Monday 24 September 2012

Bouncy Stonehenge

So have you heard about Bouncy Stonehenge?

Oh yes, technically its name is "Sacrilege" and yes, technically it's an art installation by the Turner-award-winning British artist Jeremy Deller, but because it is inflatable, interactive and moveable, everyone simply calls it "Bouncy Stonehenge." It has been making the rounds this summer in the United Kingdom, attracting attention and fun-loving kids wherever it goes.

The rules for enjoying Bouncy Stonehenge are simple and obvious -- but notice how they snuck rule #7 in there . . . .

And if all this is not fun enough, Bouncy Stonehenge now has its own catchy theme song by British singer-comedian Mitch Benn. See if you can get this ditty out of your head after hearing it! And did you catch its reference to the original Wicker Man movie starring Edward Woodward? (one of my all-time favourite movies but only the British director's cut, not the censored hack job that got released in the U.S.A.)

There are rumours that Bouncy Stonehenge may tour internationally and that Canada may be a possible destination! Yay!

[Arrr, forget this sissy fun, ye swabs, and instead go enter me Piratical Swag Giveaway if ye have not done so already -- click here -- X marks the spot!]


  1. No human sacrifice. Well that leaves me out.

    Yeah, the tune is stuck in my head. And I heard the Ed Wood reference, great film btw!

  2. Makes you wonder what happened to make them feel they had to put number seven in, doesn't it!

  3. Now I want a bouncy stonehedge? How can I live without a bouncy stonehedge?

  4. No bags??? do they mean ole bags? that leaves me out...

  5. no animals? You mean HRH cannot bounce there?

  6. If that song gets stuck in my head, you're in trouble Debra!

    Please let this come to the States, please!! I've been to England twice and didn't get a chance to visit Stonehedge - this could be it!! I promise no sacrifices will take place.

    Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy...DEBRA!!! =P

  7. I wonder if it will come to Toronto???? So fun! I'd go bounce.

  8. no human fun at all!

  9. I was expecting it to be made out of boobs. I can't help but be a little disappointed. Sigh.

  10. That tune is real ear worm! OMG!
    Blow up sheep.... LOL
    Did you see The Wicker Tree? A sequel to the Wicker Man.

  11. No human sacrifice...that's no fun. Which reminds me of a story .. many years ago my priest (episcopalian) said I wouldn't make a good druid because of human sacrifice. I looked at him and said, "I don't know. I know a few humans who should be sacrificed." Episcopaganbuddhist bouncing away........

  12. This. Is. Awesome.

    If I could bounce in Stonehenge while Kate Bush blasted over the airwaves... heart palpitations!

  13. It looks like fun. I'd have to "accompany" a few under 12's!

  14. LOL! This is too funny. Do you think the Druids approve?
    I only saw the bad version of Edward Woodward's Wicker Man (apparently). I did not know there was a better one.

  15. I'm not sure what to make of this. On one hand, its a clever idea, but on the other, it sort of takes away the mysical mystery of the original.

  16. Having been to the real Stonehenge, this one looks like way more fun. With the real one, you can't even get inside the fence....

    And no human sacrifice? Well, that's a shame ;)

  17. Why won't they allow human sacrifice? That's a bunch of crap! What's the point of a bouncy Stonehenge if there is no sacrifice? Or shoes?

  18. I had the song on for 8 seconds before I turned it off. I need a nap now.

  19. I want to bounce. Oh wait, in my dotage, parts of me do. **happy smiles** Deb

  20. I love that sign! What a fun place to visit and bounce!

  21. Yeah, but it will probably go the West Edmonton Mall. How bouncey fair will that be? Bouncey bounceybouncey bouncey bouncey bouncey bouncey bouncey bouncey unfair!!

  22. WOW!!! That is awesome!!! I would totally take my nephew there... though I might hold out for the bouncy Sphinx?

  23. Hey Jeanne -- Thanks for bringing "The Wicker Tree" to my attention! I must find a way to rent it!

    Hey Robin -- The censored U.S. version cut out all the sexual scenes and one in particular was absolutely CENTRAL to the plot. See the British cut, if you can!

    Hey Francie -- I'd love it if Bouncy Stonehenge came to West Edmonton Mall. I only live 10 minutes away!

  24. Hahahahaha...human sacrifice!!! You gotta love that they put that in.

    I loved the video! It has a tune that will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day...ARGH!

  25. I can't stop laughing Debra! I want to go bounce now! LOL! Hugs ;o)

  26. Maybe Halifax will see this?!

  27. Oh my good grief.......I love it. I love the bouncy, bouncy, bouncy times 23 druid song cemented in my brain. This is in the same social vein as the polyresin resurrection play set we found last year at Hobby Lobby. It was all we could do not to buy one just for grins and giggles for the kids, ya know.

  28. why is that clown allowed to bring his dog in there, contrary to 'rules'?

    few seconds in, got OUT of the damn video...

  29. Wouldn't it be awesome if the original stonehenge was found already with the bouncy bouncy add-on? xD

  30. You mean I can't gut the person who wrote the rules to the Inflatable Gods of Rubber and Blow-Up Sheep? What a drag.

    Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy... that will be in my head all day. I'm happy and delightful, too!

  31. Shoot......If I can't make a sacrifice.....I'm not going to participate!!! (O:


  32. Yay..totally magicl! how cool is that!..and woah..catchy tune! LOL!
    Thanks for the smiles!

  33. well that's the best bouncy thing I have ever saw, the song, not so much, lol, I haven't saw the British version of the wickerman, I would think its very scary and I'm a chicken @#$%

  34. That is too cool Debra. Not sure if it's better than Catacombs Water Park in France or Rock-n-Roll Gettysburg in the US, but still cool.

  35. Glad they clarified the part about no human sacrifice...although that kinds of spoils the fun, don't you think? ;)

  36. It'd be better if they allowed sacrifices, but if it comes my way, I'm going bouncing!

  37. Oh my gosh! That is just too goofy!

  38. No human sacrifice? Way to take the fun out of the bouncy Stonehenge! Who am I kidding? Nothing could take the fun out of bouncy Stonehenge.

  39. I saw this last year and my crew....who has been joking about a "bouncy abbey" ever since we built ours....was delighted to see that....just maybe, it might happen...if I win the lottery.

    This is an awesome idea!!



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