Friday 27 April 2018

Tarot Soul Card -- Chariot (Number 7)

[Twin Peaks Tarot]

FULL DISCLOSURE: The Chariot is my own soul card and man oh man, have I lived every single one of its characteristics over and over again in my life, LOL!

Men and women whose soul card is the Chariot have the ability to succeed and overcome obstacles by sheer force of willpower, ambition and drive. They are single-minded, determined, serious and have high ideals. Unfortunately, they can sometimes run roughshod over people because, really, those idiots ought to know to get the hell out of the way, shouldn't they? A Chariot is in control of their own life. They are firmly "in the driver's seat."

Well, most of the time.

When a Chariot loses their way on their soul path, they will run off into the ditch, get mired in the mud or flip upside-down with one wheel spinning uselessly in the breeze, all their energy and direction gone, gone, gone. What brings a Chariot down are their own internal opposing energies, contradictions and weaknesses. A Chariot must learn to do the internal processing of emotions necessary to maintain equilibrium in the external world.

There is one other major arcana card in this constellation which influences a Chariot's soul path: the Tower. And isn't it a cheerful-looking card?

[Morgan-Greer Tarot]

The Tower card represents sudden, cataclysmic and irreversible change. An unexpected shock, revelation or blow to the ego will occur. Like a bolt out of blue, misperceptions will be shattered. Old foundations will be destroyed. This life-altering change may come from an external event or from an internal epiphany. Chariots usually experience Tower energy many times in their lives.

But while change rarely comes slowly or incrementally to Chariots, it does not mean that the change itself is bad. Often the unexpected change is a good and necessary one -- "a blessing in disguise" -- resulting in an improvement to the Chariot's life in the long run.

However, Chariots must learn to be philosophical about how the Tower works. If they cannot learn to embrace this powerful energy, it will fall into their shadow and be expressed as rigidity, a controlling nature, hubris, arrogance, exhaustion or depression.

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Next Week: the Strength Soul Card

[NOTE: If you haven't yet determined what your Soul Card is and would like to, please go to the introductory post of this series found here, do the calculation and play along!]


  1. Oh, I got '2' the High Priestess. Must do more research into this one. Thank you.

  2. this is my card also; and everything you write here is true about me! HELL YEAH! I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!

  3. OMG I thought that thing above his head was a broken bra :)

  4. Mine is coming up next week, I can't wait!!! Love these posts....

  5. It's amazing how true these readings can be, isn't it?
    Happy Friday and weekend, Debra.

  6. I long to have that power!!! it certainly is an inspiration,,,maybe my next life,,,,,

  7. This is my card...and it's totally me! I keep tabs on my soul journey to keep my balance or else I end up (as the most amazing man in the world says) "spinning in circles". I am constantly processing my emotions, which isn't bad because I now have great insight, almost to a superpower level. HAHA And I've certainly had a few "blessings in disguise", for sure. All these changes have indeed resulted in a much improved life.

  8. "...ambition and drive, single-minded, determined..." Who can you ever be speaking of?

    Move out of the way, idiots! Or she's going to run you over.

  9. This is me - chariot. I have run afoul of the Tower a number of times, but always come back.

  10. I seriously need to talk to my mother about my correct birthday date... or get a motorcycle!

  11. Love the Tower!! The Chariot looks like Betty, Veronica and Archie?? Interesting post..

  12. my birthday is 3/10/41...I come up with single digit for me??

  13. The series I'm watching right now had one of characters who often used cards to predict the future. Will have to check out your link no idea what my soul card might be.

    Sandy's Space

  14. Popped back in to tell you, I too am a Chariot.

    Sandy's Space

  15. hmmm. ok I'm a 7 and thinking that this makes quite a bit of sense for me. I'm going to saw that that the tower has shown up suddenly for me with plenty of drama in my life. Gotta say it isn't always easy to understand how to move forward in those periods of life.

  16. I'm really enjoying this series - thanks for all the work you do for us.

  17. Hi, Debra! It took me a moment to realize I was looking at a Tarot card. It says, "Get the hell out of the way" for sure! LOL I'll bet the Twin Peaks deck is something else, if this is any indication! The Tower card is pretty cool too ~ although definitely intimidating! I had to go check my Hobbit Tarot (my only deck). The Tower is a fire spewing Smaug. And the Chariot is the combined power of the dwarves and Bilbo as they ride on horseback to the Lonely Mountain, The variety of Tarot cards is fascinating, and so are their messages. Have a good one!

  18. Are you biting your nails right now, as the Jets go into second period overtime? I am! I want the Predators to go down after they beat the Avs! Thanks goodness for your pyjamas! I spotted the Jets right away at Parkway tonight (They have a lot of tv screens), and I was cheering loudly for them in honor of you!

  19. Great game ~ too bad that the wrong team won.

  20. The tower could be from a horror movie.

  21. Thanks Debra! I love these posts!!! Big Hugs!

  22. An outstanding write up dear Debra!

    this series of posts giving me more insight about human nature' philosophy

    you consciously or unconsciously somehow must have followed the characteristics of this card i believe

  23. Yes! We are power tops and we OWN it! Ok, it's true, being a Chariot has some downs in addition to the ups, but in general it's good to be the Queen. Very appropriate and adulatory write up, my dear! :-)

  24. Me to a T. Though I don’t like to think I run roughshod over people - but probably do!


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