Thursday 27 June 2024

And The Award Goes To . . .

Now that the Stanley Cup playoffs are over, it's time once again to hand out the only Hockey Awards that really matter! Screw the NHL's Hockey Awards, who needs 'em?


1. Best Promotional Item 

**The Connor McDonut**

Produced by a local Edmonton donut shop, these big sugary confections in the Oilers team colours of orange and blue were only available for sale on game days. Diabeetus on a plate!

2. Best National Anthems Singer 

**SoulBear at Winnipeg Jets home games**

SoulBear is an openly gay singer from Winnipeg with an outstanding voice! In the absence of a video yet to be posted from the Jets' 2024 playoff run, here's one from the Jets' 2022 Pride Night where SoulBear sings, a cappella, both the American and Canadian national anthems:

3. Best Superfan 

It's a three-way tie among these intrepid Edmonton Oilers devotees:

**Superfan Magoo (Blair Gladue)**

**Banjoguy55 (Dave Steil)**

**Mama Stanley (Mary Loewen)**

And here's a snippet from a profile of Mama Stanley by the St. Albert Gazette --

Being Mama Stanley is no easy feat
for St. Albert’s Mary Loewen.

Two Oilers blazers, check. Chrome makeup, check.
Tinsel wig, got it. Finally, the crowning glory:
a homemade Stanley Cup hat she wears
on her head, adorned with 3,500 sequins,
each individually pinned on with little nails.

“It took my daughter and my grandson’s girlfriend
a long time to make that,” she said.

“Every time I go to Rogers [Arena], it’s always
my head that sets the security off.”

4. Most Heartbreaking Haircuts of 2024

Two of my former Hockey Hair Gods have cut their hair! Behold the Before & After Pix of my poor shorn sheep:

**Mark Stone (Vegas Golden Knights)**

**Igor Shesterkin (New York Rangers)**

I'm devastated.

But not for long . . . .

5. This Year's Hockey Hair God

**Sergei Bobrovsky, Russian goalie for the Florida Panthers** 

Feast your eyes on those luscious locks, golden highlights and all!


  1. Tell em Debs!!!!!! Is the city still salty???

  2. The Stanley cup grandma is incredible. That’s dedication!

  3. ...that donut is a health food. It has two major food groups, fat and sugar.

  4. I got a sugar spike (and reflux) from just looking at that donut. I love the makeup on Banjoguy55 but Mama Stanley takes the cup!

  5. Wow, I have never heard of SoulBear but he was great at singing the anthems.
    And then Sergei Bobrovsky... yes, please.

  6. I didn't have hair like that, when I had hair.

  7. I was thinking about you during the play-offs and pulling for Canada.
    Hockey in Florida makes no more sense that water skiing in the Sahara.
    enough said
    Canada is still the home of hockey.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  8. Hahaha
    Diabeetus??? True, but I bet the coma is worth it.
    And I want SoulBear to sing to me. Now.

    Here's the thing: 99.9% of hockey players look (and probably feel) like 1980's rough trade and I'm here for it. No short hair. Ever.


  9. I'm sure you are the best "superfan"!

  10. Hard to believe there's a fan more devoted than yourself, but looks like Mama Stanley's got you beat.

  11. That is one good-looking donut!

  12. I admire your egalitarian selections for the awards - even a Panther! That's no surprise coming from a judge... a judge of hockey esoterica!

    I'd eat the donut.

  13. Definitely supporting these awards, especially the edible sort.

  14. I am mesmerized by that guy in rd, white and blue.

  15. We were pulling for the Oilers. I really thought they were going to raise the cup. In my opinion, one of the best parts of the playoffs is the hockey hair and the beards. I wonder if Bob still has his golden locks? Take care.

  16. I saw on TV where the Florida players took the Stanley Cup into the ocean and also filled it with beer and poured the beer upon passersby. Oh Canada, you would have had much more respect, I am sure!

  17. @ Kay G. -- Alas, no, there have been plenty of similar (if not worse) antics by Canadian teams/players who have won the Stanley Cup, I'm afraid to say.

  18. All good choices for your awards this year, though I must say that the Oilers' goalie, Stuart Skinner, should be this year's Hockey Hair God.... plus his moustache and beard are more luxuriant than Bobrovsky's! Haven't the Oilers suffered enough?!?

  19. Your fascination with lush hairlocks is funny. I do appreciate man's hair a bit more. Most of us get thinning of hair once we mature. Enjoy the hair while we can

  20. Soul Bear physically and musically sure lives up to his name! When he sang, I didn't know whether to stand up and put my hand on my heart or take a cold shower!

  21. SoulBear cam sing my national anthem any time!

  22. The haircuts! I would give my left pinkie toe for hair like that!
    Mama Stanley must start getting dressed three days prior.

  23. No sprinkles on my donut, please.

  24. SoulBear's voice gave me chills, in the best of ways. Also, I want a giant doughnut. Please?

  25. oh that donut! I used to live in Edmonton... minus 40 was challenging but how I loved being there. Almost married the Canadian guy but... that's the way things go sometimes

  26. That donut is pure sugar! Makes my teeth hurt just looking at it.
    Yes, great hair..

  27. That SoulBear has an incredible voice. It is hard to sign our National Anthem and he did an outstanding job.

  28. So sorry to hear of the outcome. There is always next year.

  29. we were rooting for the Oilers here. It appears every team I like this year is not fairing well. Oh well.

  30. Hehe, dear Debra, your hair god looks like someone licked the butter off his bread... or the blue and orange decoration off the donut... I agree with you, the longer hair was better on everyone. I don't know much about hockey, but the fans look cool and enthusiastic!
    All the best, Traude

  31. We do love our NHL, some folks more than others. My brother's two sons are big Oilers fans so were disappointed they didn't win the Stanley this year.

  32. ooh, I do like a man with long hair. Strangely enough I was thinking about the Oilers recently and wondering how they were getting on as I've not been around. My sympathy.

  33. Dear me! I wasn't aware there was a Stanley play off !


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