Monday 11 June 2018

No Homo! No Homo!

Communist states were (and still are) horribly homophobic but, as this delightful post from Tumblr shows, haters always seem subconsciously to either reveal or subvert themselves in the process. Calling Dr Freud! LOL

And while we're on the topic of "No Homo!" here's a bonus LOL --


no hemo
that was the best joke i’ve heard all month


  1. The last picture really got to me, it looks like they had children together, I can't stop laughing, Debra you are priceless.

  2. Lol. I’ve never seen old posters like those. Thank you for sharing!

  3. LOL!!! I don't know where you find these things, but keep them coming.

  4. it's funny how in Russia the gays are outlawed and yet Russian gay porn is so charmingly superb (at least I've heard so from a friend of a friend LOL).
    In other news at least in communism they don't let their people die ill like in capitalistic world, where they throw you in the first ditch to die from cancer if you don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment). In my old country health system, schools, university were free for all and the state also gave you apartments to live in, even seaside vacations). Which is why USA had to destroy us.

  5. The second image looks like the poster for a musical. :-D

  6. "In my mind
    I've got it all figured out
    but the head
    does not always rule the heart"
    U r awesome, ur awesomness, friend D … Love, cat.

  7. Where do you find this stuff!?! Priceless!

  8. The Sino-Russo Big Gay Love Connection. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

  9. To communists, Soviet bloc communists anyway, LGBTQ activity is seen as a sign of capitalist decadence, whereas in capitalist countries, right-wingers have seen LGBTQ as a communist plot. Ironic.

  10. Such a cute couple. ahahaahahaahahaaaa! The second and fourth pictures should have Dudley Do Right singing in the background, "When I'm Calling You." Sounds legit.

  11. Happy Pride, friend! Bring on the LesBiGayTransAceQueer2apalooza!

    Just saw a thing with the 2 tacked on the end for Two Spirit folk, so I'm adding that to my rendition of the acronym. Because, why not? We're inclusive!

  12. There's actually something very hot and manly about seeing fine looking men holding hands. At the risk of sharing too much info: I'm aroused.

    Have a great week, Debra.

  13. @ e -- Happy Pride to you too! That's a pretty good acronym in our alphabet soup of a community! I like it.

  14. I had never thought about the blood donation "problem." So glad they don't let us donate!

  15. The couple reminds me of a handsome version of "The Ambiguously Gay Duo" cartoon from Saturday Night Live.

    I'm sure that Trump will soon have selfies like these from his upcoming meeting.


  16. Those posters are awesome!

  17. And they were mostly athiests, showing that anit-LGBT isn't really a "religious" thing.

  18. They are all rather tasty me thinks

  19. Would love to know what the captions were.
    Canada we are sorry
    the Ol'Buzzard

  20. I may be months or years behind but did you see Justin Trudeau’s apology to the GLBQT community? I was so proud! I just saw it on Facebook.

  21. Those peaches do look good.
    Coffee is on

  22. @ Birdie -- Yes, that was a big day in our community!

  23. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are brilliant!

  24. O my God, the Russian guy and the Chinese guy are in love and they are the cutest couple!

  25. I have to say, they make a very cute couple! LOL! I can't stop laughing about the boner! LOL! Big Hugs!


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