Friday 27 September 2024

Cranky, Grumpy, Bitchy


  1. I have a very old Charlie Brown/Lucy cartoon on my fridge where Charlie says to Lucy “ you were born crabby, you’re crabby now, and you’ll be crabby for the rest of your life.” That’s me.

  2. OMG- I love this----everyone has days like that and for some people they ALWAYS have a day like that. Cheer up-you're too funny to be crabby! Love ya, kiddo- Diana

  3. it Monday already?

    The one about dipping into reserves could easily be meant for me, lol!!!!

  4. ...keep your light shining.

  5. Reading these, improved my outlook for the day.

  6. The rabbit giving the snarling wolf fair warning!!

  7. Very appropriate, as I'm having quite the day.

  8. Hahahaha
    This is literally me every Monday. EVERY. MONDAY.


  9. I have the same problem with my insurance. These are all memorable.

  10. I soooo relate to the one about spiritual teachings reminding me not to lose it, LOL. The one about not out bitching me also strikes a cord.

  11. I hope that you are feeling more sunshiny today, Debra. I laughed at all of these. I'm sure Terry could relate to the bunny-wolf one ~ lol. I'm the bunny, of course, on a really bad day. Happy weekend!

  12. Gurl ... What's not to like about any of these? Sorry you're having a bitchfest and the moon isn't even full anymore! Ah yes ... this too shall pass! Have another glass of wine🍷!

  13. Nice bunny! "That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!" 🤣🤣 I would go on, Debra, but you would catch me in a misquote from "MP and the HG" and I can't handle that on a Friday! Besides, I have to go and change my armor!! 💩

  14. Betty David looks like she's gonna cut a bitch. These are all so great. Thanks for the smile.

  15. That Rabbit was me this morning...snarling and read to mow down anything in my way. I found a way out of the grumps....

  16. No one could out bitch Bette Davis. All of these are great.


  17. Ahhhh the mood just trying to live in this world puts you in.
    I used to blame menopause, but honestly I just think it’s people in general
    Yes evil queen is definitely a possibility

  18. I am leaning hard on those spiritual teaching some days.

  19. I inflicted the Google meme on my daughter several years ago when she insisted that New York state was part of New England, and I told her it was part of the Northeast.

    It was such a goooood feeling watching my teenage daughter meltdown afterwards.

  20. A good chuckle for the end of the day. Thank you!

  21. The last one. Oh, yes, that's the catch.

  22. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.... I can entirely relate to the bunny with the snarling and gnashing of teeth, though less so since going through menopause, LOL!

  23. My problem is that if I get riled up and tackle someone about something I end up apologising! An appropriate post as Maggie Smith, queen of the withering look and put-down, has died.

  24. When we get to a certain age the GAF factor kicks in, We have done it, we have been there, and we don't need your approval.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  25. Slap someone through the Internet. lol.

  26. OMG! These are perfect! I feel like I should post some of them on my front door as a warning...

  27. how do you do this? Find the best stuff consistently?? You are the goddess!!! LOVE the last one.. my insurance doesnt cover those meds.

  28. oh my all made me laugh loud dear friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks for transforming my day


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