Monday, 24 February 2025

I Fear For Ukraine. And For The West, Quite Frankly.

Three years ago today, Russia invaded Ukraine. The brutal war has taken a heavy toll and that toll is not over yet. I'm sickened by the whole one-sided "peace negotiation" farce going on between Trump and Putin, with Ukraine excluded from any meaningful participation.

Having already been rebuffed about his attempted extortion of Ukraine's mineral rights, Trump is now clearly spreading Russian lies with great glee as he prepares to betray Ukraine.

It's obvious that the USA can no longer be viewed or trusted as an ally by anyone in the West. NATO, Canada and Europe must protect themselves because they will be next in Trump's cross-hairs. It also seems clear to me that Trump and Putin have entered an alliance like Hitler and Stalin did before World War II. None of this bodes well.


  1. I'm embarrassed and ashamed to be an American.

    1. Same. That's why I'm working on Canadian citizenship. I just can't with America or Americans anymore.

  2. It's a sad commentary that is for sure. When they first met I kept thinking, "Zelenski, DON'T TRUST HIM." And per usual, add another one to the list to get backstabbed. Without the US now, and the two great evil dictators together, there will be nothing left of Ukraine. And the only reason the dump wants Canada and Greenland is to drill and mine for minerals...who's he kidding.

  3. I fear for the world. Drumpf and his idiot posse (or I should say Skum and his idiot toady) must be stopped.

  4. ...these are treacherous times.

  5. Your last paragraph breaks my heart.
    Don't get me wrong, I completely agree, but look at what has been done in our names by a traitorous rapist and a ketamine addicted immigrant.
    I hope We The People can stop this.

  6. I wonder if it was putin who put the bug in trump's ear about the ukrainian minerals, because we didn't hear anything about that until after trump talked with putin. They are both despots.

  7. I am glad to be CANADIAN and to live in a peaceful country. Trump has given us a good shake up but we see what he wants. That is our strongest weapon. We will fight back strategically. We could cut off water oil electricity, fertilizer etc. to USA. We don’t want to but don’t push us donny dumbbell . The majority of people did not vote for his nutzy actions, so go after your senators. I never thought this crazy could happen to our good neighbours to the south. Gigi

  8. I couldn't agree more ~

  9. The USA's betrayal of the West has also empowered the imperialistic ambitions of China, Israel, India and some African countries. The Five Eyes intelligence system of Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Britain is also badly compromised as a result of the US now being an untrustworthy ally. I wish I could wake up from this nightmare.

  10. You can't negotiate peace without everyone at the table.

  11. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦✊️ Slava Ukraini! (Glory to Ukraine!) Heroiam Slava! (Glory to the Heroes!) ✊️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ The biggest hero continues to be Zelenskyy! He refuses to sign away his country's wealth and natural resources without real security promises and membership in NATO...and yesterday he offered himself for his people. He will resign in exchange for security and membership in NATO! ✊️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‘
    AND, yesterday Germany elected a leader who has openly stated his goal of strengthening Europe against the weakness of #47 and his capitulation to Putin!! Poor Sphincter Face, his Nazi Oligarch, and Pet VP...Germany did not elect their far-right Nazi buddies!! 🀣🀣

  12. To be honest with leadership elected like this I have sensed the upcoming suffering sadly
    Both have common interests and share similar views unfortunately and both occupy highly sensitive positions ,how massively frightening

  13. Trump is the worst piece of trash our nation has ever elected.

  14. I am sad to say that I am an American and I thought about getting a Canadian Flag, Mexican Flag, and a Ukrainian Flag to fly in my yard just to name a few.
    Our king wanna be and his insane followers are dangerous and we shall face some hard times.

  15. It's sickening. Literally sickening. We are frightened and horrified.

  16. enough to make you weep - i think it goes without saying that nobody can rely on USA as a partner in any conventional sense..... and in fact it does show that it's dangerous to over-rely on any single party on the world stage.... but what do i know

  17. Sadly and with a heavy heart, I agree with all you've written here.

  18. "It also seems clear to me that Trump and Putin have entered an alliance like Hitler and Stalin did before World War II"

    It's actually a lot closer to the alliance between Vidkun Quisling and Hitler, sadly....

