Monday 12 June 2023

Oh, Boo-Fuckin-Hoo, Bigots


  1. Great stuff! Maybe a bit political;)

  2. I have no use for small minded people who don't realize that people have been had different sexual orientations forever. It isn't something new at all.

  3. hahahaha...and there are a lot of them out there. it constantly amazes me.

  4. Flip the question, why do they make most of the couples in media, hetrosexual? It is indoctrination, grooming. In my case, it didn't work.

  5. "I'm fine with gay people ..." always leads to homophobia.

  6. That last one was on the tee shirt I wore to the Philly Pride festival! I saw it and had to stir the pot!

    The beer one crack me up! Although the beer thing hasn't been a huge thing here. Straight men will still drink it. But we know how the trump rednecks get!!!!Im surprise they don't think God is gay, what with all his rainbows after storms.

  7. Love the quote by Evee - amazing the things that people of faith choose to ignore. Jesus said not one words about homosexuality but he railed against divorce and adultery. The Pew Research center found that evangelicals have a 74% divorce rate and atheists a 2% divorce rate. Let that speak for itself.

  8. Gay gay gay. This is SO political... Because the assholes make it so. Boo Fuckin Hoo Bigots says it all.

  9. I <3 Eevee.

    I do not <3 that last meme.

  10. You know my mind makes weird connections. Made me think of a song by Melanie:

    Look what they've done to my BEER, ma
    Look what they've done to my BEER
    Well, it's the only thing that I could DRINK ALL right
    And it's turning out all wrong, ma
    Look what they've done to my BEER.

  11. @ Frank -- Hahahahahaha, good one!

  12. @ Glen Filthie -- I don't publish comments from haters and trolls, of course, but glad my post got under your skin, LOL! Happy Pride!

  13. Fuck bigotry, Fuck stupidity and Fuck homophobes.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  14. I hope the homophobes are uncomfortable this month!

  15. Love that last meme. I've been wearing rainbows and Pride swag all month. And I watched that short film! When he Freaky Fridays with the doggie??? I almost died.
    I'd love to get a pack of that Totally Straight beer. As a memento. And where can I get a Tall Boy??


  16. Super uncomfortable month indeed!

    I can't imagine the energy it takes to be so angry all the time. What a waste. Seething ball of hate - that must be painful.

  17. I think we can at least look at the younger generations and see there is hope. Things are changing.
    And even though it’s slow and aggravating it will get much better.
    Don’t worry about dinosaurs. They’ll all become extinct eventually

  18. Way too political for me, Debra.
    I kid.
    The hypocrisy on the hills these straight people will die on is quite silly.
    Unfortunately, the hate is not.
    A lot of them are really going to lose their shit next week when it's Juneteenth.

  19. Lots of good ones there..Happy Pride month..Hope the homophobes enjoy it!!

  20. LOL'd at "pounding a tall boy"!

  21. The last meme is both provocative and fun!

  22. They are so going to lose their shit on June teeth. Even autocorrect insists that is what I want to say. Or, did you mean-- June Teens?
    I welcome this holiday.

  23. Some people can be so exhausting.

  24. If you don't like it, don't look, mind your own business but get over it homophobes. Life's too short for so much hate.

  25. So funny! And right on point. These posts are always some of your best!

  26. Republicans won't drink Bud Light because it's gay

    Democrats won't drink Bud Light because its alcoholic piss water.

  27. In addition to the big Pride march in Downtown Cleveland, I also attended a smaller but no less lively suburban Pride Fest a week later. Despite all the hateful politics (which may only get worse once the election season really gets underway), I remain optimistic that the LGBTQ community will, to paraphrase William Faulkner, not just endure but thrive.

  28. Savage Chickens cartoon - I believe this seething hate blinds too many people. They can't be open minded. Then we have social media making money on spread hate.

  29. I don't wish them to be uncomfortable while we celebrate. I know lots of people who just do not understand. That is okay.
    We are going to do it anyway.

    I never imagined that my humanity would become a slave to religious politics. I am a nice peaceful old gay man.

    I don't understand why this is a Christian country. I thought I was just born here, like my family before me.

    In my heart, I feel like a good person.

  30. Gotta be a long month for them.

  31. Love the @eevee quote! So true! and also so sad!

  32. I hope the homophobes were deeply, wretchedly uncomfortable


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