Wednesday 26 September 2012

It's Now or Never, Ye Swabs

'Tis the final day to enter me Piratical Swag Giveaway, all ye last-minute procrastinators and ne'er-do-wells. Click here if ye have the guts.

Captain Jack Sparrow hisself will be makin' the draw so be on yer best behaviour or ye'll soon be gettin' the Black Spot slipped under yer door.


  1. I'm already in, but Jack Sparrow could slip himself in my door any time he likes!

  2. I insist that me award gets given to me by Orlando Bloom not by that smelly lookin' Sparrow buccaneer!

  3. Choked on my pumpkin donut! Johnny and Orlando at the same time! Most unexpected. I think I entered already, gawd, me brain is all a flutter-like.

  4. oh no! Not the dreaded BLACK SPOT!!!!!

  5. wot?

    no keel haulin?

    what kinda punk pirate ye be? :P lol

  6. Oh I do like Captain Jack! On the rocks please and thank you.
    ♥♥♥ Deb

  7. OMG!!! My heart stopped seeing Johnny! Having hot sweats! LOL!


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