Friday 19 July 2024

Friday Face OFF -- Kitty

For this week's Friday Face OFF link party
of art featuring faces, hosted by Nicole of

Here's another little watercolour
from that art journal workshop
mentioned in my last FFO post,
but this time of a kitty
surrounded by plants.

The quotation is a favourite of mine.

I've seen it attributed
to Sigmund Freud,
Albert Einstein, and the
French novelist Colette.

So perhaps the best we can say is --

[Art & photo of art © by Debra She Who Seeks, 2023-24]


  1. ...well, than don't waste any time.

  2. Thank you. Apparently Unknown is the true source of this quote.

  3. What an adorable little kitty. And time spent with cats -an dogs- is never wasted at all. I hope you have a super weekend.

  4. You had me at Kitty an Plants!

    And I love watercolors!


  5. Unknown is everywhere with the quotes! He or she or they are very busy.

    Love the kitty, by the way.

  6. Cleora BorealisFriday, July 19, 2024

    😻 Be still my heart! As soon as you have copies ready to sell, I want one! And, if no one really knows who the unknown is, go ahead and claim the phrase as your own...I'll never tell! 😉

  7. @ Cleora Borealis -- I will gladly mail you the original if you want it, my cat-loving friend! Just leave me a comment with your full mailing address (all my comments are moderated so I will read it but of course will not publish it).

    1. Cleora BorealisFriday, July 19, 2024

      I forgot to mention: belated condolences about the Edmonton Oilers. I became a hockey fan-by-marriage to a guy from Duluth (he grew up loving the MN North Stars) and now supports the St. Louis Blues .🤷‍♀️ But, more important, I'm a fan of HRH!

  8. Smart person who said that phrase about time with cats!

  9. Ain't that the truth! Cats - and dogs, and many other pets are good for us!Love your cat painting! Have a great weekendx, hugs, Valerie

  10. True. Time spent with cats is never wasted, unless one is terribly allergic to them!

  11. Our only cat experience lasted only a year. I opened the front door one day and a cat was sitting on the porch. In she walked like she owned the place. She decided to spend the night in a closet. The next morning there were three kittens in there with her. We gave two kittens away and kept one. The kitten we kept ran away. The mom was run over in front of the house. The end.

  12. Debra amazing watercolor with the kitty!
    Surely time with cats is not wasted!!
    Have a nice Weekend !

  13. Dear Debra, whoever said or wrote this sentence first, it is definitely true.
    All the best and happy weekend, Traude

  14. PS: And I forgot to say: your cat-little watercolour is really cute!

  15. Great quote and sweet art work ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    carol l mckenna
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. How cute!!!! Did HRH the Cat make you say that on the picture?

  17. Kitty and plants...two of my favs !! Have a good weekend...

  18. Truer words were never spoken (written?)

  19. I have to say that it's so true.

  20. @ Cleora Borealis -- EVERYONE is a fan of mine, dahling. I simply CANNOT help being so ADORABLE! Hugs 'n purrz to you.

  21. Time spent anywhere there are no humans is well worth it.
    I’m ready to be that forest witch Lol

  22. No, never wasted. Mine takes up a lovely bit of space.

  23. Never wasted? Clearly you have not had to deal with cats mewling at you incessantly for their second set of treats that day, despite them knowing full well that (a) you would like to concentrate or at least have some peace, and (b) them knowing that treat time is a full two hours away. Oh the pain.

    Yes, I think it would be delightful if you donated this piece to Cleora Borealis, even if she is misguided about HRH.

  24. @ Old Lurker -- Believe me, back in the day HRH's tireless ability to nag, cajole and hound for extra gushy food would have made Dudo and Moose look like rank amateurs! And oddly enough, even a moment of my time was ever wasted.

  25. @ Old Lurker -- No need to be JEALOUS, dearheart. I love you TOO. Hugs 'n purrz always.

  26. Add Mark Twain's name to that quote.

  27. Good one for cat lovers. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a nice weekend.

  28. oh those crazy cats! What would we do without them?

  29. That cat looks quite pleased with itself :)

  30. Deb, that is a very sweet piece of art. I wonder if HRH agrees with the sentiment?


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