Tuesday 1 May 2018

Hockey Hopes and Dreams

Alas, the Toronto Maple Leafs' playoff run was finished after the first round. So now Canada's Stanley Cup hopes and dreams ride on the Winnipeg Jets, the only Canadian team left.

The Jets defeated the Minnesota Wild without too much difficulty at all, taking the series 4 games to 3. In the second round, the Jets are battling the Nashville Predators. So far the series is tied one all.

My lucky Winnipeg Jets pj pants have been freshly laundered and are back in service again . . . now with chips!



  1. my flyers are out of contention; they lost to the penguins. there's always next year...

  2. got the pj's and the chips,, all set! Lets win this!

  3. What's this "hockey" you speak of? A Canadian thing?=)

  4. You sure do look comfy there. Not a hockey fan here, but rooting for your team. Yummy chips. Any dip?

  5. Enjoy! I’ll be cheering them on too.

  6. it's hockey in the burgh tonight! they better rebound after that last game!

  7. To all non-north of the world reader: this is ICE hockey.
    Not land hockey, field hockey or even hockey bocky or bocky-hockey, nor is it hockey pokey.
    A special shout out to Tobias Enström, kom igen - make Modo proud!

  8. Win or lose, at least you have the right snacks to survive!

  9. Where can I get me that All Of Canada guy? I'd outwistle him if I'd see him in the street.

  10. Chips are most definitely a necessity! Go Jets Go!! The chant for tonight's game is - Carrie's husband.....sung in a sing song voice.

  11. We call chips crisps, but I never buy them as they are far too tempting and I would eat the whole packet. Good luck to the Jets.

  12. Ha ha ha ha...you're so cute Debra, I love that last photo!!! Where's the brewski??? ;)

  13. I had a moment of panic when I thought you were talking about the NY Jets (from New Jersey, as my brother would say). What a relief!

  14. Well now, my football jersey doesn't get washed during the season. I only wear it on game days and am careful not to spill anything on it, but somewhere I got the superstition about not washing it until the season was over. Good luck to the Jets.

  15. Chips? They look like crisps to me, if they were chips you'd need to wear something a little thicker than pj's. ;)

  16. ... uhm ... cough ... clearing throat ... since I do not anything about hockey ... I will remain silent, friend D ... smiles ... but you can ask me about soccer ... biiig smiles ... Love, cat.

  17. Love those pjs! I missed the game today. The Jets made quite a comeback! At least the series is still tied!

  18. a very talkative photo (first) for the situation dear Debra!

    Lets hope for the best

  19. While I don't follow pro hockey any more, I do like the fact that Winnipeg updated their team symbol from a plane with a hockey stick to a nifty looking jet.

  20. Love the cozy view. I'll bring some dip.
    Go Jets!

  21. I used to be a huge hockey girl. It's been years since I kept up. But, not one of my old teams are in the playoffs so I'll help you... Go Jets!

  22. LOL. I've never been hugely into sports, but I did have a few teams I rooted for back in the day. I imagine not having cable can kill any sports addiction, eh?

  23. Come on, Jets! Blast past the Predators! Fry those kitties in your rocket blasters!

  24. I love that you're in comfy clothes and it's still daylight. You're my kinda gal. As I write this comment it is....hang on lemme check...2:28 p.m. and I'm in a pair of capris sweatpants, t-shirt, and no show socks. But that's only because I worked today. Otherwise, I'd be wearing what you are right now. Yaass! Well, not Jets. The Giants. And not hockey. Football. :)


  25. Well, the Flyers are out so GO JETS!! You sure know the best way to cheer on your team!!

  26. You are so cute! Are those barbecue chips?? I love chips!! GO JETS GO!!!

  27. hahhhaa...lovin' the pjs and chips...and lovin' your cute personality, too....

  28. Good luck. Hubby likes hockey. I used to enjoy it. Somewhere along the line I lost that interest. He's favorite of old...back before expansion etc was Boston. Now we have a team here in town, Blue Jackets; but it's sooooooooo expensive I don't know how people afford to go. Love your jammies!

    Sandy's Space

  29. I suggest you do a series of pictures with your jammies and other items added in such as, cats, honey, tarot cards

  30. Pajama pants and chips - nothing better than that!

  31. seriously nice PJs! I went to a Cubs game for the first time this week in Chicago ... I spent far more time drinking beer than keeping up with the game. Dare I say that is what baseball is all about?

  32. I'm currently wearing my Marvel lounge pants whilst catching the Giro d'Italia highlights. Unfortunately I don't have any crisps!


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