Saturday 28 July 2012

HRH versus HRH

Holy moly, is my cat Her Royal Highness ever pissed off! As she wrote me in her latest email:

Grrrrr, I could just claw that bloody Betty Windsor right now! Why can't she ever let someone else have a bit of glory? My Olympic Stadium entrance with the rest of the CATletes was COMPLETELY upstaged by that shameless attention hog and her spectacular entrance! And really, at her age, what is she thinking -- carrying on with James Bond like that? *tsk tsk*

Oh dear, I hope HRH calms down enough to compete in her events. My HRH, I mean, not the other HRH, of course. Damn, all these abbreviated honorifics are getting confusing!

[Hi everyone -- I've tried to embed the actual video twice now but that darn BBC keeps asserting copyright to remove it from YouTube and therefore by extension from my blog . . . the noive! So these mere photos will have to do, alas.]


  1. I'll take James Bond if the two HRHs don't want him......

  2. I'll bet HRH is feeling slightly shaken and stirred after that entrance!!

  3. Hahaha...too funny! And she jumped with her purse :)

    Poor HRH; can't seem to get a break.

    Oh my...Daniel Bond....makes me weak at the knees [sigh]

  4. I hope she doesn't try to outdo the Queen! I'm not even sure if it's possible to one up jumping out of a helicopter with James Bond.

  5. Poor HRH (yours), I know it must be hard to take old Betty Windsor's flying act and not be ruffled. I'm not sure about all that high flying humor anyway. tee hee

  6. I'm surprised she's not pissed at the dogs!

  7. video's not working...(fix it!!!! please) i'll be back!

  8. Aw, poor HRH. And here I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her on the evening news. By the way, the video doesn't work.

  9. she is the coolest old broad I know.

  10. LOL! Jane, good one! Poor, poor Kitty HRH. Just remain calm and carry on!

  11. The feline HRH has noting to worry about where her fans are concerned. No ONE can upstage her and tell her we're all rooting for her and to kick some royal behind!

  12. Her (furry) Royal Highness, I understand your preoccupations and bitchiness (by the way, can a cat be bitchy?). How could she? You've worked for this for long hours in front of the TV, it is just not fair.

    Um... for a second, I thought that bit of dark on the lower right corner of the parachute was you *sigh*

  13. Oh too funny! I have a lot of catching up to do over here! **kisses** Deb

  14. connery, sean connery... the ONLY bond! :P

    hrh... shudda stayed home, for all the attention y`re getting in ol blighty! ;)

  15. Betty Windsor made me laugh and laugh and laugh!

  16. He looks like a deer in the headlights!

  17. I tell you, the queen made me proud to be British yesterday. Just don't tell HRH--I'd like to stay on her good side.

  18. Those dogs displayed some extra cuteness that went beyond the call of duty.

    And I wonder what the Queen carries in her purse? ;-)

  19. Ha! I've been away, but I recorded it, going to watch it now!

  20. LOL! I feel sorry for your HRH! Tell her to keep purring and keep her head up high ;o)

  21. I am loving this serialized aventure of HRH. I think you've found your niche, Wilma.

    I too loved the idea of Daniel Craig and the Queen but they played it safe. So high a concept deserved a full retard of an execution.

  22. Are entirely sure that our furry HRH didn't somehow sneak into the Queen's purse?

  23. Betty Windsor....too funny!!!


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