Monday 1 July 2024

Happy Canada Day, eh?

I've had a restful and low-key Canada Day Long Weekend,
which suits me just fine! Here are some highlights --

I went to my neighbourhood open-air Farmers Market
and scored a big bag of peas in the pod.

I hate eating cooked peas and so never do,
but I love to feast on freshly-shelled raw peas!

Since the weather was so great,
I strolled around a nearby botanic garden
and enjoyed all the vibrant colours!

Just a few snaps of the best ones --

I also made a loaf of multigrain soda bread,
which is so delicious when toasted!

I hope that all my fellow Canuckians
enjoyed their holiday long weekend too!

[First image from internet; all other photos
© Debra She Who Seeks, 2024]


  1. ...thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten what day this is. Have a happy!

  2. I have found memories of picking peas in the garden and eating them on the spot, so good. Happy Canada Day!

  3. Sounds like a perfectly lovely way to spend a weekend.
    And that bread looks dee-lish!

  4. I loved when we had a garden and I just sat there and ate fresh peas. I also love fresh beans.

  5. Happy Canada Day! It sounds as if you did good things. Especially the bread.

  6. Happy Canadian day dear Debra !
    glad you enjoyed your walk in lovely weather and beautiful garden ,these flowers are spectacular wow !

    your likening for the fresh peas is familiar as i too love eating fresh peas .hubby brigs loads in season and i sit to peal while watching tv . i bet more than half can travel into my stomach lol .i love the flavor and taste since always :)

    your multigrain bread looks really nice and tasty wow !!!!!!!

    hugs and best wishes

  7. Happy July 1st, Debra! The flower pics are beautiful and so is that loaf of bread!

  8. Happy Canada Day! The blooms are gorgeous!

  9. How did I not know that St. Albert had a botanic garden? Thanks for letting me know and happy Canada day.

  10. Happy Canada Day! I've got my Maple Leaf out on the flagpole.
    Gorgeous pictures from the botanical garden. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I hope it's still going on!

  11. @ Pixie -- Yes and it's free! They don't let people bring in dogs though, just FYI.

  12. Oh, Canada!

    And I love the pics! Love Botanic Parks!!!


  13. Happy Canada Day!
    I too hate cooked peas, but I've not tried them raw and now I think I should.
    The flowers are gorgeous and your bread looks phenomenal.

  14. Happy Canada Day!!
    I thought I was weird because I eat raw peas from the pod. I like to throw them into salads. SOOOOoo good! When I get back to normal I need to make some bread dough and freeze it for baking later. I have used up all my frozen stuff.

  15. As my 3 year old granddaughter would say (covering all the bases), "Happy New Day!"
    Have you been to the University of Alberta botanical garden? Beautiful.

  16. @ DB Stewart -- Oh yes, I've been out to the U of A Botanical Gardens many times and hope to make it out again this summer. The Japanese Garden is my fave!

  17. I do love that Canadian Eh. I have a cousin who was born and raised in Montreal. She’s lived in the US for a very long time but still says Eh. She’s one of my favorite people. I’m with you when it comes to enjoying freshly shelled raw peas. I hate vegetables as a child, but fresh peas were like candy to me. Happy O Canada Day-Eh!

  18. Happy Canada Day. Glad you had a relaxing fun weekend. Those peas are making me hungry!

  19. A fine Canada Day to you, friend!

  20. I always find it uplifting to tour the local botanical gardens. Love the peonies and iris. Our iris are long gone.

  21. Feliz día de Canada. Te mando un beso.

  22. Happy Canada Day, Debra. The way things are going here in the USA, I might be heading your way to seek political asylum!

  23. Happy Canada day from an American. ;)

  24. Great flowers, especially the iris. Happy Canada Day.

  25. yes yes yes about that bread

  26. Eh Eh Eh! Happy Canada Day!


  27. Happy Canada Day from a Canuck abroad!

  28. I can't think of freshly shelled peas without remembering working in a canning factory where we helped ourselves to handfuls of them. It was hardly necessary to take anything else to eat.

  29. This is our INDEPENDENCE DAY week and the fire works are driving my pup and cat crazy. Do you guys celebrate with lots of fireworks? Whatever, have safe and fun celebrations.

  30. @ Granny Annie -- Oh yes, fireworks are traditional here too. They woke me up last night at 11:00 p.m. That's as close as I got to attending, LOL!

  31. What a fabulous loaf! Memories of sitting on the front steps in the sunshine helping my gran shell peas.
    Beautiful flowers too.

  32. I love raw peas! Your bread looks delicious..Yum!!Happy Canada day!!

  33. In general, I liked everything you did during the week! In quarantine I made a lot of multigrain breads!!
    Have a beautiful July Debra!!

  34. Ohh baby, the fresh peas and the multi-grain soda bread- Yum!!

  35. Belated Happy Canada Day, SWS.
    Such vibrant colors in your part of the world.
    And I didn't know you're a baker. The bread looks divine. Don't let HRH get to it, or she'll likely eat it all (if she hasn't already).

  36. I'm sorry I missed your Canada day post. I love Canada! And it looks like you had a grand weekend. The flowers are fabulous!

  37. I love almost all beans and peas, but I never thought of eating them raw, even when peeling the pods. I think I'm going to give it a try. It sounds like something I would like. The bread looks delish, too.

  38. Beautiful, beautiful flowers, Debra, and the multigrain Oda bread looks scrumptious!


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