Wednesday 18 October 2023

Witch Week Honours Baba Yaga

In Slavic mythology, BABA YAGA is an archetypal crone witch
who dwells by herself deep in the forest.

Baba Yaga lives in a hut which stands and
moves about on chicken legs.

She flies through the sky, not on a broom,
but in a mortar bowl, rowing it with a pestle.

She is a deeply enigmatic and ambiguous figure
who may either help or hinder those who
encounter or seek her out.

Sometimes she is good.

Sometimes she is evil.

Baba Yaga may be ancient
but she moves with the times!

She is currently updating her image
to stay relevant in our modern age --

And here's a Baba Yaga inspired chicken coop!

The chickens love it!


  1. I can remember the incarnation of Baba Yaga in the second Hellboy installment and thought the whole thing was cool...though she was downright evil in the movie and ate kids.

  2. Ohhh I remember some fairy tales from when I was a wee gayling and they involved Baba Yaga!
    I also saw her in the Hellboy movie. She was bad!


  3. Yay! Chickens! Love those critters.

  4. I have never heard of her, but anyone who lives in a house that walks on chicken legs ... and the house looks cool for the architect in me ... is all right with me!

    PS That chicken coop. Yes.

  5. I want to live in the chicken coop, but not with the chickens.


  6. Laughing at the Barbie Yaga pictures!

  7. The barbies are great, then the skateboard.

  8. I love them all! I would live with the chickens in the coop, but they would slowly diminish ... I loves me some fried chicken πŸ—!!! LOL

  9. Is the needlework something you have? It's gorgeous. I love that henhouse! Can I have one human sized (or, more specifically, in a size that would fit me)?

  10. @ Moving with Mitchell -- No, alas, the embroidery is from the internet.

  11. Hello Debra, Last night we had one of our many earthquakes, so I have an idea of what a house on chicken feet would feel like.

  12. I like BarbaYaga best. Great legs and indoor plumbing.

  13. "Boba Yaga" ROFLMAO!

  14. So happy to learn about Boba Yaga who seems so cool! A house walking on chicken legs is a true fantasy!

  15. Lol...this is great!! Love the coop!!!

  16. Oh my. I want a Baba Yaga chicken coop
    What do you think my chances are of getting hubby to build me one lol

  17. Very familiar with Baba Yaga. We keep a Baba Yaga by our front door for reasons known to Ukrainians. Also she features in Ukrainian cartoons with the three Cossacks. Googled it but can't find

  18. Sigh. These RVs are getting out of hand. Everybody thinks that bringing their house with them while on vacation is a great idea, but I shudder to think of the gas mileage on that thing, even if the gas consists of chicken pellets.

  19. @ Parnassus (Jim) -- Glad you're okay!

  20. What are those chickens brewing with bottles and herbs?

  21. @ Joanne Noragon -- They're brewing evil, Joanne, PURE EVIL.

  22. Oh, my God, not another Chick-fil-A!

  23. Baba Yaga is one of the scariest Witches of all time. She is so scary, that all I can say is I heard her house had legs.
    Sometimes we wonder what happened in that house. It is too scary, and if Baba Yaga was coming here, I would run and hide.
    For some reason, the chicken is one of her mascots. Probably she eats them.

  24. Gorgeous, Baba Yaga on the chicken leg board! ;-DDD Barbie Yaga isn't bad either :-D
    All the best and have a nice rest of the week, Traude
    πŸπŸŒ»πŸ‚ 🌻🍁

  25. The chicken coop would make a great cubby house for children.

  26. Never trust anyone with chicken legs. Oh heck, just don't trust anyone! LOL!

  27. Such amazing creativity! I'm glad that Baba Yaga has a contemporary audience. I suspect that is due to the movie. Still, she's a badass and I wouldn't go searching the woods for her...
    (Also, Kirk - Big Lols!)

  28. I certainly enjoy learning from blogs. I had not heard of Baba Yaga before your post.

  29. Jeebus, those chickens are living mighty high on the hog!

  30. I saw a t-shirt for Baba Yaga day care.

  31. haha she is funny
    i too loved the chicken coop ,a good reminder of my native home :)

  32. Yes, I will take one deep in the woods.

  33. Where has Baba Yaga been all my life? I love her!

  34. She always scared me as a child. There were a few animated versions of Russian tales where she was featured and they often involved body horror and mutilation.

  35. My first encounter with her was a concert piece. I don't remember the composer. I should look it up .

  36. if i had chickens i'd built that house for it..
    I'm sorta like her..sans the chicken house and sailing in the bowl ..little good..a little bad.


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