Friday 14 June 2024

The Highlight of My Week

I won a pair of rainbow socks
and admission tickets to
our local botanical conservatory.

Bingo? Ha ha, yes, I'm --

Happy Pride!


  1. ...and I wear boring white socks!

  2. Gray and gay here, too, so congrats on the Bingo win!!!

  3. Still alive and gay as can be.

  4. Gray, gay, yay!! Happy Pride!

  5. Wow, congrats! Love those socks.

  6. I am not surprised Bingo was the highlight of your week. It certainly wasn't sportsball.

  7. @ Old Lurker -- Alas, yes, it appears that the Oilers have met their match. Can they win all four of the remaining games to take the Cup? Baby Jesus, we need a miracle, help us, where are you? Whaddya mean, you're besties with the Florida Panthers now?

  8. OMG Yes!
    I love gay swag. And I love going to Conservatories! It's like triple bingo!
    BTW, you should take pics. I'm curious now about the Botanical Conservatory there!


  9. Sounds like fun! Congrats on the win!!

  10. Gray and gay!!!! Lol!!!!! Reminds me of when a called gay bingo at the Woods last summer. Mine was black out bingo.The prizes were a 12 dildo and a liquor basket.

  11. Gray and Gay should be on a t-shirt. Congrats and Happy Pride!

  12. Not gray, not gay, and I have to wear compression socks!

  13. Congrats on your bingo win! Your prizes actually look useful and not destined for the donation box, LOL!

  14. Gray and gay!! How fun is that? Great socks! Have a good weekend.

  15. I like the socks but I couldn't wear them out of the house.

  16. My husband just told me this week that he remembered a song called "Glad To Be Gay" that was a big hit in England in 1974 or 1975 (can't remember what he said!). Perhaps you could write one that is "Glad To Be Gray and Gay"! Maybe the songwriter won't sue you! Oh, and that hit in England? You won't be surprised to know that I don't think it made it across the pond in the 1970's.

  17. Congratulations! Enjoy the conservatory.

  18. Wonderful socks. I once knitted rainbow sox, except I reversed the colors. At a trustee meeting a child in the audience was upset because he noticed I had "two different socks."

  19. Such a lovely theme. So colourful. Enjoy the freebies!

  20. Appreciate all your comments on my page. My first visit here and have to say you do "have a real purpose in mind".
    Very much in line with today and...tomorrow.

  21. Woo hoo! Yay for socks!! Was a time when I'd have been like, "WTF?", but these days a new pair of socks would be awesome. Congrats on your win.

  22. I confess I always forget what cis means! Apart from their surname the Bogerts sound like great people. (Sorry, it sounds like Roald Dahl name.)
    So many great memes.

  23. Yay on winning the socks and tix!

  24. winning is a rush! Plus, rainbow socks? whee!
    love the gray and gay phrase... our hair may lose color but we're still in there right?

  25. Congratulations, Debra! Love the socks!

  26. I'm more like "silver" and gay...and I'll take any socks that don't give me a hernia while putting them on or taking them off. Happy Pride!

  27. At least one Edmontonian is winning... True, they had a massive win in game 4, but... oof.

    Nice socks! Be sure to wear them to the Botanical Garden!

  28. Gray and Gay. I love it! Congrats on the win as I know you'll enjoy both of your prizes.

  29. Cool socks! Enjoy your prizes.

  30. Love those socks and the tickets - a perfect outing for the Gray and Gay set.

  31. I love rainbow dear Debra 😍
    Congrats for the win


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