Saturday 29 June 2024

Back on the Rainbow Track

Okay, okay, I know that
my annual blogfest party


got a little derailed this year
by the Edmonton Oilers'
Stanley Cup run --

. . . but now I'm back on the
Rainbow Track again!

Wait, whaddya mean
Pride Month
is almost over?

Well, I guess I'd better
wrap things up then.

Thanks for celebrating the
LGBTQ+ community
with me all month long!

Here's one last message
for all of us --

. . . and for our opponents --


  1. I would love to live to the day when people are accepted for who they are! I fear it’s not going to happen. Meanwhile, we do our part! It all matters.

  2. Hubs heard a report that in the US, various states and local communities have passed about 460 anti LGBTQ+ laws. Our Pride is being beaten back by ignorance and bias and hate. Our celebration is always part protest. Happy Pride!!!

  3. "Ultimate Straight" made me guffaw, and the last one made me smile!
    Happy Pride, all year long 🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈

  4. Yay, celebrate you! Pride should be all year!

  5. Keep the pride in your heart all year long darling Deborah. It has been a fun ride.

  6. I hope that one day, people will all realize that it doesn't matter who you love, as long as you love. Happy Pride month Debra.

  7. i got sidetracked by the oilers too. i always look forward to your pride month posts!

  8. Pride month may end, but we in the LGBTQ community go on.

  9. Other interests? I am just here for the Hawaii vacation photos.

  10. @ Old Lurker -- I'm glad that SOMEONE appreciates that I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world.

  11. Ultimate Straight cracks me up because you know I’m something of a homosexual myself.

  12. Amen, to that last meme!!
    But I admit that ultimate straight made me laugh.
    Let's celebrate Pride all year, not just a day.

  13. Love, love, love those final two messages.

  14. I had to steal that kitten meme away. I just loved it.

  15. Hello Debra, Where did the time go? It seems the month just started!

  16. It was a beautiful month, let's say goodbye!!

  17. OMG the kitten one was tooooo cute.

  18. Ultimate straight! And that kitten with its paw up, so funny! Respect every month, I'm serious.

  19. May the gaiety and its power go forward for the rest of the year.

  20. A little over an hour left. Enjoy.

  21. beautiful !
    i agree being happy with yourself is most important because this is how you can share the happiness around otherwise if you don't have it inside what will you spread around is only distrust sadly

  22. Translesbigayapalooze may be over but I'm still celebrating! My city moved our Pride parade to July so we've got that to look forward to. I haven't been since well before covid but the ex talked me into going with her this year. Showing up for our people!

  23. @ e -- Our Edmonton Pride Festival has been moved to August for the first time this year for some mysterious reason. So must wait another couple of months here!

  24. I'm so sorry the Oilers lost the cup... and to FLORIDA of all teams. FFS.

  25. Thank you for the much needed smiles <3

  26. That month just flew by.. Sorry about the oilers!!


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