Florida if you want them to like you :) It could be least I don't live in the Virgin Islands where 360 of the 365 days are perfect. The other 5 days have names!

  38. Oh poor you darling Debra!

    you made me laugh and i am thinking what might be my neighbor think about my laughs in loneliness .

    incredibly wonderful post !!!

    hope May is spring month for you and your anger will disappear when sun shine above you and grass wave under your feet

  39. You deserve some warm weather, my friend. I saved a couple of these to send to my best friend who lives in Cambridge, Ontario - we email every day and I've run out of cheery hopes for warmth for her soon. :)

  40. I especially loved, "Die, Winter, die!" We've had snow and howling winds today. It started shortly after one last night when I was finishing up my post. Yesterday it was 79ºF/26ºC, and so hot that I didn't want to walk outside. I'm enjoying every moment of winter I can get, because we are likely going to move to Arizona. Have a good one, my friend!

  41. LOL! Great post Debra! I have to admit, I do love winter, but this year, it seems to be hanging on a little too long! We are getting hammered right now with the freezing rain! Praying the power doesn't go out! I hope the snow isn't too bad for you!!! Stay warm with your Rare One! Big Hugs!

  42. Sigh. I remember that day in March.

  43. Sadly, we had a spring-like day this past Saturday with temps in the 70's, but it has regressed to temps in the hi 40's/lo 50's this week.

  44. Hahahahaha.

    In all the years living here, it's always snowed in April.

  45. It's sunny outside. I'm whispering the words. I don't want to jinks myself or offend the snow demons, who might decide to show spring who's boss.

  46. I live in Colorado and am waiting for winter to make an appearance in April. We are already on stage 1 water restrictions since we have had so little snow.


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