Friday 27 July 2012

Cat Olympics Start Today!

I received an email this morning from my runaway cat, Her Royal Highness --

Hello, human! I made it safely to London, England and now I'm here at the Olympic CATletes Village, settling in and getting to know all the other cats representing their countries of origin. There are SO many of them! Russian Blues, Maine Coons, Siamese, Norwegian Forest Cats, Persians, Scottish Folds, Egyptian Mau, Bengals, etc. etc.

Don't you just love the 2012 Cat Olympics logo? The lion may be the symbol of Great Britain but it also means that ALL cats are lions at heart. I know I certainly am.

Watch for me on TV tonight at the Opening Ceremonies, okay? I'll try to claw a cameraman's leg as I go by so he'll look down at me with the camera.

Tootles for now! Your cat, HRH.

I wonder what event(s) HRH will be competing in? I've never seen her doing anything around here that was particularly athletic or even a little strenuous . . . hmmm.


  1. Is lying in the sun an Olympic sport? How about hacking up a furball? I'm not all that big on the human Olympics but I would sure like to see HRH bring home the gold for Canada in the Cat Olympics! Go HRH Go!!!

  2. I'll look for her. I bet the competition is how still a cat can be for the longest amount of time.

  3. How about the long stretch...surely that will be worth a gold!

  4. I bet she will compete in gymnastics.

  5. I believe "Bat-A-Mouse" is a major competition. Go, HRH!

  6. I vote for hacking up fur balls in the strangest places. Miss Minga will go somewhere where it is difficult for me to reach and hack away. Is this a conspiracy?

  7. You have to admit it is nice she has found a life beyond the old litter box and scratching post! Her? Compete? I think she is there as one of those fabulous spectors, in a private box, with unlimited cat nip inspired cock-a-tails! Probably dining on caught canaries.

  8. I'll bet she is gonna be great in the circling the bowl and letting the human know she's hungry event, and I bet she's a shoe in for best pose as she cleans her bum. I know Sunny Bunny could compete in the best bitchnmoan event and Cybella would do well in the hissnspit.
    Will be looking for HRH in the opening ceremony. Oma

  9. Channel your inner lion HRH!

  10. So so cool - and here's hoping for a glorious wonderful cat-yoga judge captivating stretch!
    such a cool post - love it!

  11. My goodness she is such an adventuress. She will win gold for sure!

  12. Maybe there's a sleep competition. She may get a gold medal for champion sleeper. Perhaps I should enroll my own (royal) cats. With the amount of sleep they do, they stand a good chance of winning. They don't do much ELSE.

  13. I'm sure napping is a sport.

  14. I suppose the events are tree climbing, mouse chasing and sleeping.

  15. That would be absolute fun....

  16. YRH will be the top attraction, I'm sure. All the other athletes better watch out. It makes it much more interesting when kitties are competing.

  17. gold, schmold... the damn things are about 1% gold, 95% silver, and the rest a mix of copper/brass and other metals, with a face value of some $900 US, approx the same as one oz of pure gold....

    i'm almost sure hrh would prefer somewhere away from the hustle, close to bowls of tuna, caviar and fresh, cold water...

  18. CNN Headline: "Queen declares games open."

    I knew HRH would make a splash. Let the games begin!

  19. I wonder if HRH will favour us with the Royal Wave as the camera pans her way :)

  20. I had absolutely no interest in watching the olympics ...until now. Studying, studying....studying the crowd in search of a well played paw or a perfectly timed tail swat.

  21. I think I saw her chasing those damn Corgi's down the Palace hallway.

  22. This is too cute! Maybe if she gets some catnip, she will be doing track and field or soccer? ;o)

  23. I bet your cat is good at fencing, catmitten, catathalon, and tai-cat-do

  24. I'll keep a look out for HRH. I'm not in London any more but she might sneak down the coast for a spot of sunbathing on the yachts.

  25. Drat! I knew I should've recorded the opening ceremony......


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