Wednesday 23 May 2018

No, No, I'm Fine ... *sob* ... REALLY!

Well, the Winnipeg Jets are gone. Eliminated by the Las Vegas Golden Knights. There will be no Stanley Cup for Canada or Winnipeg this year.

The battle for the Stanley Cup will be fought between the Las Vegas Golden Knights (the Western Conference champions) and whoever wins the Eastern Conference championship tonight -- either the Washington Capitals or the Tampa Bay Lightning.

I'm torn about who to cheer for now. I like the whole Cinderella/Underdog story of the Golden Knights, yet I'm very fond of the Lightning too and have cheered for them in the past.

Who would Jesus cheer for?


  1. Get a nice mind altering beverage and drown your sorrows.

  2. Oh no does that mean no more eating chips watching the TV in your pj's now?

  3. Been through that disappointment. Lose yourself in a real good novel and pig out on all your favorite foods. You'll soon be so stuffed you will forget about the loss.

  4. The island is cheering for Vegas since the coach and assistant coach are both from Summerside. Quite a feat for them to get this far.

  5. Sorry your team didn't make it. The Cinderella story is kinda fun. Guess if I had to chose that would probably be it. Your picture...what would Jesus ...priceless!

    Sandy's Space

  6. Oh my.....I am so sorry :(

    Better luck next year.

  7. NOOoooooooo..........
    A sad, sad day it 'tis. :o(

  8. Hockey?Right?
    Just sayin.... =)

  9. OMG this could be the end of days... first the Windsors, now this... what's next? Britney publishing a new album?

  10. There, there, this too will pass.

  11. You poor kid! Jesus probably would like cricket, bless him.

  12. AWwwwwwww. There's always next year, darlin.

  13. Me think Jesus would feed dem all loaves and fishes and send them on their merry way ... which translates into carbs and protein ... hmmm ... hey, Jesus, don't you know that carbs are bad for you? ... anyway ... smiles, cat.

  14. Oh has the vibe in the Peg changed. Last week it was buzzing, this week its business as usual. What a shame.

  15. Jesus saves. Passes to Wheeler. He shoots! He scores!!!

  16. At least they went further than the Habs.

  17. I always thought Jesus would be into baseball.

    Well, better luck next year!

  18. There's a lot of Jesus fans in the futball games.

  19. So sorry - next time all will be well - hopefully.

  20. I thought of you when I heard it on the news. I didn't understand a word they were saying, except who won and who lost. I'm a football kinda gal. Not hockey, but I feel your pain. Let's have a moment of silence, shall we?


  21. I wish I liked sports. I used to follow the Houston Rockets during their big winning spree several years back. I got free tickets occasionally from a friend and it was so much fun being there in person. I think it would make weekends interesting to watch a game with friends.

  22. Ugh. So sorry. We're all dejected round here, too. Not sure I can pick a team to root for...

  23. So sorry for your loss 😩

  24. They really didn't play well during that series unfortunately. I don't know how I feel about Vegas doing so well in their first year lol!

  25. Jesus would turn the tears (you aren't sobbing) into wine, then marry Cinderella to Thor, and then the underdog and lightening will live happily ever after half the year in Valhalla and the other half wherever Perrault princesses go. Really. I know these things.

  26. Oh, dear...knowing squat about hockey, I will just say whoever wins and makes you happy will suit me, too. :)

  27. dear Debra i never prayed for my team to win i only want that
    the team who plays BETTER deserve to win and i cheer for them no matter who they are believe me my wonderful friend!

  28. Sorry - I thought about you when I saw that.

  29. Making blow rounds again this am thus, the 2nd comment. Have you recovered?

    Hope you have a good wkend.
    Sandy's Space

  30. Las Vegas Golden whaaa? I've been out of hockey for far too long lol...sorry about your Jets :(

  31. Dagnabbit! Even Jesus is still pulling for the Jets.
    Sorry, Deb.

  32. I still can't believe they lost! I'm not voting for anyone now! LOL!

  33. A better question is who would Ruth Bader Gisnberg cheer for.


  34. A double loss. I'm sorry, Debra! Terry is cheering for the Capitals, and I'm cheering for the Knights. Terry is actually going to Vegas for the first game ~ not to the game ~ that costs to much. He's going to a game party downtown. Me, I'm quite happy to stay home (this time!).

  35. when I heard they were out you came to my thoughts very first thing in fact Garry mentioned how you would be so ticked off lol,, ah well, next year,,

  36. LOL- Love the ending! Who knows?
    Now you will have to find a new "underdog" to root for from this point forward. I am so tied up in soccer this time of year that I don't know there are any other sports being played. lol
    Have a great night- xo Diana

  37. Me, making my blog rounds again. Hope you had a good wkend.

    Sandy's Space

  38. oh man .... sorry to hear your team is out! I like a Cinderella story myself

  39. Capitals fan here. Have been since the early 80's. Fluent in disappointment, I assure you. I was cheering for the Jets and I was sorry that they lost. Vegas is a good story, going so deep into the playoffs in their first year and all, but their goalie used to play for the Penguins ... Capitals and Penguins, even former Penguins, can't abide one another.

    Anyway ... we have one game to go to win our very first Cup. It's really exciting. Will you cheer for us on Thursday in Game 5? Please.

  40. @ Connie in Hartwood -- Yes, I'll be watching tomorrow night and I fully expect Ovechkin to hoist the Cup over his head! Enjoy the celebration that will ensue -- the Caps have waited a long time for their first Stanley Cup!


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