Wednesday 12 June 2024

I Just Love Trans People!

And why on earth do cis people
get all bent out of shape over that term?


  1. ...I'm much more concerned with republicans who are transitioning to nazis, AMEN!

  2. I don’t understand why a person’s gender identity or sexuality is of concern to anyone else, particularly a politician or religious fanatic. Celebrate Pride and be wary of the haters.

  3. Everyone should mind the 5th one down. We'd be better for if we did.

  4. I saw that birth announcement a while back and it made me tear up with joy over those parents.

    I don't know why the right is so laser focused on what's in people's pants. Why not just give everyone some simple respect and take them as they say they are; call them by the pronouns they prefer, the name they've chose.

    I mean, did the world go apeshit when we found out Cary Grant was really Archibald Alexander Leach?

  5. Yes on Nazis, and big yes on the dangers to trans people.

  6. Everyone should be comfortable in their skin.

    A leading aging advocate in Canada has a trans son.

  7. Goddess bless our heterogender family!

  8. I learned a lot about trans people when a coworker's son transitioned from female to male, before he hit puberty. My coworker is an amazing woman, an amazing mother and a wonderful advocate.

  9. Yes!
    You're preaching today.

    And some Cis people do think that Cisgender is an insult because for them Transgender IS an insult.


    P.S. If you're on Insta, you should follow @thetranspainter, Rae Senarighi. He's sooo cool! I met him during Milwaukee pride and left trying to buy half his little store! (got two t-shirts and five stickers, though..)

  10. ☺️ I wish for every child on this planet the kind of unconditional parental love like that shown to Kal!!

  11. Love the 4th one.. republicans are much worse! Hell, they all are...

  12. No one should ever feel like they're trapped in the wrong body. As a straight woman born with an XX genome, I'm not crazy about the "cis" term because I don't like labels -- I think labels and the squabbling over them do more to create divisions in society than heal them. And we ALL should be concerned about the rise of nazis and other far right-wing, nationalist forces in North America and around the world!

  13. Brilliant - especially that last one.
    Keep the proud celebratory spirit going, SWS.
    It looks great on your blog.
    I hope HRH is being supportive too. (She can get a bit tedious and pretentious, as you know.)

  14. I find the right one down particularly relevant.

  15. That should be "I find the fifth one down..."

    The Right must have been on my mind.

  16. Great stuff, Debra. I love all of them. However, the one about republicans transitioning into nazis is scary because it is actually happening with their ignorance and hatred. Take care.

  17. Heterogender and Homogender... that will blow their tiny little minds!



  18. that meme, Republicans trans to nazis is true and frightening.
    what's this conservative trend worldwide? why?
    we are all spirits in bodies here anyway...

  19. A great collection, Debra! The birth announcement is my favorite ~ what wonderful parents. I wish all parents could be like tha!

  20. they are getting all their rights removed

  21. I agree about political transition than the one regarding human rights dear Debra


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