Monday 21 May 2018

Royal Wedding TRIUMPH!

Hello everyone. Her Royal Highness the cat reporting back from the ROYAL WEDDING held on the weekend at Windsor Castle.

My VINDICTIVE cousin Betty was true to her word and did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to make sure I couldn't get into the castle to attend the ceremony. Here she is ON PATROL at the main castle gates -- can you believe it? You'd think the Grandmother of the Groom would have had BETTER things to do with her time . . . .

But my long years in ESPIONAGE (shh, I've said too much) stood me in good stead so I EASILY outsmarted her.

In fact, I simply nipped 'round the BACK and went through the Visitors' Entrance --

Oh, the LOOK on Betty's face later when she saw me among the attendees! PRICELESS!

And of course, I was dressed TO THE NINES as befits my status in the Royal Family. I am well-known as THE fashion-setting GLAMOUR PUSS of the entire bunch. Step back, Kate Middleton -- you may be the Duchess of Cambridge but I am QUEEN OF THE CATWALK!

So, of course, everyone, simply EVERYONE, was raving about my gorgeous outfit at the wedding!

"Oh, THIS old thing?" I purred.

Betty looked like her usual FRUMPY self, of course, compared to MY splendour. I don't know why she even TRIES to compete with me, the poor old dear.

However, let's not lose sight of the MOST IMPORTANT part of this whole event -- my DARLING Prince Harry married the woman of his dreams! I'm SO happy for him and her both!

Because I'm such a ROMANTIC at heart, I'm sure they will live HAPPILY EVER AFTER!

SMOOCHES to them and to you all, my dear fans and supporters! Ta-ta for now!


  1. it WAS a lovely affair, wasn't it, HRH?

  2. I loved that wedding. There were times that tears began rolling from my eyes. The way they looked at each other. So much love.

  3. I knew HRH could outwit Betty!

  4. So nice to see you, HRH. I thought it was a marvelous wedding.

  5. I loved it!! - I do love Harry and Meghan seems to be the perfect match for him.

    Best picture of the day was of the Queen with Meghans beagle, Guy, in the car with her.

  6. I thought of you when I saw how stern and grumpy Betty looked at the ceremony. I figured you were the cause and I was right! Then again, she is 92, she can be grumpy is she wants to...

  7. I don't have a lot of interest in royal stuff, but I was up getting ready for work on Saturday morning and the wedding was on. Astro the cat who lives here at my house couldn't stay interested. He has a short attention span and no appreciation for George Clooney or Oprah or, you know, "Stand by Me."

  8. I must say you do look puuuufect in that outfit, far nicer than Meghan. Did you piss in their flower beds?

  9. Good for you, Royal Highness!

  10. Thank you for the report back. Will you bee joining the couple on the honeymoon. I hate the idea of Harry having to spend it with 'that woman' when he could be enjoying a cuddle with you!

  11. I'm glad HRH made it to the wedding. I watched the whole thing on a public TV station because I like watching I hate to listen to commentary as the regular TV stations had their news crews commenting and giving facts on every move the couple made or every famous person that the cameras panned to. I did love what Harry said to Meghan, that he was so lucky. That was from the heart.

  12. Well, no wonder that there were no smiles from dear old Betty, she knew she had been outwitted! I do hope you managed to get some fur and dander on Harry's frock coat... a little reminder of who really rules the family!

  13. You look fabulous! As only a special kitty can :)

  14. Betty is so nasty, which is exactly why Camila should become the queen! Long live Queen Camila... I bet she likes cats...

  15. ... saw sum snippets of wedding video, friend D ... I tend to believe her brother's message prior to the marriage, that said; She is only a B movie level actress cashing in ... and who doesn't know about Charles and Camilla cheating and Diana and who knows who is cheating who ... Royalty that rules us really does not interest me in the past and will not interest me in the future either ... Sadly, I am a royal subject ... O, Canada ... anyway ... Happy Spring ... Love, cat.

