Saturday 20 July 2024

Summer Heat, Graphite Pencils, and Public Air Conditioning

It's been HOTTER THAN THE HOBS OF HELL here all week. The heatwave is supposed to last for another week too. Like many Edmonton residences and apartments, mine does NOT have air conditioning. When I first moved to Edmonton in 1998, I was STUNNED by this city's general lack of air conditioning. But everyone just laughed and said "Oh, you don't need air conditioning HERE! We only get maybe 3 hot days per year!" And in 1998, that was true. But not anymore. Thanks, global warming.

Most days it has been 30-35ºC (about 85-95ºF). I know that's NOTHING to you poor bastards sweating it out in the American midwest and south, and even to those of you in continental Europe, but for us it's SCORCHING! 

Here's a bit of good news. After the cancellation of my painting-in-gouache class due to low enrolment, I found another ART CLASS to take this summer instead and it has enough students to proceed! It's a drawing class, which I always enjoy. Plus it's with a teacher who is new to me, so that's always a bonus too. New things to learn!

Apart from that, I also got caught up with various friends this week by getting together in nice AIR CONDITIONED restaurants and coffee shops. Delightful!


  1. ...stay cool. Somehow it would be great to store up this heat in jars for winter!

  2. Great that you are taking drawing classes Debra!
    Well, I laughed a lot and identified with the last photos!
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. I won't berate you for your "heat" wave 😀 I will just say that with the heat index we were in "feels like" temperatures of 108-degrees.

    But, yes, we are mostly used to it, though this heat spell has gone on and on ...

  4. Love that emoji in the first picture. Really sums the weather up.

  5. It is the same here on the east coast. Few of us have air conditioning, other than the natural kind.

  6. Feeling the heat is all relative to what you're used to. Here if it's "only" in the 80s that's nice walking weather. I hope the heatwave breaks soon.

  7. The political climate here in the states is hotter than the weather, so Leon and I wondered if moving to frigid Canada would be more feasible now that there's global warming...your drawing reminded me of the Little Prince's drawing of the snake digesting an elephant...but my mind woks in mysterious ways...

  8. Strange and ugly weather this summer.

  9. You might invest in a couple of fans ... The tall, oscillating ones! I grew up with the Midwest heat and humidity but, now ... in S. Colorado temps in the 90s and 100s do me in! I'm too old for this crap now! LOL
    I love the cat drawing!

  10. Yay new art class! Although I am sure you would have preferred watercolors.

    I am surprised you are allowed to believe in global warming? I would have thought Danielle Smith's anti-environmentalist Stasi would show up at your door one humid evening and drag you away. This heat wave is just a weird coincidence, is all.

  11. No A/C 😮 I'm stunned. How do you manage ... do you just sweat it out or use electric fans?

  12. Just think, summer is almost over. Then we'll be freezing.

  13. For some reason when my brain glanced at your title and saw the words graphite pencils, but my brain read pedophiles, and I thought what the hell:)

    I'm thinking we may have to get AC if we are to survive. A few days we can do but weeks of this heat is too much. And now the air is full of smoke again. It's heartbreaking. Even Inuvik and Yellowknife are hot.

  14. i love your car drawing (and the cat you paired with it). Keep cool!

  15. 😻 Cats not only get into the weirdest positions, they are able to stay that way for hours at a time! The only thing sillier is hoomins like me who can spend hours at a time staring at those weird cats! 🤪

  16. @ Boots N Braids -- Yes, electric fans are a MUST! I have a small personal-sized tower fan sitting beside my computer to blow air on my face as I work. I have a 4 ft oscillating fan for night in my bedroom and I also haul it around with me to the living room and den during the day. Plus I have a box fan which sits in the open balcony doors overnight when the temperature drops and blows the cooler air into the apartment. My place is tolerable until about 4:00-5:00 pm and then it is oppressively hot until nighttime.

  17. I generally wait until it's 85 or above before I turn on the air conditioning, which frequently has been the case this summer in Cleveland (right across the lake from Canada, though not Edmonton.)

