Friday 11 May 2018

Tarot Soul Card -- Hermit (Number 9)

[Legacy of the Divine Tarot]

Not surprisingly, men and women whose soul card is the Hermit tend towards solitude, introspection and soul-searching. They need to turn inward to process emotions and to find the answers they seek. Hermits are prudent and cautious people who have a great deal of personal integrity.

However, their love of and need for solitude does not mean that Hermits isolate themselves from the world. They are equally drawn to serving others with the knowledge they have gathered and are frequently involved with humanitarian causes. Hermits want to lift their lamps and light the way for others to see more clearly. They are often teachers and role models. Many hermits feel strongly that they have a definite "calling" or "purpose" and at an early age will decide on the direction of their lives.

There is one other major arcana card in this constellation which influences a Hermit's soul path: the Moon.

[tarot art by Thalia Took]

The Moon card concerns hidden truths, secrets and illusions. It will be necessary for a Hermit to separate truth from lies and deceptions. They must determine what is real and what is not.

The Moon's powerful influence will be felt very differently by a Hermit depending on whether the Moon is integrated into the Hermit's consciousness or whether it is repressed and falls into the Hermit's Shadow.

If the Moon is hidden in the Shadow, the introspective Hermit will fail to perceive important parts of themselves and will suffer the consequences of missing those blind spots. Such blind spots may include buried emotions, undiagnosed health problems or failure to recognize deceptive people with hidden agendas. Hermits who are lost on their soul path in this way will feel confused and directionless. Without an inner guiding process, they may descend into suspicion, anxiety and paranoia.

But Hermits who successfully integrate the Moon's power into their conscious lives will develop a deep intuition and sense of "inner knowing." With insight, trust and patience, a Hermit can understand reality at a very deep level indeed and can, in turn, help guide others as well.

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This concludes my series on Tarot Soul Cards. Thanks for following along! I hope you found it helpful or at least intriguing!

[NOTE: If you haven't yet determined what your Soul Card is and would like to, please go to the introductory post found here, do the calculation and read about your Soul Card in the preceding posts of this series!]


  1. I loved the series. I've been using Oracle cards, but not Tarot. You have opened up my curiosity. This deck along with a couple of others you used are now on my wish list. Thanks for a wonderful series.

  2. This is all so fascinating! I definitely going to look into the tarot and use your blog as my starting point!!

  3. The whole process is very interesting. What made you get interested in the first place?

    Sandy's Space

  4. @ Sandy -- I first encountered tarot nearly 30 years ago in a women's spirituality group. The tarot is full of Divine Feminine imagery and energy and I soon fell under its spell! I learned how to read tarot from a noted Winnipeg reader and teacher. I've been a student of tarot ever since because there's always something new to learn and understand.

  5. My card is the Hermit. This is so very interesting. I love this.

  6. I love all your knowledge, Debra. It is really a fascinating "world", isn't it? I hope you have a great weekend- xoDiana

  7. I definitely have a bit of it in me!

  8. Yeah. I've been waiting for mine. Fits me perfectly and people say there's nothing to it. Ha.

  9. Thanks for letting me know, friend D ... I think I'm the ultimate Hermit ... except the last 35 years, when I was not ... cuz of love and kids and things ... but am back to hermitage full time now, and have peace ... ahem, mostly ... smiles ... Thank you again, hmmm? ... You are awesome, your awesomeness ... Love, cat.

  10. Debra I found this very helpful and very intriguing! Thanks for posting this series. I love the Hermit card. :)

  11. Any chance you'll do the playing cards next? You know the deck of 52. That would be series of 52. Maybe just the big ones like Queen of Hearts.

  12. I am really surprised that this is not my soul card. Everything about it is me - but yet it was not to be. I was even named after the Moon! :)

    Beautiful set of posts - thank you again for this wonderful journey on soul cards.

  13. I'm 50 years away from Hermittown

  14. This is my soul card....
    thanks for a fun and interesting tour thru all the cards...

  15. This is my younger daughter's soul card and most of it is bang on about her. She is HUGE on being a humanitarian and living compassionately. She cares about animals and the environment and the entire planet. The only thing that doesn't fit her is being isolated. She enjoys being around others quite a bit. A little solitude is okay but too much unbalances her.

    Thanks for doing this series, Debra! I really enjoyed it.

  16. Lovely card..I have some "Hermit" in me for sure.. always interesting

  17. I always thought there is something slightly spooky and sinister to an hermit.

  18. Thank you so much for these posts Debra! Greatly appreciated!! I bet you are celebrating tonight with the Jets!! Big Hugs!

  19. This has been so much fun. But how did I miss mine (and yours) -- the Heirophant? I've been waiting and waiting!

  20. I found it intriguing and then some. Now, I'm going back to reread my card.

  21. Oh I definitely identify with the hermit!

  22. I have two Hermits in my immediate circle, my daughter and my friend the Rancher. While they are very different people, they both embody aspects of the Hermit and the Moon. Both love solitude, both process their feelings on their own rather than out loud. They both have deep passions and a sense of their right path. But, I can also see where the Shadow has cast doubt over their decisions - when they can't seem to find their way, or doubt their inner voice and choices. Still, they have remained true to themselves and always sort it out and get back on track.

    Really great series, Debra! Thank you for the insights!

  23. I wonder if everyone has some Hermit in them. I know I do.
    Cheers, Debra.
    Enjoy all good things.

  24. Well, well, well. Guess what? My soul card is the Hermit. Yay! And today - May 14 - is my Birthday!! Another yay! I love the number 9. In fact, I love odd numbers. I found out years ago that my Soul Number was nine. Nine signifies new beginnings as well as endings. I like that. Debra, if I gave you another Tarot reading would you mind, kindly, interpreting it for me?

    1 - Star
    2 - Hierophant
    3 - Magician
    4 - Temperance
    5 - Ace of Cups
    6 - 9 of Wands
    7 - 7 of Swords
    8 - 10 of Pentacles
    9 - Hangman
    10 - 6 of Pentacles

    Thanks much.



  25. @ bobbybegood1 -- Hi Michelle, I have emailed you privately. Happy Birthday!

  26. Okay. I AM a hermit. Thanks for sharing this fascinating series of posts.

  27. this was a fun series! loved reading about each one.

    I think that perhaps this should have been my card as I am very much the introvert and my name is Greek: Cynthia was one of the names of the mythological moon goddess Artemis, referring to her birth on Mount Cynthus


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