  16. @ LL Cool Joe -- NO, I did NOT "piss in their flower beds," as you so inelegantly put it. I did, however, have a discreet wee in a potted palm down one of the corridors of Windsor Castle.

  17. @ Toni -- No, I'm not accompanying them on their honeymoon. I'm just too, TOO busy. I must get back to my human and write my annual Pussy Pride Post for her upcoming big month-long Translesbigayapalooza blog fest that she does every June. Stay tuned!

  18. Haha. You look simply MARVELOUS, HRH. I expected none less. That was rather sly of you to sneak through the visitor's entrance too. I'm most proud. Damn Cousin Betty. She's never one step ahead of you, though she thinks she is. I'm guessing she was disgruntled from the gate, given she didn't get to ride one of the horses that started the parade. You have both youth and beauty on your side of the equation.
    Ta ta, and catnip is en route.

  19. A fun post. I'm glad you snuck're as daft as our Red relaxer cat who now has an Instagram account run by Mr Him.

  20. Now we know why no one messes with the Queen! HA HA!

  21. All I can say HRH, the Queen wpuld like to live to 100. By the looks of her appalled face, you came close to giving her a heart attack. Unless she farted.

  22. Oh, you made me laugh out loud—brilliant post, brilliant photos to go with it. You rock it, Royal Cat!

    Thanks so much for the visit over at Elsie's last week for my guest post there, Debra. Much appreciated!
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs

  23. You are so stealthy I didn't even see you. That's me in the white gloves behind Harry. I'm common, remember?

  24. I can't think why everyone didn't wear crimson velvet. Sumptious.

  25. How wonderful you were able to sneak yourself in. Betty's look really is priceless!

  26. Oh my! What an adventure you have had HRH. Hope your journey back to wherever you live now was a good one.

  27. Not to be missed! Well done, all of us.

  28. OMG ... this is such a fun read, friend D ... Much love, cat.

  29. I knew about it. Not able to watch the live feeds since I happened to be busy with grandkid's soccer (football) games. Later I did watch the coverage HBO did. They had fun commentary.

  30. It was pretty hard to avoid seeing any pictures from the wedding weekend's festivities, but I had to chuckle at the picture of the bride's beagle looking out of the window while riding with the queen in her Range Rover (?) limo. Little doggy's gone to heaven.

  31. I missed the whole darn thing!! We have been busy moving out of the Peg to the country....

  32. I am so happy you were able to sneak in! I love your outfit!! Harry and his wife look amazing! Great post HRH!!!

  33. Oh lucky you, HRH! I watched everything on tv, but I wasn't as lucky as you. Actually, it wasn't luck. You made it happen! And looked smashing at the same time! Please give my condolences to Debra over the Jets. Meanwhile my Terry is going to Vegas early on Monday ~ not to get into a SC final game, because it would be too expensive, but just to be there to soak up the action in a big sports book. Turkey! I am NOT going. I hope you're enjoying a nice rest after all your jet setting.

  34. @ Fundy Blue --Yes, my human is RIDICULOUSLY UPSET over her hockey team's elimination. Humans are SO weird. I will pass along your condolences but what she REALLY needs is a good KICK IN THE ASS and a lesson in how to maintain A STIFF UPPER LIP. Now there's something the Royals do well. I shall instruct her.

  35. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


  36. 😂😂😂😂
    Linda :o)

  37. I suppose she'll have a baby before the New Year of 2020

  38. I've watched several royal weddings in my time and this, by far, was the absolute best !

  39. i am happy if you are happy my dear Debra!

    sounds really magnificent event !

    when i was little girl i loved the wedding ceremony of my darling lady Diana and prince Charles

  40. Ha! I loved it, too, HRH!

  41. Hilarious my furry friend! It was a marvelous wedding wasn't it?!

  42. As a 15th cousin, 25 times removed of HM, I can tell you there are cats at Windsor. They are staff members and know their place as royal mouse and rat catchers. Auntie Liz does not expect to see them or any other feline above stairs, no doubt this includes you.

  43. haha that look of Betty haha

    you stole the show i bet :)

    the newly married couple looks lovely ,my best wishes


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