  18. I can't imagine having to cope with those conditions. Younger Son in Italy said it's been about 30 there. I would not be able to do anything! Hope you find plenty of cooling places.

  19. You're so right about Edmonton in the old days! I lived there from 1991-95, and I had no need for A/C or even a fan due to cool evening cross-breezes from north-facing and west-facing windows in my apartment.... thank Jeebus I have A/C now where I live in the south or it would be unbearable!

  20. 30˚ and no AC is awful. We hit 35 today and that’s rare for us but 30 is common. We have AC. Most of the apartments in our building don’t have it. I don’t know how people survive. Yes, I’d find a restaurant or cafe and spend hours.

  21. we have had 100 degree days for weeks and i'm in the northeast! and the humidity is tropical. weeds are wilting along with long-established trees. i'm going to have to plant cacti.

  22. It's hot here too although it keeps switching from cool to overheating weather but what can you do but try to relax until the weather changes. I hope you're staying cool.

    Have a lovely day

  23. It is amazing how many people in the US are still denying man made climate change. They are either blind, stupid or they hate their children and grandchildren. I cannot decide which.

  24. It's been hot here too but we generally have warm summers. Most of this week was in the 90's with 101 one day. Luckily, I don't mind the heat, but do use my air at bed, as I like to be cool when I sleep.

    But how do you survive in the apartment with no air Debs?????

  25. I just saw your comment to Shirley! Thank heavens, for fans!!!!!

  26. I am old so I can say I well remember that we didn't have any air conditioning in our home, not until I was a teenager. I must say though that Georgia wasn't as hot as it is now, global warming is certainly real! Take care and get in that A/C as much as possible!

  27. Still laughing out loud at your cat drawing. That’s about how mine would be. I know you can do better. Yes we have had a lot of triple digit days. We are back in the 80s, but only for the weekend ..still haven’t had any rain this month. It has been all around us enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  28. Just finished up the 2nd mini heat wave in as many weeks and it was brutal. Not having good a/c or any a/c for that matter is absolutely criminal.

  29. During the hot summer, those who can’t afford to run their air con, all go to the shopping Center. They sit at the tables in the food hall and drink coffee chatting and enjoying a respite from the heat.
    The same individuals will sit and enjoy the heat in winter.
    Mainly made up fo elderly on pensions. But the group is becoming more diverse as the economy continues to worsen
    We all do what we have too to survive

  30. I know exactly how you feel, neighbour to the south. My wife and I and our might call us a throuple, haha.

  31. Wow, you really have high temperature. Hope that it will cool down soon. Here we have also summer temperatures but rarely over 30 degrees.
    Thanks for your nice visit to my blog.
    All the best

  32. I remember a show called "After the warming" set in the future as a historian talks about how we got there.
    One point I recall was Canada became one of the most populous and desired country as it was now pleasant all year round.
    Would there be enough room for us all in Alberta?

  33. Come to England. A/C is almost non-existent, even in public buildings. Same excuse used; we don't get enough hot weather to justify etc... My brother is in Fort McMurray and they are dealing with both the heat and the rotten air quality from the wildfires again this year.

  34. @ Alison -- Yes, the wildfire smoke has rolled into Edmonton too, worse luck. We've been blanketed since the weekend. Just makes things even more miserable!

  35. i agree that 30c or 40 is bearable for us as well here dear Debra

    i feel for you because i understand it's not same or easy for so many unfamiliar to such heat .Stay cool friend
    i am so happy you got engaged in new art class with new teacher :)
    best wishes

  36. It was 38℃ here. No one could go out without a hat or parasol.
    Take care.

  37. I do feel for you folks who don't have AC. It has been terrible down here so I have been out very little. You know one room size AC doesn't cost very much and if the climate is going to continue like this might be worth considering.

  38. I think the cat drawing is perfect!
    Yikes on the no-air conditioning. I'm guessing you at least have fans, but I suppose when it's this hot, you're just blowing hot air. (much like politicians!) I hope you get some relief very soon my friend. XO


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