  19. He will sell us out to the Russians was often said; now it comes true.

  20. I suspect that his next great friend and colleague will be Xi Jinping.

  21. It does not bode well. Trump is disgusting enough on his own!

  22. The entire thing is just horrendous and sad.

  23. Lazy Americans have caused this. only about half voted in the last election. So only 25% of Americans voted for tRUMP. Hardly a mandate.
    I remember as far back as two years ago Ukraine's minerals being talked about. That's what Russia is after.

  24. Oh, Mango Mussolini has always been Vlad's puppet. Apparently it goes back to the seventies, when he was 'recruited'.
    I think Zelenskyy is such a fantastic leader, that I was disappointed when he offered to step down from the presidency if peace is achieved. There goes Cheeto's accusation that Zelenskyy is a 'dictator'. As always, it's projection.

    If the EU and other countries do not step up, Ukraine is going to be in trouble and the world will follow....


  25. I am not ashamed to be an American. I am ashamed and sickened by the so called Americans who voted for this asswipe again. I am ashamed and sickened by president musk and his sidekick who has been russia's butt buddy since the 80's. I am ashamed and sickened by the treachery, the lies, the bullying that these men think is their right.

  26. I agree 100%. He is not only harming others but Americans as well. I feel like I must apologize for being American. I'm so sorry. I did not vote for this piece of shit or Elon musk.

  27. I know. You're right. Too damn scary. Hugs across the border.

  28. Codex: Are you surprised? What did people think was going to happen?

  29. This country grows increasingly isolated. The prime minister of France today corrected Trump on his Ukraine lies.

    1. @ Joanne Noragon -- Yes, I saw that footage on the news! The Orange Menace did not look pleased at being corrected about his bald-faced lie.

    2. And that is what is needed... his lies to be publicly called out. I have never been so ashamed to be an American.

  30. It is such a sad state of affairs

  31. I'm exhausted of the matter, and what is happening 😧

  32. He’s even stabbed Australia with tariffs and our government has always done what the USA has wanted. yes definitely feels like we have been here before. I hope and pray we are wrong

    1. Unfortunately, I don’t think we are wrong. Look what has already happened in international waters just of our coast. Today they are near Tasmania. And I heard today that appears they are circumnavigating Australia, on their way to W.A. Can’t rely on the US anymore.

  33. Sadly you are right. And, as the Mayor of Kyjiw, Vitali Klitschko, said years ago, Putin is a sick man. And who knows, GDR might be back for us, we are not far away. And now with his bestie, that ugly, greedy orange man... it gets scary. How people listen to his lies is beyond my understanding.

  34. The American oligarchy appear to care more about securing mineral rights than about Ukraine's war dead, its displaced people and the many injustices it has suffered under the direction of a new Russian tyrant. Refusing to reprimand Russia at The United Nations yesterday was horrendous.

  35. koo-doughz to macaroon yesserday pointing owt dee liez coming owt ovva dee creepy boobz mouf

  36. It is shameful to know that there are so many delusional and hateful people out there thinking that all of this is okay.

  37. Sometimes I'm glad I'm the age I am because I fear for the future of the world.

  38. So sad and scary state of affairs that we find ourselves in... I'm glad I'm old. Nothing good can come of this. I don't remember seeing musk's name on the ballot and Trumps shouldn't have been.. Everybody's afraid of him and they just roll over. Power and money are taking their toll...

  39. I’m watching open mouthed in the UK
    I CANNOT UNDERSTAND this is happening

  40. Only 64% of us voted..We have no one to blame but ourselves..

  41. The average American never reads a newspaper or watch anything but Russian propaganda TV -- Social Media is their life. Average voter probably never heard of 'Project 2025' so here we are. But the thing that disgusts me the most is how his sycophants in Congress bow down to his every whim. I call them all Hitler's generals. Krushchev was right: USA will be destroyed from within.

  42. I really can't handle this country anymore. Zelenskyy is a hero and we should be supporting Ukraine and anyone else who takes on Russia. Everything that's happening right now is making me sick.

  43. Even most of us Americans don't Trust this Regime, so we wouldn't expect any of our Allies to.

  44. I can't even believe what's going on, I hope Ukraine gets enough aide from the world to ignore hwmnbn, and they find a place in nato

  45. I agree with everyone of the sad/stupid opinions about the US I live in.

  46. It`s sad... and some comments too. We need peace!


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