Thursday, 13 April 2023

This Month's DOG Post

Where wiener dogs come from,
in case you didn't know --

And now, today's History Lesson:

The vestibule floor of the 
House of Paquius Proculus in Pompeii,
paved with a mosaic depicting a guard dog
chained to a door.

This is one of the “Beware of the dog” mosaics
found in Pompeii and which may have served
as a warning sign to deter burglary
even if there’s no dog within the house.


  1. Hahaha
    Oh the doggie with Marilyn? Too cute.
    And those dogs do look like people trying to FaceTime.

    Ohhh I want one of those mosaics! And I don't even have a dog!!!


  2. These are fun! It's only fair to give some attention to the dogs since the cats rule the internet.

  3. Wait. All I need is a picture of a dog on the floor???

  4. What does Her Royal Highness think of dogs? Have you posted a beware of guard cat sign?

  5. Buster would so be the dog on the plane.

    Yeah, what's it to ya. I paid for this seat!

  6. @ Travel -- HRH tolerates dogs reluctantly, as she does all lesser beings (basically anybody but her). And yes, my place is simply PLASTERED with "Beware of Cat" signs in a desperate attempt on my part to avoid legal liability for HRH's carnage.

  7. Still missing our beloved Benni after almost 2 years.

  8. Thanks for sharing your posts with the doggie world..I'm sure her royal highness doesn't mind..well, maybe not so sure.

  9. And if the angry chained dog is not enough, there is also a labrys, so you know what kind of people you might be facing were you to try and break in. (The satellite dish in the other window is less intimidating.)

  10. @ Old Lurker -- Yes, beware of the Lesbian Amazons!

  11. 'They're all good dogs, Brent.' Ok, maybe not the chicken thieves...
    The two labs trying to face time made me laugh! Also loved the top one - the call of the blanket.

  12. almost ready to get a doggie to replace Dexter...just read that and no dog/cat will ever replace Dexeter.

  13. A Guard Dog sign can prevent burglary these days too.

  14. Since when is talking to dogs 'not normal'??? Everybody talks to dogs all the time!

    (ok maybe 'everybody' means the people at the dog park, or the people at the brewhouse we frequent who lets them onto the patio, or our neighbors walking by the yard, or people at PetSmart, or everyone at the Vets office...

    Yep, pretty much everyone! :-)

    (we seem to have a select bunch pr people we hang with ..

  15. That Lab puppy briefcase is ADORABLE! Thanks for throwing us dog lovers a bone, even if it's only once a month!

  16. Such a fun post on dog lovers. You always make me smile.

  17. I agree regarding the call of the blanket. I'm more of a cat person, but I'm kind of a Doug. (Very subtle pun here.)

  18. When moderating the following comment from Joanne Noragon, I inadvertently deleted it instead of publishing it, so here is a copy of what she said . . . "Not bad, but cats are better. Smarter, if you know what I mean."

  19. I am ashamed to admit I look jut like that when I face time.

  20. The call of the blanket is always stronger than the call of the wild.

  21. The dog on the plane is probably a much nicer passenger than some people I’ve come across
    He’s adorable

  22. Always I love the dog ones. These are no exception. The first two really got me though. The rotisserie does bring back memories of a now long dead pooch who never stopped stealing yet I seriously had difficulty believing it was he. He looked so innocent! He also loved sleeping under a blanket.

  23. LOL, having facetimed with my mom-in-law, that meme is quite accurate!

  24. I talk to all animals. Haven't tried talking to reptile.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  25. Well you know which one I love the most. But I also love the one of the labs looking like parents struggling with technology.

  26. Funny again! The Marilyn one made me guffaw. Thinking about The Dogs I Have Known. I like dogs.

  27. thanks for smiles and laughs dear Debra

    you are awesome at your selection haha

  28. The call of the blanket is a strong one.

  29. I can relate to the FaceTime joke...that is what our granddaughter sees on a weekly basis, haha.

  30. It's a dog's life after all.

  31. Love it, especially the briefcase one since I have a Lab.

  32. I pawed all over this post.
    Very interesting about the Beware Of Dog art work!

  33. πŸΆπŸ•πŸ©πŸ•‍🦺

  34. We talk to Lucky all the time. He understands Russian better than I do. He does like to steal food from our plates, being tall enough to reach

  35. Personally, I'm not a big fan of dogs.



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