Sunday 10 June 2018

And Now, Some Wisdom from a Straight Guy

. . . concerning both gay men and women!


  1. short and true and he's cute too :)

  2. THIS! this is why I prefer my gay male friends to str8 men; more fun with no sex!

  3. "That's like being mad at somebody for trying to give you a bunch of money in the wrong currency." Perfect!

  4. HAHAHA! This was hilarious :)

  5. buncha money in the wrong currency! great analogy.

  6. omg that is hilarious! thanks for the laugh!

  7. Lol. Funny and good points made!

  8. This is funny.

    When I first moved to my (largely gay) neighborhood 20 years ago, a guy pulled up in a truck while I was taking a walk (he was likely from the suburbs and not entirely understanding of how to pull this off) and tried to pick me up.

    And I felt uncomfortable. I don't know why. I didn't walk on that block again for a long time. I don't know why it felt uncomfortable (despite the fact that "Buddy, you've got the wrong guy" worked to make him go away, of course).

    But at the time, I thought about a line he said here - "This is how women feel all of the time."

    Anyway, this guy says a lot in just a couple minutes!

  9. This was great. Reminded me that my very first friend in the city was a gay man. Got along so much better with him than with the women I met.

  10. Great find...I'm sharing with others

  11. made my day lol,,,

  12. A lot of straight men need to see/hear this. Unfortunately, the ones who need to won't.

  13. I used to find stand up comedy about homo sexuality hilarious and what ever turns your crank, eh? friend D … but not no more .. ever since my daughter came out of the closet … and you know why, friend? … because as a mother of a daughter that does not even know what she is … I feel nothing but guilt and wrecking my brain about what and when I did her wrong … many tears … Love, cat.

  14. @ Cat -- Sexual orientation is inherent to our true selves but sometimes it takes time to figure out exactly what it is. It's a journey like many others. But sexual orientation is not "caused" by anyone else's actions or by outside circumstances. Please don't beat yourself up with guilt or anything else, no matter what others may tell you. Just love and support your daughter's journey. It is up to her to figure things out and live her life.

  15. Reminds me a little of this

  16. @ Adam -- Ha ha, "Homer at the Lesbian Bar" is one of my faves too!

  17. Comedians always have great perspectives on life, this was great! Nice to see straight comedians laughing with us instead of at us.

  18. What a great set! Really though, if periods were dangerous, there would be a lot more mass shootings by women. Just saying.

  19. Canada
    We're sorry - we somehow elected our crazy uncle.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  20. He was fantastic Debra!! Thank you!!

  21. I'm googling him because he was very, very funny.

    Thanks for sharing!

  22. Your answer to CAT....
    see....right there....that's why you are a favorite blogger of mine...I love your soul, Debra. xo


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