Sunday, 23 June 2019

Let Us Pray, Part 2

Things are changing in certain churches, which is a good thing. It involves re-evaluating the true gospel message and the true role of religion in all our lives.


  1. Some churches still have a long way to go, even the one I attend.

  2. I think this is wonderful. The phrase Jesus loves everyone always confused me since many churches viewed being gay as a sin. I love that colorful door wall!

  3. Another great line up for a Sunday smile maker! I can’t pick a favourite, they’re all pretty good but the one about the father and the kid dying their hair was close lol

  4. I think Jesus was Gay and God is lesbian!

  5. yes, some churches are open and accepting of all. but I still think organized religion is a crock o shit!

  6. Perfectly timed. I just came back from morning coffee (LATE morning coffee) and the cafe was playing "Take Me to Church" by Hozier.

  7. The 'stupid questions' made me laugh; the last one made me smile.

  8. Oh dear Jesus haha

    do you really think so lol

  9. Great post and pics. BUT...the liberal and progressive churches are NOT SPEAKING UP loudly enough and in the US the extreme fundamentalist, conservative and evangelical sects are determined to make their brand of religion sanctioned by the government. It is already happening under this administration even though our president is a godless, unethical criminal.

    The mainstream and liberal progressive churches MUST reclaim their legitimate right to christian values like compassion, giving to the poor and caring for the sick and imprisoned no matter their belief or non-belief. They MUST speak up loudly and declare that the right-wing sects do NOT speak for all christians.

    The so-called-christians conveniently forget so many of Jesus' teachings like: “... Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and...then come, follow me.” and “... It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” There are many more quotes they ignore.

    They conveniently explain away these directives but not so conveniently adhere to any that do not apply to it easy for hetero cis gender individuals to insist that any words directed at LGBTs are set in stone and have no room for interpretation....

    Now you've got me started....goddess bless you.

  10. Well the church's love to try and explain away the story of the Roman General who brings his lover to be healed and doesn't get asked twenty questions or does he receive a lecture on homosexuality. I'm on a different path now however.

  11. It takes a very special being to love those who ask stupid questions. I always knew Jesus was that kind of cool.

  12. i'm glad some religions are changing but i still look at organized religion and think...suckers!!!

  13. In a more enlightened age than we are currently living through, religion will be seen for the social menace that it really is. Religion is about power and control.
    I look forward to that day.
    (Love these memes!)

  14. Love the atheist response. I'm an agnostic wanna believe, kinda like Mulder :)

  15. I believe in freedom of speech and cultivating tolerance, friend D … I do not believe in having freedom of speech and tolerance rammed down my throat though in any shape or form or colour. Much love, cat.

  16. Churches are like communities. Some have trouble with any type of diversity doesn't matter what area it might be in.
    Our ultra conservative state and town still think it all abomination.
    Coffee is on

  17. I love the blue-haired one.

  18. I love these. Christians in the U.S. aren't doing enough to speak out against Trump and his horrific "values." Many fundamentalists have embraced him and excused his behavior. My son has been going to church quite a bit lately (he's an atheist) and he's heard some things that really interest me. One pastor said that the commandment "thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain" doesn't have anything to do with cursing. It means that you shouldn't use God's name to make yourself more important--to be vain. I don't know if it's true, but I like learning.


  19. Awesome Debra :) According to your post, Jesus is a cool guy. :)

  20. More good 'uns. When will we all get it.

  21. I always suspected Jesus was the head of a gay cult. Asking his disciples to leave their wives and families, he has one "favourite" disciple...

  22. I don't know what Jesus thought of homosexuality in particular, but I don't think of him as a particularly tolerant or even loving guy. He had issues with moneychangers, for example, and he did not have much room for men divorcing their wives. He put high (impossible) demands on his disciples. Like many other cult leaders, I think he would have been a fairly terrible boss.

    When we think of Jesus being tolerant often we think of the adulterer Jesus spared from stoning. There is an argument to be made that He did not care much about the woman; he was trying to avoid the trap sprung by the Pharisees.

    We tend to remake Jesus in our own image, of course, and the image we would like to project these days is a loving, tolerant Son of God. This is a comforting narrative, but not one I particularly believe.

  23. I do kind of agree with conservative Christians that the Bible isn't that accepting of LGBT. It's a horrid book of terrible values. For every quote like love thy neighbor, there's a hundred commands to kill.

    But it is nice Christians are becoming more socially liberal, even if they have to debate why.

  24. There are so many groups trying to control other groups. If being gay was big business like tobacco or alcohol, then it would be encouraged, even though IT can KILL you.

  25. Here I am again. It occurred to me that you might like to post a photo of the rainbow house across from Westboro "Church" in Topeka, Kansas.

    Love again,

  26. Love them ALL, especially the one about dad not having any idea that blue hair is not gay but trying anyway!
    There’s hope that all those xtianists have a conniption and drop dead sooner than later. Especially if the Dems choose a woman and a gay man/man of color as president and Vice President in 2020 😎


  27. Loved the "stupid questions"...and the last one...good series..HAve a good week..

  28. The "I'm cool with it". HAHAHAHAHA! Love that one :)

  29. I especially love the first two.

    A great week to you, Debra.

  30. And here she goes with a third comment: I hope the not taking the Lord's name in vain really does have to do with vanity and not with cursing because I have a fucking filthy mouth, which I happily passed on to my children.

  31. One of our local churches has really stepped up support for the LGBTQ+ community. They started hosting the local LGBTQ+ youth program when they lost their previous meeting space, and allowing them to extend their meetings through the summer too. I'm going to be checking out their PFLAG meetings too.

  32. I have always said that Jesus was gay. He spurned women, hung out with men and liked to throw dinners.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  33. Ha - laughing over the imaginary friend meme. Like when people tell me I am going to hell. I don't believe in that nonsense either.

  34. Re: the sign about who Jesus hung out with:
    It's off topic, but it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Mary Magdelene was a prostitute. That bit of dogma was invented out of whole cloth by early church fathers who did not like the amount of respect and reverence being given to Ms Magdelene who was, as you know, a WOMAN! There is a first or second century painting somewhere in the catacombs of Mary Magdelene with her hands held in the classic teaching pose usually reserved for paintings of Jesus or the prophets or apostles. This indicates that early Christians saw Ms M. as a teacher, a prophet, as Jesus' right-hand woman and the church fathers could not have that. So they began referring to Mary M as a prostitute or former prostitute rescued by Jesus. It was a way to discredit her and ensure that the church would remain wholly paternalistic.

  35. @ Professor Chaos -- You're absolutely right, Professor! Mary Magdalene had special status among early Christians because according to the gospel Matthew, she was the first person to whom the resurrected Christ appeared. In the Gnostic gospels, she is even spoken of as the first rightful Pope, not Peter. No wonder the Roman Catholic church started a smear campaign against her.

  36. This was a powerful post, Debra, starting with that first image. The only thing that gives me any toehold in Christianity is the thought that Jesus is love. And the green quartet succinctly states my definition of religious freedom and addressed my strongest feelings about abortion and reproductive rights. I remember the stupid question one from the last time you shared it; it's brilliant. The purple hair one was hysterical and so believable! Have a great day!

  37. Let's hope people are opening their arms more! We are all equal!!! Great post! Big Hugs!


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