Wednesday 16 May 2018

Are You Going to the Royal Wedding Too?

Hello everyone. Her Royal Highness the cat here. It is so VERY tiresome to be a member, as I am, of the Royal Family because then one MUST attend dreary family functions from time to time.

However, I am VERY MUCH looking forward to attending this weekend's Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and his bride-to-be, Meghan Markle. Because, don't you know, Prince Harry adores, simply ADORES, me. My sources inside the Palace advise that he travels EVERYWHERE with this very special portrait of him and me taken on one of our happy holidays together a few years ago.

This next photo, however, is MY favourite snap of Harry and me. The photographer was unable to tear his lens away from my beauty, but I ASSURE you that is indeed Prince Harry who is holding me. You can tell by his ginger beard and those stubby Windsor fingers.

Unfortunately, some OTHER members of the House of Windsor are NOT fans of my magnificence and would gladly see me EXCLUDED from the wedding. Well, ONE member in particular has a vendetta against me -- my cousin Betty Windsor.

Yes, that's right. "The Other HRH" has a hate-on for me like you wouldn't BELIEVE!

But more about that in my NEXT post.


  1. yes, HRH, I am going to watch. we have no royalty in the US.


  2. I like the royal family better than the first family here in the states, that's for sure. Harry happens to be my favorite - I wish him many happy years with Miss M.

  3. I hope HRH gets a good seat!

  4. I love that shot of you and Harry. But then you were always so photogenic. Does Megan know about you?

  5. I hear that other other HRH is a dog person.

  6. I assume that you'll be back to post the inside scoop on what REALLY happens at the wedding. The stuff we get in the press is sort of the official shiny version.

  7. I'm going to try to get up to watch it live. I'm very happy that Prince Harry has found someone. If you decide to go, do watch out for the corgis! :-)

  8. I wasn't going to watch, but the closer we get to the wedding, the more curious I become. So much family drama going on. I really do feel sorry for Meghan.

  9. I think Megan and Harry should have eloped. Now that would cause drama! LOL

  10. I don't know why I didn't get an invite since I found out I am related to the Spencers and therefore related to Harry! Must be tons of people related to spencers from all the shows on genealogy I have seen!

  11. Hells bells and rocket shells. You know I'll be up extra early with tea and scones watching the festivities. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

  12. Sorry your highness I will be in bed sleeping but enjoy

  13. I don't even know what day they're getting married. If it's a cable-only event, then, no, I won't be watching.

  14. Your Highness, if you need an escort for the festivities Pierre could be persuaded to accompany you. An American gentlecat might be the perfect calling card to get you in to the sanctum sanctorum of Ms Markle. Let me know, would you, and I'll press his morning suit. Cheerio!

  15. Pretty much all of us anglo-saxons are related to the royal family in some way shape or form. It's very likely to be related to at least Edward III on back, and almost mathematically impossible not to be related to King John on back. I put my wedding bill on Elizabeth II's tab.

  16. I've been waiting by my post box, but my invitation has not yet arrived. I guess I will have to rely on you to relate all the juicy bits about the wedding!

  17. Enjoy HRH! This marriage sound like it will be an entertaining one. Paparazzi are certainly having a ball with it!

  18. None of the cats here were invited and they're slightly offended. Enjoy on all their behalf!

  19. Since when Harry has a tattoo on his hand? :)
    I'm so glad HRH will report the main details for us, I couldn't handle watching the tart and the prick getting married....

  20. Well HRH, I do have my ensemble and fascinator ready, but I'm still awaiting my invite in the mail. How did they mail it...shoe leather express?

  21. @ e -- Ordinarily, I would JUMP on Pierre's offer like nobody's business but ALAS, as will be clear from my next post on Friday, this little excursion to the Royal Wedding is actually quite, QUITE, fraught with danger. I cannot ask a civilian kitty to put himself in such DANGER for me. Dear Pierre, our rendezvous will have to wait until a more auspicious time *purrrrrrrrrrr*

  22. @ Adam -- You put your wedding bill on Elizabeth II's tab? YOU CHEEKY LITTLE BUGGER! Ha ha, I like you. But I bet she didn't pay it, did she -- Cousin Betty is notoriously CHEAP.

  23. @ DEZMOND -- Are you questioning my veracity? That is MOST CERTAINLY Prince Harry in that photo. That is NOT a tattoo on the royal hand (HOW COMMON) but is instead an admission stamp made with an ink pad. This was a very EXCLUSIVE photo shoot and everyone had to be stamped to participate.

  24. As an atheist and a republican (in the proper sense of the word), I am most certainly not going to that wedding. Even though it is relatively close.

  25. @ Mitchell is Moving -- Oh yes, OF COURSE dear sweet Meghan knows about me. Harry made it QUITE clear that it is a CONDITION of their marriage that he and I continue on with our special friendship. That's how royalty behaves, you know. We are not bound by the same rules as you COMMON folk. Sorry to be so blunt, but it's true.

  26. This post has me cracking up! Too funny! Not sure which Windsor I would be? Would love to be cate, but I am not that put together. I am not a ginger, but probably one of Sarah's children. Closer in age to Sarah, but a financial mess. Well, Have a lovely weekend. Are you going to watch the wedding?

  27. COMMON folk, huh!?! Oh, wait. I am. Pardon me.

  28. Always a pleasure to see you, HRH! Although, I'm sorry to say I will not be watching the wedding. Not my cuppa.


  29. I'm certain the wedding will be purr-fect.

  30. @ Kelleyn Rothaermel -- Will I be watching the wedding? I may sneak a peek, if only to see what kind of royal mayhem HRH will cause before, during or after the ceremony . . . .

  31. "a hate-on" - I've not heard that slang before. Is that royal slang or just Canadian?

  32. I'll be catching photos of the wedding on the internet. They'll have the best of the best photos so that will be fun and satisfy my royal craving.

  33. HRH, I hope you have fun and I hope Meghan doesn't get jealous of you! I will be watching, to see, if I can see you!!

  34. Harry got hairy and a henna hand tattoo. Please do get some great photos for us, HRH. My invite must've been lost in the mail.

  35. @ bill lisleman -- I don't know if "hate-on" is a uniquely Canadian slang term. I probably read it on the internet, so likely not. It has, however, been around for awhile since I've known it for a few years.

  36. Love your tiara, HRH! You might be a standout at the wedding in it though.

  37. you are adorable cat :)

    i bet it will be hard to remove eyes from your cuteness :)


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