Thursday, 4 July 2019

Happy Fourth of July!

It's difficult and depressing to celebrate
the greatness and ideals of America these days
with the current administration trying to lead
the USA down a fundamentally wrong path.

But July 4th is someone else's birthday as well!

That's right! Captain America!

And he's easy to celebrate!

Luckily, Captain America is more
than just a pretty face . . . 

. . . and a fabulous physique.

Captain America can always be counted on
to punch a Nazi. It's why he was created!

He has never shirked his duty.

Sam Wilson, his successor to the shield, is equally committed.

Make America truly great again!

So, after paying your respects
to the Birthday Boy . . . 

. . . follow Captain America's example of fighting
Nazis and fascists wherever they are found,
no matter what euphemism they call themselves today.



  2. these are the only fireworks i will be watching today. you sure are's impossible to celebrate this holiday with that wanker in the white house. i'll celebrate the day that he leaves or the day they drag him out.

  3. Captain America's birthday is easier to celebrate these days! We have been watching Man in the High Castle lately where the Nazis taken over the eastern side of our country. It is quite the show!

  4. Happy Fourth!

    Hopefully it’ll rain on Cheeto’s parade!


    P.S. punching a Nazi should be mandatory proof of citizenship

  5. I think I'm too old to have been a Captain America fan. I've never been a flag waver (unless it's rainbow) and the motto "my country right or wrong" is total BS. But I do love the fireworks...which I will not see again this year because we are so far from a city.

  6. I fear for what could happen here. We need a Captain Canada.

  7. Happy Birthday America and happy birthday Captain America :)

    what Nazi did ,does not require a second opinion indeed

  8. I will celebrate America, and not the regime in charge today,and hope that sanity returns.

  9. While this has nothing to do with your post, I currently have the song "She's A Beauty" from The Tubes because you said he's a beauty. Ah, the 80s. Good music. Better, brighter clothes. So happy to see the return of parachute pants and fanny packs. hahahaha Can't believe my kid has both.


  10. Mmmm-hmmmm... both Captains are Americans I can stand behind.

    (All I got are dirty old lady jokes. You aren't wrong when you say how problematic the 4th feels, especially at this point in history.)

  11. Happy Birthday Captain America!

  12. Is it safe to say a lesbian got me horny?!?!?!?!?

    Thank you for the lovely firework gif!!!!!

  13. @ mistress maddie -- Chris Evans fan, eh? Glad to oblige!

  14. Happy birthday Captain Hot Stuff! :) Great post Samuel L Jackson in EVERY movie???

  15. Chris Evans is perfect for Captain America. Go strong, Cap!

  16. Thank you, Debra from that half of the U.S. that gives a shit. I, for one, am flying my U.S. Flag today...upside down, the symbol of distress, in response to the buffoon and his totalitarian parade and other ideas-in-general. It's encouraging that when I went out earlier, I saw two other in distress flags aflying, in my block. Maybe there is some hope.

    Hot Damn...I just saw a weather report that said there's suppose to be late afternoon thunderstorms in D.C. today.

  17. Hope the United States regain their independence from Russia and the fascists currently in power.

  18. Happy birthday, Cap'n America. I once had a Captain America motorcycle helmet.

  19. I shake my head at our state of our country. But still going to celebrate our country birthday.
    Coffee is on

  20. Please save us, Captain America.


  21. Happy Fourth of July!

    Happy birthday Captain!

  22. It is fitting Cap is both a Democrat in real life and in the comics.

  23. Independence must aways be celebrated, the more fireworks the better!!

  24. I have fond memories of Reb Brown who played Cap in a 1979 TV movie and later played the lead character in the feature film Yor, Hunter of the Future. Can't remember if he had any acting ability, but he was a sight to behold!

  25. A pretty face indeed..Happy Birthday..The state of our country is sad indeed...He still has too many supporters..What are they on???

  26. It's absolutely horrifying, this current political landscape and the asshat in chief. Happy Birthday, Captain America - easy on the eyes, indeed :-)

  27. I am not feeling very good about this nation this weekend. I suppose I am not alone on this. It is of little comfort.

  28. I love the fireworks gif, Debra! Our fireworks were a dud here, because it was raining off and on ~ Although we had a great lightning and thunder display. Coincidentally, we watched the "Captain America: The First Avenger" last night. We enjoyed it a lot. I'm trying to watch as many of the Marvel movies as I can (for free, that is, on our cable service). Captain America was certainly an unimpressive character before he was injected with the Super Soldier syrup ~ LOL. I wonder how they pulled that off. LOL Have a great weekend with your Rare One!

  29. You can come up with a fun post better than anyone I know. :)

  30. I did not celebrate the holiday because there is nothing to celebrate when there is a tyrant in the house who brings tanks to a party. The anger I feel toward the current administration is incalculable. Man, do we need Captain America now.

  31. I hope the Cap can save us. I've sent him about a gazillion holograms, screaming, "Captain American, you are our only hope!"

  32. I am still puzzled how Trump got elected and praying he doesn't get a second term.
    Hang in there America!
    Big hugs
    Peggy xxxx

  33. Belated Happy Birthday Captain America!
    He sure is cute. Is her single? Nah, the good ones never are.

  34. haha.. these are all terrific.

  35. I'm still waiting for Captain America to show up and kick Trump's big ass out of the White House. Or off the planet. Either will do, but the latter is preferable. I celebrate the America we once were and hope we get there again.

  36. I love Captain America! Great post Debra!! Big Hugs!

  37. Our how-did-he-get-elected president probably would have a tough time reading a whole comic book. I've heard his attention span is very limited. Oh now that his 4th speech is internet meme history, I very glad he recognized that first revolutionary patriots "took over the airports". If only the Wright brothers had known we had airports more that 100 years before they needed one.


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